CSAB JEE Main 2020 Released Institution Restriction list


Central Seat Allocation Board Joint Entrance Examination (Main) 2020 released Institution Restriction list of 42 pages. Where a list of Institution are given with Institute Name (as provided by PI), Institute Name (as provided by PI), Institute Website, Postal Address and specified there Minimum Eligibility Conditions/Criteria pertaining to admission in the State, over and above (or different) from those specified in CSAB 2020 Information Brochure.

All the Information provided in this sheet has been provided by respective PIs and is being reproduced here for information of candidates. If there is any error or inaccuracy, CSAB 2018 is not responsible in any way and it is the sole responsibility of the candidate to double-check the information from the institute or its website.<span class="su-quote-cite"><a href="www.csab.nic.in" target="_blank">CSAB NEUT </a></span>

CSAB Released Institution Restriction list

Download the Central Seat Allocation Board Released Institution Restriction list. The CSAB replaced the Central Counselling Board (CCB) constituted by the Govt. of India that coordinated UG degree courses admissions into engineering, technology and architecture until 2012. And from 2013 onwards, CCB and AIEEE have been renamed as Central Seat Allocation Board (CSAB) and JEE (Mains) respectively.

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