Tips and Tricks to prepare for UPESEAT 2020, UPES

Tips and Tricks to prepare for UPESEAT 2020
Tips and Tricks to prepare for UPESEAT 2020

UPESEAT 2020 Application Form has been commenced Online for 2020 session. UPESEAT, or Admission Test for Entrance to the University of Petroleum and Energy Sciences, B.Tech Courses is conducted every year by College of Engineering Studies, UPES. UPES is one of the premier universities in India. Syllabus for UPESEAT is generally similar to that of JEE Main. Candidates should be well prepared with the basics taught in Class 12th in order to crack UPESEAT. For some necessary tips and tricks, candidates can see the article below

Latest Update: UPESEAT 2020 Application Form has been commenced Online for 2020 session. Click here to check >> UPESEAT 2021 Eligibility Criteria details.

How to prepare for UPESEAT 2020?

  • Syllabus for UPESEAT is similar to that of JEE Main and other National Level Engineering Examination. Candidates preparing for that Examination will find it relatively easy.
  • Candidates should properly understand the concepts in NCERT. There will be direct questions from the concepts, mostly formulae based, thus candidates should prepare accordingly.
  • Candidates should make the timetable such that they can finish the syllabus on time.
  • Apart from Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, questions from English and Current affairs are also asked. Candidates should not ignore it completely and should practice properly. Some of the questions are very easy and can be used to perform better.
  • Aspirants will need speed and precision to solve UPESEAT efficiently. They will have to solve 200 questions in 3 hours duration.
  • Candidates should solve various sample question papers following the time constraint and analyse their performance after every test.
  • Candidates should also be careful about the weightage of each topic in the last year’s paper and read accordingly. Coordinate Geometry is one of the key concepts which have been asked extensively in UPESEAT and thus should be given more emphasis.
  • Candidates will have to cover a lot of syllabi, thus it is essential to have proper time allocated for revision.
  • There is no provision of negative marking. Candidates should be fast enough to attempt all the 200 questions in order to maximize their score. This can be done by solving more sample papers.

Important Points To Prepare For UPESEAT

  • Candidates are advised to focus on JEE Main. The syllabus is the same for Examination like JEE Main, BITSAT, etc. Candidates will have to only solve some test papers to get an idea of UPESEAT examination.
  • Candidate can join a coaching centre. By doing so, they can clear their doubts efficiently and manage their time as well.
  • Candidates should also be careful about their health, it is important to be physically and mentally fit during preparation.
  • Candidates should try to adapt themselves to the examination conditions and read for almost 3 hours without any breaks. This improves the efficiency of the candidate and helps them to be active for a longer time.
  • Candidates should also practise the technique to eliminate wrong answers and take a calculated guess to reach the right answer. As there is no negative marking, candidates can attempt all the questions. Having such tricks in the pocket can come in handy at times.

Important Books For UPESEAT 2020

Name of the Book Author
Concepts of Physics (Set of 2 Volume) H C Verma
Problems In General Physics I E Irodov
Handbook of Physics Nipendra Bhatnagar
Chapter-wise Topic-wise Solved Papers of Mathematics for Engineering Entrances B.L. Sharma
Problems In Mathematics with Hints and Solutions V. Govorov, P. Dybov, N. Miroshin, S. Smirnova
Problems in Physical Chemistry Narendra Awasthi
Advanced Problems in Organic Chemistry M. S. Chouhan
General Aptitude Theory and Practice Anand Kumar, Ajay Kumar
General Aptitude: Quantitative Aptitude & Reasoning GKP
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations R S Aggarwal


Candidates can easily prepare for UPESEAT with sheer focus and organised the schedule. Candidate should give importance to understanding all the concepts and practice a lot of questions. Candidates can see more details regarding UPESEAT on EntranceZone.

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  1. I read this blog and found that the tips given here are really effective. They cover all the aspects related to entrance exam preparation. i feel that these would help me to crack the entrance exam.Thanks for sharing