Six thousand Engineering Colleges and India is striving for Quality Technical Education

Six thousand Engineering Colleges
Six thousand Engineering Colleges

Indian Education depends on both the Central Government and the State Governments, as per various documents of the Indian constitution note that education as Fundamental Right. Most of the Universities in India are Central Governed, State Governed or private university, Private University is two-decade old scenario only.

India’s improved the education system cited as one of the main contributors to the economic rise of India, The Private education market was 5% and value around US$40 billion in 2008 and increased to US$ 70 billion by 2012.

The per AICTE 2015 report All India Council of Technical Education, Total number of Programs/courses are 13249 and Total number of institutes are 10326 out of which total number of Engineering colleges are 6375.

  • Applied Arts And Crafts 68,
  • Architecture and Town Planning 177
  • Hotel Management and Catering 113
  • Management 3615
  • MCA 1469 and
  • Pharmacy1432

The AICTE reported that Growth of intake in AICTE approved Institutions in last nine years (UG/PG) in 2006-07 was 7,50,797 and 2014-15 was 25,41,998, Total annual intake capacity 38,50,006 where UG/PG 25,41,998 and Polytechnics diploma 13,08,008

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The growth of technical education before independence was very slow; the number of polytechnics and engineering colleges in 1947 was 43 and 44 respectively with intake seat of 3,400 and 3,200 respectively.

After the recommendations of CABE to stimulate technical Education in the country, AICTE was set up in 1945, from that time, a mandate of AICTE basically covered only programs in Engineering and Technology. Board of Management Studies under AICTE was established in 1954 to formulate standards and promote Management Education.

After Initiatives taken during successive five-year plans and policy changes in the 1980s to allow Private players and Volunteer Organisations in the setting up of Technical colleges/Institutions /Universities on self-finance triggered the growth of technical education and a rise is phenomenal.

GOI implemented a program with World Bank, to improve the quality of engineering education and increase learning outcomes of Technical education graduates called TEQIP-II

According to Hindu, Eighty per cent of the B. Tech graduates lacks employability skills said P. S. Sreejith, former Director of Institute of Human Resource Development (IHRD).

However, going forward, India will need to focus more on Technical quality Education.