How to Prepare for NTA JEE Mains Without Coaching?

JEE Main 2019 by NTA
How to prepare for JEE Main by NTA along Boards

The IIT – PAL designed for helping students to prepare for JEE Advanced Exam to be extended and made available through the SWAYAM portal – Shri Prakash Javadekar, Ministry of Human Resource Development. The SWAYAM PRABHA is a group of 32 DTH channels devoted to telecasting of high-quality educational programmes on 24X7 basis using the GSAT-15 satellite. Every day, there will be new content for at least (4) hours which would be repeated 5 more times in a day, allowing the students to choose the time of their convenience. The channels are uplinked from BISAG, Gandhinagar. The contents are provided by NPTEL, IITs, UGC, CEC, IGNOU, NCERT and NIOS. The INFLIBNET Centre maintains the web portal.

Latest Update:

The DTH Channels shall cover the following:

  • a).Higher Education: Curriculum-based course contents at a post-graduate and undergraduate level covering diverse disciplines such as arts, science, commerce, performing arts, social sciences and humanities, engineering, technology, law, medicine, agriculture, etc. All courses would be certification-ready in their detailed offering through SWAYAM, the platform being developed for offering MOOCs courses.
  • b)School education (9-12 levels): modules for teacher’s training as well as teaching and learning aids for children of India to help them understand the subjects better and also help them in preparing for competitive examinations for admissions to professional degree programmes.
  • c)Curriculum-based courses that can meet the needs of life-long learners of Indian citizens in India and abroad.
  • d)Assist students (class 11th & 12th) prepare for competitive exams.
  • link for IIT Pal:

Preparation for NTA JEE Mains Without Coaching

Entrance examinations are the standard measure to test a candidate’s suitability for a programme or any post. These exams are found almost in every field. Some qualifying examinations can be given after 10th, 12th and some after graduation. Some take months to practice while others demand years of practice. Now we will be discussing JEE MAIN 2020 conducted by National Testing Agency. As per new changes, the JEE Main exams will not be conducted by CBSE whereas from 2019 many other national level examination will be conducted by National Testing Agency.

JEE, it is considered to be one of the toughest entrance exams in India. Joint Entrance Examination or (JEE) is an all India common engineering entrance examination conducted for admission to various engineering Colleges/Courses in India. The test takes place in 2 stages – JEE Main 2020 and the JEE Advanced.

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National Testing Agency: The government of India, union cabinet headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave green signal to the formation of NTA, National Testing Agency will help the country in standardising the entrance test and replace CBSE for conducting entrance test.

How to Prepare for NTA JEE Mains Without Coaching?

Now starting with the first step towards your success you should know what you need to study. These will be the steps which will keep you on the right track. Starting preparing without knowing the syllabus and the pattern can be severe loss of time. So you should know the whole syllabus and subjects you are appearing for. Now, Make a strategy and Build a good timetable and follow it religiously. Remember that, the Systematic study is more crucial than random concept studies. Now starting with the preparation, With approximately six months left for the exam to be conducted, it’s important for students to utilize each day effectively.

  • Keep Away from Social Media: Any aspirant who is serious about their studies must stay try to keep away from the social media distractions such as Facebook and Mobile distractions like Whatsapp for this 1 year, but you could always Join useful groups and you can take help from Google also. It helps a great deal in preparation. Also, try to avoid unnecessary outings with a group of friends. You need to be motivated throughout the year. Do not lose the vision and focus of your Goal!
  • Give time for Sports: After you have invested serious hours of studies, you deserve a little time for yourself. Take breaks between studies. Engage in your favourite sport/activity to keep you fit.
  • 12th Class Board Preparation:  Give at least 40% time for Board exam preparation. A smart student will know that to get a high rank in JEE Mains 2020 also weightage will be given to board exams merit. So, it is crucial to scoring well in class XII board exams. To do so, you will have to devote a good amount of time preparing for all the five subjects in your board exams.
  • Online Practice: Practice at least 50 objective questions each day. Attempt to solve at least 25 multiple choice questions each of two subjects every day while preparing for board exams simultaneously.
  • Stay Motivated: One other factor that may also lead you feels a little unmotivated sometimes because you don’t have the right books as preparation material. Do not pick books which have complicated sentence formation. Easy to read is easy to get. The names of the books are written on the last page of this article.

Though, it all depends on person to person in context with the pace of the student. You can make the month-wise study plan to help yourselves and it is beneficial for students who have just kicked off their preparation for JEE Main 2020 and will be taking the exam along with their board examinations.

September to November: Approx 3 Months          

It is recommended that students must complete the syllabus of JEE Main which is in class 12th up to November. This will be beneficial for both the examinations as they have to take care of boards along with JEE Main.

  1. Physics
  2. Chemistry
  • Students should complete the following topics within three months
  • Approximately one month and 10 days are required for the following topics:
  • One Month is required for the following topics:

-d & f block elements


-Coordination Compounds


  • An entire month is required for:

– Organic Chemistry along with Biomolecules and Polymers

  1. Math:

Following topics must be covered within two months that is up to October-November:

  1. Limit, Continuity
  2. Differentiation
  3. Application of Derivative
  4. Integral
  5. Application of Integral
  6. Vector
  7. 3 D
  8. Determinant
  9. Matrix
  10. Linear Programming
  11. Probability

December to Mid-January:

Students should give focus on the Class 11th part, the subject wise topics are mentioned here:

  1. Physics:
  • Mechanics
  • Heat
  • Waves
  1. Chemistry:
  • Atomic Structure
  • Gaseous state
  • Equilibrium: Chemical and Ionic
  • Energetics
  • Periodic Table
  • Chemical Equilibrium


  • Complete Coordinate Geometry
  • Permutation & Combination
  • Statistics
  • Complex Number
  • Quadratic Equation
  • Progression

Mid-January to March End:

  • During these months, students need to give complete focus on Board Preparation, see the pattern of writing question paper as per board pattern. You should also draw diagrams and charts wherever necessary for effective explanation. Learn everything carefully and write in a precise manner.
  • It is advised that students of class 12th should give more focus on class 12thtopics which are part of JEE-Main so that their board preparation doesn’t get affected.

The books which you should study for JEE Main 2020 Preparation are:

For Mathematics

  • NCERT Mathematics
  • Maths: RD Sharma, RS Agarwal
  • 40 Days JEE Main 2020 Mathematics by seventh

For Physics

  • NCERT Physics

For Chemistry

  • NCERT Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry by O P Tandon

Apart from this, taking care of your health is the most important concern. So, plan gaps between studies, refresh your mind, don’t take the pressure, be positive and sleep enough.

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