Study Time Table of Toppers for JEE Main and Advanced 2023


It is never easy for a candidate to work in his/her own way to the top ranks. While the candidates are ready to face the challenges, it is always better to have proper planning of regular preparation. It will ensure that the candidate is having proper execution with a complete check of timely success. Due to the big load of the syllabus to cover, a lot of revision to be done on time and to solve sample papers and previous year papers, it is very tough to manage the time. If any candidate is facing such a problem, then the candidate should know that toppers have faced these issues too and if they can top than you can too. Candidates can easily manage such problems by making a study time table for them. Candidates are advised to check the time table of toppers who had given the exam and have scored quite well.

The JEE Main 2023 is being conducted in multiple Sessions (February/March/April/May 2023). Check JEE Main 2023 Detailed Information Here.

Study Time Table of Toppers for JEE Main and Advanced 2023

To understand how to utilize their 24 hours for JEE 2020 is very critical. With very little time left for the JEE exam, candidates can check the time table of the toppers who have proved themselves with brilliant marks.

The time table of legendary Kalpit Veerwal (the first student in history to score 360 out of 360) is given below:

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  1. Wake up at 6.
  2. Get ready by 6:45.
  3. Sit in my school bus and revise my notes / NCERT / inorganic / anything which requires reading and reach school by 7:15.
  4. 7:15-8 — Solve some homework / chat with friends / assembly.
  5. 8-1 — Classes (integrated batch).
  6. 1-1:45 — Solve my homework / study something.
  7. 1:45-2:30 — Reach home while studying in bus as in point 3.
  8. 2:30-3 — Have some food, and relax a bit.
  9. 3-5:30 — Studies (what I studied in this time varied a lot in different classes / times).
  10. 5:30-7 — Food + cricket + walk / some studies if I got some time.
  11. 7-10:30 — Studies (homework completion / self study / etc).
  12. 10:30-6 — Sleep.

On holidays, include some extra time for studies in 8–1 slot. I used to wake up at 7 or so on holidays.

It changed after my classes got over(December 2016). Which was similar to the holidays one, but included some casual movie watching/TV watching in the 8–1 slot :p, though to a very low degree as I got bored because I had no friends around at that time.”

Important Chapters For JEE Main 2020 / JEE Main 2023

Candidates should follow a strict revision and concept clearance time table with detailed syllabus with subject and chapter wise weightage.

Read Important Chapters For JEE Main 2020 / JEE Main 2023 Here.