KIITEE 2019 Rank Predictor: Kalinga Marks Vs. Rank

KIITEEE Rank Predictor
KIITEEE Rank Predictor

KIITEE 2019 Rank Predictor is based on KIITEE B.Tech Rank Vs. Marks and Previous Cutoff Marks of 2018. KIITEE 2019 Rank Predictor helps candidates to know their expected rank against the marks scored by them in the Exam. Students can easily check their rank required for getting admission in Engineering and different courses in KIIT Deemed to be University. Rank predictor objectifies students mark obtained in each category and predict colleges respectively. Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology Admission Process is given here.

Check the score of Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology Entrance Exam here.

Different factors for KIITEE Cut off

On the basis of cut off marks, the candidates will get the admission in KIIT University. There are some important and different factors has given for candidates.

  • In the KIIT University, many of the candidates may appear for this examination.
  • Seat availability for seat allotment
  • Candidates scored the highest score and lowest score in the exam
  • Previous year cut off marks of exam
  • Annual intake under the exam
  • On the basis of candidate’s performance in exam, the rank will be prepared by KIIT University.
  • Get to know your KIITEE score by clicking here.

How to Use KIITEE Rank Predictor?

Step by step Usage of Rank Predictor:

Subscribe to Get Updated Information about KIITEE 2019 Rank Predictor: Kalinga Marks Vs. Rank

  • First and foremost, go to EntranceZone Rank Predictor.
  • Similarly, choose the KIITEE Rank Predictor tool.
  • Finally, rank predictor tool can be used by- entering necessary details such as the registered name in Application Form 2019, contact details, Registration Details, your desired branch (BE/B.Tech) & probable Rank.

KIITEE 2019 Rank Predictor- Step By Step Usage

  • Firstly, go to KIITEE 2020 Rank Predictor Here.
  • Fill all the necessary Information.
  • Along with the expected marks.
  • And, click on “Get Predicted Rank”.
  • Your probable Rank will be displayed on your screens.

KIITEE Previous Cut off marks

There are the previous cut off marks of KIITEE has given for candidates, those have scored the minimum marks as compared to closing marks, they can check the previous cut off marks from here.

KIITEE 2017 cut off marks

Sl. No. B.Tech Courses Closing Rank
1. Computer Science Engineering 5044
2. Electrical Engineering 24207
3. Electrical and Electronics Engineering 20970
4. Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering 30415
5. Electronics and Telecommunication 14233
6. Mechanical Engineering 11748
7. Mechanical Engineering (Automobile) 17648
8. Civil Engineering 29689
9. Information Technology 16614

KIITEE 2016 cut off marks

Sl. No. B.Tech Courses Closing Rank
1. Computer Science Engineering 5356
2. Electrical Engineering 12863
3. Electrical and Electronics Engineering 14376
4. Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering 17749
5. Electronics and Telecommunication 9949
6. Mechanical Engineering 5775
7. Mechanical Engineering (Automobile) 17744
8. Civil Engineering 17756
9. Information Technology 15813