DTU 2020 Admit Card: Delhi Technological University

DTU 2018 Admit Card
DTU Admit Card

DTU 2020 Admit Card will be released by Delhi Technological University which takes their admissions for undergraduate engineering courses in the academic year 2020-21 based on JEE Main 2020 scores of the candidates. The University notified that it will not conduct any admission test of its own and hence, to take admission here, the students must sit for JEE Main and this article gives detailed knowledge about the JEE Main admit card which shall also be considered as the DTU 2020 Admit Card. JEE Main 2020 Admit Card will be officially accessible to the applicants from the 1st or 2nd week of March of 2020.

DTU 2020 Admit Card

The admit cards of JEE Main 2020 will be made available on the official website of CBSE. Only the enrolled candidates can download the hall ticket from the website to sit for the examination. The candidates will have to log in with their application numbers and password to download the JEE Main admit card/hall ticket.

Students must take note that all the dates are tentative and the official dates are yet to be released. Definite dates will be announced very soon on their official website of JEE Main 2020.

After the JEE Main 2020 Admit Cards are made accessible for all the candidates on the official JEE Main website, the candidates must download it immediately. If any of the details which are imprinted in the JEE Main 2020 Admit card is incorrect, they must immediately contact CBSE for its correction as a wrong admit card will later lead to disqualification of the candidate, no matter how they performed in the examination.

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Delhi Technological University Admission

Without the admit card and the essential documents, the applicants will not be allowed to show up in JEE Main 2020 Exam. The admit card will be checked by the invigilator to verify the details of the applicants during the exam.

 Delhi Technological University Admission Details:

DTU Admission Dates  DTU Eligibility Criteria
DTU Application Form DTU Complete Details

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