COMEDK UGET 2020 Result: Merit List, Scorecard

COMEDK UGET 2018 Result

COMEDK UGET 2020 Result will be announced in the month of May 2020. Before the announcement of COMEDK UGET Result 2020, the Institute will release two sets of answer keys that are provisional answer key that is released in mid of May 2020 and a final answer key that is released on 4th week of May 2020. Stay on the page more often to get the information about the COMEDK results.

COMEDK UGET 2020 Result

Candidates can check the answer keys to determine their final result before its announcement. Once the final result is announced, the candidate can visit the official website of COMEDK and enter his/her login user ID and password to download the result. Also, an official notification regarding the release of COMEDK UGET results to the candidates through the email and mobile. It is to be noted by the candidates that there will be no scorecard sent to their address by mail/courier/post. They have to visit the website and download the scorecard. The final merit list is prepared using the scores of the candidates and this list will be used to qualify the candidates for the counselling process. However, in the case of ties, the following method will be used to resolve them:

For medical and dental course candidates:

  •  The candidate with least number if wrong answers will be given higher rank. Also, the marks in biology in UGET 2020 can be taken to give a higher score. In the case of the elder candidate, he/she is given a higher score.

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For engineering course candidates:

  • The candidate with least number if wrong answers will be given higher rank. Even if the tie is not resolved, then the marks in Mathematics of UGET 2020 can be taken as the basis to judge the ranks of candidates in COMEDK UGET 2020 result. In the case of the elder candidate, he/she is given a higher score.

Counselling Important Dates
Complete Details Answer Keys

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