States Cancelled Board Exams 2021 and states yet to take a decision


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic rising cases and lockdown situation CBSE has cancelled class X and XII board exams for session 2021. The class 12 exam was cancelled on June 1 after a high-level meeting between PM Narendra Modi and education ministers and education secretaries of the different states of India. The Board will take steps to compile the results of class XII students as per well-defined objective criteria in a time-bound manner.

There are many other states who have decided to cancel the board exam. Here is the list:

Gujarat State Board

Gujarat Education Minister Bhupendrasinh Chudasama announced that the Class 12 and 10th exam conducted by the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSHSEB) and GSEB respectively have been cancelled considering the centre’s decision to cancel the Class 12 CBSE board exams.

Madhya Pradesh State Board

MP Board of Secondary Education would not be holding the Class 12 MP board exams and has also cancelled the class 10th exam. The students of class 10th will be assessed based on their mid-term or pre-board exams, unit tests and internal assessment.

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Uttarakhand State Board

State Education Minister Arvind Pandey announced the cancellation of the Uttarakhand intermediate Class 12 board exam 2021 and also class 10th exam has been cancelled. UBSE 10th results will be announced on the basis of Class 9 and 10 marks whereas the details on the alternative assessment scheme to prepare the UK Board 12th Result 2021 will be announced soon.

Uttar Pradesh State Board

The UP Board Class 10 and Class 12 board exams 2021 were cancelled by the Uttar Pradesh Secondary Education Council on Thursday as per the announcement by UP CM Yogi Adityanath on Twitter.

Rajasthan State Board

Rajasthan Education Minister Govind Singh Dotasra announced at a press conference that the RBSE Class 10 and Class 12 board exams 2021 were cancelled. He added that the education department will soon come up with a formula to evaluate marks for the students.