DRDO GATE Recruitment 2021: Direct Recruitment for Scientist “B”

DRDO GATE Recruitment 2020
DRDO GATE Recruitment 2020

DRDO GATE Recruitment 2021 will start soon. The notification for the post of Scientist ‘B’ will be available soon. For the final selection, the exam score, as well as, the performance in the interview round will be considered. And, the recruitment is only open for the GATE qualifiers. For Research and Assessment centre DRDO published a public notice regarding Direct Recruitment of B Group Scientist in DRDO via Valid Gate Score. The shortlisted candidates will be informed by email. Also, Interested candidates can check important dates, eligibility criteria, the application process, selection methodology and more information from the article below.

DRDO GATE Recruitment 2021 Status

Notification Yet to be released

DRDO GATE Recruitment 2021

The important dates for DRDO recruitment through GATE 2021 are given below:

Events Date
Application form for DRDO GATE recruitment To be Released
Shortlisted Candidates Get Notification To be Released
Date for Written Examination To be Released

DRDO GATE Recruitment 2021 Application Process

The details regarding the application process of GATE recruitment through GATE 2021 are given below:

  • The date for the release of DRDO GATE Recruitment 2021 application form will be available tentatively in the month of June/July 2021.
  • However, the candidates should also note that the form will be available online, And the candidates will also have to mention personal, educational and various other details.
  • The form will not be complete until and unless the candidates will fill the GATE Registration Number in it. And, the Registration number will also be allocated through admit card.
  • Finally, For the final submission, candidates will also have to submit the application fee of Rs. 100/-. And, the applicants can pay The Amount by any of the Online Transaction Methods such as Net Banking, Debit Card and Credit Card etc.

The requirement of Valid GATE Score for Direct Recruitment of Scientist `B’ in DRDO

  • As per the notification, Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) would be
    notifying vacancies of Scientist `B’ for the year 2021 in the next few months, depending
    upon the requirement.
  • The direct recruitment for the post of B Group Scientist will be conducted based on valid GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) score (in respect of vacancies
    in the subjects/disciplines for which GATE is conducted) and interview.
  • In respect of vacancies pertaining to subjects/disciplines for which GATE is not
    conducted, the recruitment will be done through written examination/interview or both
    depending upon the requirement.

Direct Recruitment for Scientist “B” Posts

Subject/Discipline Seats
Electronics & Communication Engineer 22
Computer Science & Engineering 19
Total Number of Seats 41

Features of DRDO GATE Recruitment

Organisation Name: DRDO (Defence Research & Development Organization)

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  • Number of Vacancies: 41
  • Pay Scale/ Salary: Total Emolument (Inclusive of HRA and all other allowances) at the time of joining will be approximately Rs. 80000/- at the present metro city rate.
  • Post: Scientist ‘B’
  • Categorised Under: Ministry Of Defence, Government Of India.
  • Nationality: Only Indian Nationals Need to Apply.

DRDO GATE Recruitment 2021 Eligibility Criteria

The details regarding the DRDO Recruitment through GATE 2021 are given below:

  • Nationality: Indian
  • Age Limit for Candidates:
Category Age Limit
Unreserved (UR) Not Exceeding 28 years
OBC (Non-creamy layer) Not Exceeding 31 years
SC/ST Not Exceeding 33 years

Note: Age limit as on the closing date of the advertisement.

  • Education Qualification: Below given points are the necessary educational qualification for DRDO GATE Recruitment 2021:
    • The applicant must have completed the Undergraduate Engineering/Technology course.
    • Also, the course must be completed from a recognized institute.
    • Finally, an aspirant should also have passed with a first-class degree in the UG course.
    • Candidates must have minimum 60% marks in their qualifying exam.

NOTE: Student pursuing the last degree can also apply. And, they must ensure that their Final Result should be available before the second week of August.

DRDO GATE Recruitment 2021 Selection Criteria

The DRDO Recruitment through GATE 2020 selection procedure is given below:

  • Shortlisting of GATE Qualifiers: The GATE 2021 qualifiers will be shortlisted for the interview round. The shortlisting will be done in 1:5 ratio, to the vacancies.
  • Personal Interview: The shortlisted candidates will then be issued call letters, on which date, venue, and other details will also be mentioned.
  • And, the candidates will have to appear for interview in Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad, or Pune centre.
  • Final Merit: The announcement of the recruited candidates will be done through the final merit list. And, It will be available on the basis of discipline and category wise.
  • Finally, The selection of the candidates for the final merit list will be done giving 80% weightage to GATE score and the remaining 20% to Personal Interview Score.

DRDO Recruitment 2021 Eligible Branches and Vacancies

The details regarding the RAC DRDO recruitment 2021 branches and vacancies are given below:

S. No. Qualification Vacancies
1. B.E/B.Tech. in Electronics & Communication Engineering 5(OBC-2, SC-1, ST-2)
2. B.E/B.Tech. in Aeronautical Engineering 1(OBC-1)
3. B.E/B.Tech. in Naval Engineering 2(SC-2)
4. B.E/B.Tech. in Civil Engineering 1(OBC-1)
5. B.E/B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering 6(OBC-3, SC-1, ST-2)
6. B.E/B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering 7(OBC-3, SC-3, ST-1)
7. B.E/B.Tech. in Instrumentation Engineering 1(OBC-1)

RAC DRDO Recruitment 2021 Important Details

The important details regarding the DRDO recruitment 2021 are given below:

  • Candidate should also have a Knowledge of German, French, Russian, Japanese or Chinese languages.
  • Payscale will be Level-10 of the Pay Matrix in specific disciplines and categories.
  • The age limit will be as per the Government rules:
    • Other Backwards Classes (Non-creamy layer): Should Not exceed 31 years
    • Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe: Not exceeding 33 years.
  • Also, Post Induction Training may be necessary initially for All the Scientists ‘B’. And then they will be able to get Recruitment in DRDO.
  • Recruitment is open for GATE qualifiers, who will fulfil eligibility criteria of DRDO GATE Recruitment 2021. Performance in the interview will be considered.

DRDO GATE Recruitment 2021 Highlights



Name of the PSU

Defence Research & Development Organization

Available Post

Scientist ‘B’

Number of Vacancies

Part I – 223 (On basis of GATE Score + Written Test + Interview)

Part II – 78 (On basis of GATE Score + Interview)

Selection Process

Part I – On the basis of GATE score along with performance in the descriptive examination and personal interview.

Part II – Based on valid GATE score and personal interview

Mode of application


Official website https://rac.gov.in/index.php?lang=en&id=0

FAQs for RAC DRDO Recruitment 2020.

Can I join DRDO after 12th?

No, graduation is must get recruited in DRDO and after completing B.Tech you have to qualify Gate exam then you can directly apply for DRDO.

Is there any age limit for DRDO?

Yes, there is an age limit according to the category the candidate belongs. For Unreserved - 28 Years For OBC - 31 Years For SC/ST - 33 Years

Can candidate from Foreign can apply for DRDO?

No, foreign candidates are not allowed to apply for DRDO. The only candidate from Indian Nationals can apply for DRDO.

Is it necessary to give GATE to get recruit in DRDO?

Yes, the candidates will only be recruited only if they have qualified the GATE.

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