Preparing CBSE Class XII and JEE Main Simultaneously

CBSE Class XII and JEE Main
CBSE Class XII and JEE Main

CBSE Class XII and JEE Main is a very important examination. Most of the places use its result. It finds its use in taking admission in colleges for graduation, post-graduation or any other degree. It is also used in the search for jobs or internships. At the same time, taking admissions in IITs and NITs in India is the dream of Engineering Aspirants. So, it is necessary to prepare for both the examinations i.e. CBSE Class XII and JEE Main.

That is why it is important for students to prepare for CBSE Class XII or equivalent and JEE Main. Here are the tips for preparing the two examinations at the same time. Read tips and tricks to prepare both below.

Differences in Examination Pattern

It is true that there are differences in Examination Pattern of JEE Main and Class XII Boards. JEE Main Examination is completely OMR based. Whereas Class XII Boards are subjective. Also, there is no negative marking in Board Examinations which is applicable in JEE Main. Also, the difficulty level of questions in JEE Main is higher than the questions of Boards. But, don’t worry at all. You can prepare the two.

Differences in Syllabus of CBSE Class XII and JEE Main

It is not exact saying that there are differences in the syllabus of the two examinations. Rather we can say that there are additions to the syllabus of Class XII Examinations in JEE Main. These additions include the syllabus of Class XI along with the syllabus of Class XII (which is already included in Board syllabus). So, you have to study syllabus of both the classes at the same time. Though it seems difficult, it is not so.

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Tips to Prepare CBSE Class XII and JEE Main Exams Simultaneously

  1. Checking the Syllabus is the First Step: You must have the syllabus of both the exams handy. Before getting the syllabus, you can’t know what to study for exams. At first, try to start with the topics included in the syllabus of JEE but not in Boards. You should do this because you study the common topics after studying the different topics. By doing this you prepare the same topics for Board Exam and JEE.
  2. Follow a Specific Daily Routine: Preparing a daily routine and following it is also important. Don’t waste any of your time.
  3. Daily Targets: Set your daily targets of topics to cover on a particular day and try to achieve the goal at any cost. Sometimes due to some circumstances, you are unable to reach the goal on a particular day. In that case, try to complete the pending part of next day along with that day’s target.
  4. Revision: After the completion of all the topics, revision the syllabus is the must. You should revise the complete syllabus of Class XI and Class XII once you have completed studying the syllabus.
  5. Dedication: Dedication for the exams is most important. You should dedicate yourself to your exams otherwise you won’t be able to reach your goal.

More Tips – How to Prepare for CBSE Class XII and JEE Main

  1. Own Analysis: You should analyse yourself and your performance by giving as many mock tests as you can. Also, solving the previous years’ papers is also important.
  2. Practice: Practising as many questions as you can, will prove helpful while appearing in the examination. You should practice a lot of objective and subjective questions for both the examinations.
  3. Short Notes: Make short notes of the important things to remember at the time of the study. You should read these short notes at the last moment.
  4. Bursting the Stress: Stress Bursting is also important along with study otherwise you won’t be able to concentrate on your studies.
  5. Health: Before starting to study, ensure that you take care of your health. Always remember the famous saying “Health is Wealth”.

So, get ready for your examinations and start studying from the same day.

CBSE Board official Website:

Stay tuned for more information related to JEE Main 2018 and Class XII Board Examinations 2018.

Preparation Tips for CBSE Class XII and JEE Main

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