Best Online Test Series For IIT JEE 2020 and 2021


The candidates appearing for JEE Main and JEE Advanced are increasing rapidly. More than 1 million candidates appear in the exams every year. Due to high competition, a large number of students are opting for the IIT JEE Online Test series to get an extra edge in the preparation. Usually, candidates search for the online test series in class 11 and 12 and a few months before the exam. Industry experts who also run the coaching classes also have good options for the IIT JEE Online Test Series. Candidates are advised to opt for the series which fits the most. Candidates can read the article to decide the best online test series for IIT JEE 2020 and 2021. The JEE Mains 2021 is being conducted in multiple Sessions (February/March/April/May 2021).

Best Online Test Series For IIT JEE 2020 and 2021

The best leading institutes in JEE coaching which provides the online test series are FIITJEE, Allen, Bansal, Resonance. Candidates should choose the series depending on some factors such as:

  1. Academic aptitude: Academic aptitude particularly in Physics, chemistry and mathematics os class 11 and class 12. Since the candidate is interested in the best online series for IIT JEE, the academic aptitude refers to the intelligence in subjects related to JEE Main and advanced. Candidates who are better than average category can choose for the tougher IIT JEE online test series.
  2. Location:
    The location is also important while choosing the best series. A student in the urban location might be already aware of coaching classes. These candidates have the advantage of accessing teachers who specialize in entrance exams and can get guidance from them. In such a case, students can probably try more than one online test series for the IIT JEE exam and can use them for better preparation.
  3. Motivation level:
    The third most important factor is the motivation level. According to the experts, getting fewer marks in the test series often demotivates the students. A mentor will easily be able to judge the motivation level of the student. If it is high, then it is best to go for a tougher Online Test Series For IIT JEE. Otherwise, Candidates may go for an easier one.

Refer Strengths and Weaknesses for JEE Main 2020 and 2021 Preparation Article.

IIT JEE Free Online Test Series

Candidates can also download the IIT JEE Online test series for free. These are also known as JEE Mock Tests, Free IIT JEE Mock Tests, JEE Advanced Free Mock Tests, IIT JEE Mock Tests.

Subscribe to Get Updated Information about Best Online Test Series For IIT JEE 2020 and 2021

There are many numbers of different IIT JEE Online Test Series available online for free. It is a good idea to practice for the JEE Main and Advanced with free IIT JEE Online Test Series.

Candidates can quickly find one by searching on the web and selecting one of their choices.

Most Popular IIT JEE Online Test Series

The best online test series for JEE exam according to the top experts are mentioned below:

  • FIITJEE Online Test Series for IIT JEE
  • Bansal Online Test Series for IIT JEE
  • Allen Online Test Series for IIT JEE
  • Resonance Online Test Series for IIT JEE

The above-mentioned series are in the random order and can be chosen according to their comfort.

Why Opt for Popular Test Series?

There are many new coaching centres which provide Online Test Series. The reason why mainly the above ones are suggested is because of the number of students opting for them.

Mostly Opted Test Series: When more candidates take part in an online test series this means that you can get a more accurate rank prediction. Candidates can prepare better with the information at hand. Also, the makers of that Online Test Series tries to make the test better with time to suit the needs of a large number of candidates.

Cost of IIT JEE Online Test Series: Candidates may need to consider that there are various packages or study options available. Along with the online test series, candidates maybe also opt for coaching for a limited time. The candidates can opt for the popular series rather than a new one as candidates can check the reviews and decide whether the series is worthy for that cost or not.

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