How To Crack JEE Mains Exam 2020 in 6 Months

Crack JEE Mains Exam 2018
Crack JEE Mains Exam 2018

JEE Main 2020 is just a few months away. Do you have some plan of action or strategy to Crack JEE Mains Exam 2020 in 6 Months? Are you equipped with everything it takes to crack the Joint Engineering Entrance Exam? You may feel pressurized as the date for the national level entrance exam would come closer. However, this can be avoided given you have a well-planned strategy and a regular timetable to follow. Prioritising your study as per the months and the days left for the exam would be another added advantage. Coaching expert, Head of ALLEN Kota engages with us to share insights on how to make JEE Main preparation effective to ensure the desired outcome. Read on…

Latest Update: Jee Main 2020 Admit Card has been released.

JEE Main and Advanced Play With Graphs – 2020 2020 Edition

Q1. Nearly 6 months are left for JEE Main 2020. What preparation strategy do you suggest to the aspiring candidates to balance their JEE preparations along with their  Class XII board preparation?

Ans. Competition for the limited seats at the prestigious IITs is increasing year on year, so Preparation for IIT-JEE requires strict hard-work. Better schooling will prepare the students for the upcoming challenges in college academics.  The students should also pay good attention in the classroom and clear all their doubts. Proper guidance and Regular practice is the key to success in the competitive exams and the Board exams.

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We have heard people saying that boards are very important while the teachers say that only studying for boards will not give them a good rank in IIT-JEE. Both are bitter truths and highly overstated. Students need to plan their schedule strategically and give their best shot to implement them. If they join a coaching institute with their school studies, then they should study every day with a proper schedule.

Quick Tips to Crack JEE Mains Exam 2020 in 6 Months and Board Exams

  • To give the competitive edge over others who will be left behind in the race due to the negative marking on incorrect attempts. The student should aim at 100% strike rate i.e. all questions which are attempted are correct.
  • Students are advised to take a short break of 10 to 15 minutes after every two hours of serious study.
  • To study with utmost concentration, students should focus throughout the preparation period with a positive attitude for best results.

Hard work and dedication are the keys to success.

Q2. What books would you suggest to JEE 2020 candidates for preparation in this phase of preparation?

Ans. One can refer to standard books for concept clearing. But One must also not start any new books at this stage. However, This stage should be utilized more for memorizing formulae, problem-solving, developing shortcuts, and understanding one’s strengths & weaknesses.

I suggest the following books for aspiring students:


Name of Book Concepts Of Physics Vol 1 and Vol 2 Problems in General Physics
Publisher/Author H.C. Verma I.E.Irodov
Remarks Reference Book and problem-solving For Problem-solving


S.No. Name of Book Publisher/Author Remarks
1. Inorganic Chemistry NCERT Text Book Reference Book
2. Physical Chemistry P. Bahadur Reference Book
3. Inorganic Chemistry J.D. Lee Reference Book
4. Organic Chemistry Paula Yurkanis Bruice Reference Book


S.No. Name of Book Publisher/Author Remarks
1. Co-ordinate Geometry S. L. Loney Reference Book
2. Higher Algebra Hall & Knight Reference Book
3. Trigonometry S. L. Loney Reference Book
4. Problems in Calculus of One Variable I. A. Maron Reference Book

Q3. Any suggestion on how an aspirant can tackle sure answers & doubtful ones to ensure maximum marks and how an aspirant should go about answering the questions since negative marking exists?

Ans. JEE Main aspirants may consider the following aspects while attempting the questions:


  • Carefully read the entire question paper in the first 5-10 minutes.
  • Choose sections that have less risk and more gain.
  • Attempt Easy Questions First.
  • Double-check the OMR Sheet Before Submitting.


  • Don’t be nervous if you find the paper tough since it is the relative performance that counts.
  • Don’t guess if you have no idea about the concept involved in a question since it can lead to negative marks.
  • Don’t start from the question you don’t know.
  • Don’t take the Online Exam if you are not comfortable with computers.
  • Don’t get upset if any section is tough. You can score in other sections.

Q4. What changes in strategy should a student need to bring in preparation and to crack  JEE Mains Exam 2020 in 6 Months? What importance does solving sample paper hold?

Ans. The last 6 months to crack  JEE Main Exam 2020  must be wisely used to improving the time needed to solve a given problem, problem-solving with the understanding of the concept involved, identifying the weaknesses and correcting them.

To crack  JEE Mains Exam 2020 in 6 Months, the following tips would be helpful for JEE candidate:

  • Being adept in mental calculations can increase your speed. Never use a calculator while preparing for the JEE Main.
  • Implement tips, be positive, gain confidence, and you will ace JEE Main.
  • The most important thing is regular practice and clarity of the concepts in problem-solving.
  • JEE Main is not difficult, but tricky and its questions do have a need of being tackled with different perspectives.
  • Focus on your weak areas and improve your concepts.
  • Develop speed by solving various JEE level problems with time management.

Q5. How should a candidate prepare himself/herself for the exam day, as a lot of students get nervous and lose concentration?

Ans. Keep the following points in mind:

  • Stay calm, confident and have trust in yourself.
  • Have a sound sleep for at least 6-7 hours.
  • Relax or take up meditation a day before the actual exam.
  • One day before JEE Main, do not study anything new.
  • Don’t ask your friends how much they have studied.
  • One must Say to himself/herself – “I am excited about JEE Main and I can crack it easily”.
  • Revise all important formulae in all three subjects.
  • Prepare yourself to reach the exam centre at least half an hour before the exam starts.
  • Ensure to carry your JEE Main 2017 Hall Ticket, one ID proof and a pencil box containing eraser/sharpener/blue & black ball pens, etc.