BVP CET 2020: Bharati Vidyapeeth University Examination Test

BVP CET 2020
Bharatiya Vidyapith University CET 2020

BVP CET 2020 is an All India Entrance Examination conducted by Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University, Pune. The BVU conducts the entrance test for admissions to different UG and PG courses. Bharati Vidyapeeth is among the best universities in India and admission to this institute is quite tough. Admission at College of Engineering Pune under BVP is based on BVP CET exam. Exam dates have been released on the university’s official website. Interested candidates can check all the information below.

Important Dates for BVP CET 2020

Important dates of Bharti Vidyapeeth 2020 entrance examination is mentioned in the table below.

Bharti Vidyapeeth 2020 Important Dates
EXAMS DATES (Tentative)
Last date for submission of application form 10 May 2020
Dispatch of Admission cards May 2020
Issue of duplicate admit cards to candidates who have not received the same till May 2019 May 2020
Date of Common Entrance Test (B.Tech) 26 May 2020
Date of Common Entrance Test (B.Tech II) 02 June 2020
Declaration of Result 08 June 2020
Counselling schedule up to 5000 rank June 2020
Counselling Schedule below 5000 rank June 2020
Classes will commence from July 2020

Bachelor of Technology Courses at Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University

List of engineering courses offered by the Bharti Vidyapeeth University are:

BVP University Courses
S. No. Course
01 B.Tech (Computer)
02 B.Tech (Computer Science & Business Systems)
03 B.Tech (Electronics & Telecommunication)
04 B.Tech (Mechanical)
05 B.Tech (Electronics)
06 B.Tech (Information Technology)
07 B.Tech (Civil)
08 B.Tech (Electrical)
09 B.Tech (Chemical)
10 B.Tech (Production)
New Programmes offered from Academic Year 2019 – 20
11 B.Tech (Robotics & Automation)
12 B.Tech (Computer Engineering (Software Engineering))

How to Apply BVP CET Application Form?

  • Eligible candidates will have to send a demand draft of the prescribed amount in the favour of the Registrar of Bharati Vidyapeeth deemed university Pune. (for B.Tech and BBA/BCA).
  • Candidates are advised to obtain and maintain proof of demand draft and dispatch of the application form.
  • Candidates seeking admission in other courses will have to send the duly filled application forms and documents along with the application fee to at the address mentioned below:

Admission Office,
Bharti Vidyapeeth Deemed University,
Bharti Vidyapeeth Bhavan,
C. E. T. Department
Second Floor, L.B.S. Marg,
Pune – 411030

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BVP CET 2020 Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidates seeking admission to any of the courses should have passed the senior secondary certificate examination (H.S.C) or any other equivalent board/university.
  • Candidates who are likely to appear for Class 12th examinations or those candidates, whose results have not been declared, are also eligible to apply for the entrance test.
  • For admission to and medical courses, candidates must have physics, chemistry, maths/biology/biotechnology as compulsory subjects.
  • The candidate should obtain 45% when all the subjects are taken together. (40% for SC/ST students)

Syllabus BVP CET 2020

15% of seats in each college and course are reserved for N.R.I students /management merit category students. All candidates interested in applying these categories will be applying to the registrar of Bharati Vidyapeeth deemed university, Pune.

B.Tech & Medical Courses Syllabus

  •    PHYSICS
Bharti Vidyapeeth Syllabus: Physics
Class 11th Class 12th
Physical word and measurement Electrostatics
Kinematics Current electricity
Laws of motion Magnetic effects of current and magnetism
Work energy and power Current electromagnetic waves and optics
Gravitation Dual nature of matter and radiation
Properties of bulk matter Atoms and Nuclei
Thermodynamics Electronic Devices
Motion of system particles and rigid body Electromagnetic induction
Behaviour of perfect gas and kinetic theory
Oscillation and Waves
Bharti Vidyapeeth Syllabus: Chemistry
Class 11th Class 12th
Some basic concepts chemistry Solid state
Structure of atom Solutions
Classification of elements and periodicity in properties Electrochemistry
Chemical bonding and molecular structure Kinetics surface
States of Matter: Gases and Liquids
Redox reactions
Environmental Chemistry
Bharti Vidyapeeth Syllabus: Biology
Class 11th Class 12th
Diversity in the living world Reproduction
Structural organisation of plants  and animals Genetics and evolution of human welfare
Cell structure and functions Biotechnology and its applications
Plant Physiology Ecology and Environment
Human physiology
Bharti Vidyapeeth Syllabus: Mathematics
Class 11th & 12th
Set, Relation and Function
Complex Numbers
Quadratic and Root Equation
Sequence and Series
Permutation and Combination
Mathematical Induction and Binomial Theorem
Limits & Continuity
Application of Derivatives
Differential Equations
Boolean Alzebra
Mathematical Logic
Three – Diemensional Geometry
Linear Programming

BVP CET Exam Pattern 2020

  • The medium of the paper will be in English.
  • 200 multiple-choice questions will be asked with four options and one correct choice.
  • Each question carries one mark
  • The paper will be 3 hours i.e, 180 minutes and no extra time will be provided to the candidates
  • There will be no negative marking
  • A seat with a number will be allotted to each candidate.

Bharati Vidyapeeth Common Entrance Test Cut – Off

Candidates can check the cut-off by visiting the university’s website. Only those candidates who secure above the cut off marks will be called for the BVP CET counselling process.

Candidates securing more than the cut-off will only be invited to BVP CET 2020 seat allotment process.

BVP CET 2020 Results

Results for the BVP CET will be announced in the month of June 2020. This is the process for checking out the results:

  • First candidates will have to visit the official site of the BVP CET.
  • After that, the aspiring candidates will have to log in with their application no. and date of birth.
  • BVP CET results will be displayed after the submission of these details.

Bharati Vidyapeeth CET Counselling

After the declaration of results, the process of counselling will begin. Selected candidates will be called for BVP CET 2020 counselling. Candidates can check their invitation for counselling by their own merit number and appear for counselling. It is not possible for the university to send an invitation to each and every student.

Documents to be produced at the time of Counselling:

List of required documents needed to be produced at the time of counselling are mentioned below.

  • Class 12th Mark sheet
  • Transfer certificate
  • Migration certificate
  • Character certificate
  • Class 10th certificate stating the date of birth
  • Caste certificate if applicable
  • Identity proof
  • Four recent passport size photographs

Counselling Location:

Counselling loaction of Bharti Vidyapeeth is mentioned in the table below:

Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University
College of Engineering
Pune Satara Road, Dhankawadi, Pune 43

BVP CET Exam Centre List

BVP CET exams will be conducted in the following cities of India:

  • Pune
  • Navi Mumbai
  • Vadodara
  • Bangalore
  • Indore
  • Lucknow
  • Hyderabad
  • New Delhi

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