VITEEE 2021 Paper Pattern: Marks Distribution

VITEEE 2020 Paper Pattern
VITEEE 2020 Paper Pattern

VITEEE 2021 Paper Pattern has been released by Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT University) for applicants, who will participate in the Engineering Entrance Examination, exclusively organised by VIT. The exam will be held on 28, 29 and 31 May 2021 via online remote proctored mode. Therefore, candidates should be familiar with the Pattern of VITEEE questions paper. The Question paper will only be in English and questions will be generally from the Central Board of Secondary Education and the State Board of Higher Secondary Education syllabus as of now.

VITEEE 20201 Paper Pattern

Moreover, Multiple-Choice Questions will be asked in VITEEE 2021. So, the paper pattern for the four subjects is below:

Sections Subject
Section-1 Physics
Section-2 Chemistry
  • Mathematics(Choice)
  • Biology (Choice)
Section-4 Aptitude
  • Firstly, applicants have to choose between Mathematics and Biology.
  • Also, the combination of the given subjects must be chosen at the time of slot booking.
  • Applicants who will choose Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry, will be eligible for all B.Tech Programs offered at the VIT college.
  • Further, candidates who chose Physics, Chemistry and Biology are eligible for B.Tech., Bio-Medical Engineering, Biotechnology and Computer Science and Engineering (specialisation in Bioinformatics) programs only.
  • However, all questions will be of objective type. Also, one of the four options will hold the right answer.
  • The duration of the entrance exam will be 2 hours and 30 minutes.
  • The exam is conducted through remote proctored mode.
  • There are 80 questions in the test
  • For each question, 01 marks are awarded. There is no negative marking for the wrong answers

VITEEE Paper Pattern Marking Scheme 2021

Thus, a total of 40 questions will be given for Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. Also, 5 questions for the English section. Then, every question has one marks allotted to them. But, among all these, a total of 125 questions will be given in the exam and the exam will have 125 marks in total. So, an elaborate table is below which describes the VITEEE Paper pattern 2021 for the student’s convenience.

Subjects Number of Questions
Physics 25
Mathematics/Biology 25
Chemistry 25
Aptitude 03
English 2
Total 80

Selection of VITEEE Question Paper

Candidates are requested to give utmost attention during VITEEE 2021 Question paper selection (PCME / PCBE).

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  • PCME – Candidates appearing in PCME (Physics/Chemistry/Mathematics/English) are eligible for all the B.Tech. Degree programmes, as per the VITEEE ranking.
  • PCBE – Applicants appearing in PCBE (Physics/Chemistry/Biology/English) are eligible only for B.Tech. Bio-stream Degree programmes (Bio-engineering, Biotechnology, CSE with special in Bioinformatics and ECE with special in Biomedical Engineering programmes), as per the VITEEE ranking. But after joining, registering for Mathematics as bridge course is mandatory.

Programs Offered By Vellore College

VIT University has 2 campuses situated in Chennai and Vellore. Below is the list of B.Tech course offered in these colleges:

Vellore Campus
Computer Science and Engg. (Spec. in Bioinformatics)
Computer Science and Engg. (Spec. in Information Security)
B.Sc. Computer Science
Chemical Engg.
Mechanical Engg. (Spec. in Energy Engg.)
B.Tech in Mechanical Engg. (Spec. in Automotive Engg.)
Production and Industrial Engg.
Electronics and Instrumentation Engg.
Information Technology
Biomedical Engg.
Electronics and Communication Engg. with Spec in an Internet of Things and Sensor
Vellore & Chennai Campus
Computer Science and Engg.
Civil Engg.
Mechanical Engg.
Electrical and Electronics Engg.
Electronics and Communication Engg.
Chennai Campus
School of Mechanical Engg. (SMEC)
School of Information Technology and Engg. (SITE)
School of Electronics Engg. (SENSE)
School of Electrical Engg.(SELECT)
School of Computer Engg. (SCOPE)
School of Civil and Chemical Engg. (SCALE)
School of Bioscience and Technology (SBST)

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