Application for PhD program at IITB-Monash Research Academy is open for December 2016 intake

Application for PhD program at IITB

An Indian -Australian research partnership called as IITBMonash Research Academy announced the dates of December 2016 Intake, The last date of submitting EOI forms are 4th September 2016.

If you are interested in then fill the Expression of Interest form Online, for any queries you can mail at [email protected]

Steps for applying Ph.D. at IIT-B


Subscribe to Get Updated Information about Application for PhD program at IITB-Monash Research Academy

Sending Expression of Interest is the first step of applying, candidates need to fill in an online EOI form and this is now open for December intake of 2016 and in progress.

The EOI will enable IIT-B to evaluate your candidature and background of your academic record and research interests. If you are found suitable on the basis of form then you will receive an email to proceed to step 2 of the application.

The email will be containing a Unique Form A number i.e. FAN. Please note, this email will be only sent after completing the stage and successful clearing it.

In case of any doubts please read FAQ and if stills you are not getting solution of your problem then write IITB at [email protected]

Please look into for more updated notification and relevant documents