Top 5 Engineering Entrance Exam apart from JEE Main 2021 | India

Top 5 Engineering Entrance Exam apart from JEE Main
Top 5 Engineering Entrance Exam apart from JEE Main

Top 5 Engineering Entrance Exam apart from JEE Main 2021: JEE Main is considered to be the most prestigious and competitive examination in the country for selection in various Engineering Institute. Around 1.3 million candidates write JEE Main every year. Students start preparing for JEE Main after Class 10th. Most of the candidates don’t even know about other equally important entrance tests which are held in India. A candidate aspiring to pursue Engineering as a career should know about the following examination as well. They can see the details about various other Engineering Entrance Exam which are held in India apart from JEE Main.

Important Engineering Entrance Exam apart from JEE Main 2021

Find the list of Top Engineering Entrance Examination In India.

BITSAT (Bits Admission Test):

BITS Pilani is one of the most premier institutes in India for pursuing Engineering. It is always considered in league with some of the top IITs. BITSAT is the Online Engineering Entrance Exam conducted by BITS Pilani for admission into various Undergraduate courses on its three campuses: Pilani, Hyderabad, and Goa.

  • BITSAT is of 450 marks. It consists of 150 questions from Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, English and Logical Reasoning.
  • BITSAT 2021 Admission Form will be of Rs. 3150/-.
  • Around 2500 students are selected out of 3 Lakh students that give the examination.
  • BITS Admission Official Website.

VITEEE (VIT Engineering Entrance Examination)

VIT University is another prestigious private university that conducts its entrance examination known as VITEEE. It conducts an online-based Engineering entrance exam for selection to various Engineering courses in Vellore and Chennai Campus.

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  • VITEEE is generally of 125 marks. Each question carries 1 mark. There is no negative marking in VITEEE.
  • Candidates can take the calculative guess and implement techniques to eliminate wrong answers.
  • The difficulty level is somewhat similar to JEE Main.
  • Application Fees for this examination is Rs. 1150/-.
  • Application Forms are now available.

SRMJEEE (SRM Joint Entrance Examination)

SRM University is one of the most renowned private university in the country. It has campuses in more than 6 states. It’s known for its research-based academics and quality professionals. SRMJEE is an online-based engineering entrance exam conducted every year for selection into Undergraduate Engineering courses.

  • Around 7000 students are selected for admission in SRM University.
  • The examination is generally held in April.
  • The paper is of 315 marks. There is a total of 105 questions from physics, chemistry, and mathematics.
  • There is a provision of negative marking as well. (-1 mark for every wrong answer).

MU OET (Manipal University Open Entrance Test)

Manipal University is also one of the premier engineering institutes in India. Manipal University conducts MU OET for entrance in various courses in its different campuses. It is known for its research-based academics and scenic beauty. It has campuses in Bangalore, Sikkim, Jaipur and Mangalore.

  • It is an Online-based examination.
  • It has a total of 200 questions from Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and English. Duration is 2 Hours 30 Minutes.
  • Examination fees are Rs. 2000/-.

AEEE (Amrita Engineering Entrance Examination)

Amrita Engineering Examination or AEEE is conducted by Amrita University every year for selection into various Undergraduate Engineering courses. It is one of the best university for Engineering in India. It has campuses in Amritapuri and Bengaluru. AEEE is one of the most competitive Engineering Entrance Exam.

  • There will be a total of 100 Questions (40 from Mathematics and 30 each from Physics and Chemistry).
  • Each question will be of 3 marks. The exam is of 2 Hours 30 Minutes.


    • Devaneeta Choudhry, Dates for many examinations has been released and is published on EntranceZone.
      JEE Main : 2nd April 2017
      JEE Advanced : 21 May 2017
      SRMJEE : April 1- April 30 ( Online Mode)
      VITEE : April 5- April 16 ( Online Mode)

      Dates for BITSAT and some other examinations are yet to be announced. Many new articles have been already posted on EntranceZone website regarding the same.

    • Atharva, Cut off for theses exams vary based on the competition every year.
      BITSAT cutoff score is around 300 out of 450. To secure a seat in Computer Science you will have to score 390+ based on last year trend.
      In VITEEE, you will have to score a rank within 15000 to get into VITEEE.
      We will put up an article soon for detailed analysis of cut off scores regarding important examinations.
      Stay Tuned.

    • Devaneeta Choudhury, Details regarding each one of them has been published on EntranceZone. You can search on our website for the examination you want to enroll in and see the details regarding the same.

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