General strike on 08 January 2020: The two-day nationwide general strike has been called by Central Trade unions on 08 January 2020, which has become the reason to worry for the students appearing for JEE Main January 2020 exam schedule in these days. Due to nationwide general strike, the basic services throughout the country including railways and road transport will be affected. Students who have their exam centres away from their cities may face difficulties to reach their exam venues.
National Testing Agency (NTA) to organize JEE Main 2020 on 06-11 January (First attempt) 2020 on multiple timings. As per TOI NTA director, Vineet Joshi exclaimed that “as of now we have no plan to reschedule the exam. However, we will be holding a meeting to discuss the matter.” On the other hand, INTUC State President R. Chandrasekharan said that “This is a national strike that was announced quite early and no one had approached us with representations.” He also added that it would not be possible to postpone the dates for a strike. However, they are suggesting to change the dates of JEE Main January 2020. The General Strike announced on September has the support of almost 10 central trade unions including CITU, INTUC, AITUC, HMS, AIUTUC, TUCC, SEWA, AICCTU, LPF, UTUC, AIRF and NFIR.
Latest Update: JEE Main 2020 Admit Card has been released on 06 December 2020.

National Testing Agency (NTA) has declared that JEE Main will be conducted twice in a year i.e., JEE Main January 2020 will be conducted between 08-12 January and JEE Main April 2020, will be conducted from 06-20 April 2020. Moreover, students who are having tests on 08 January 2020 may face the problem of reaching the exam venue as due to the strike transport facilities including railways and roadways will be quiet affected.
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Precaution during General Strike on 08 January
Parents along with candidates who are going to appear in the tests are fairly worried because transportation is going to be a huge issue on the strike days. We hope that the strike is cancelled or the NTA re-schedules the JEE Main January 2020 dates escape from the inconvenience. However, if the exam or the strike dates are not adjusted, here’s what can take you through:
- Candidates travelling from far off places are advised to reach their city of test a day in advance to avoid travel-related issues.
- Also, students are advised to visit the test centre a day before the actual exam to determine factors like distance from the place you are living to the test venue and time.
- Try to reach before reporting time on the test venue centre on the day of JEE Main January 2020.
Stay tuned for more updated news about General Strike on 08 January 2020.