Guidelines JEE Main 2021 Examination Day

Guidelines JEE Main Examination Day
Guidelines JEE Main Examination Day

Guidelines JEE Main 2020 Examination Day: As everyone knows that JEE Main is one of the most prestigious and competitive examinations for Engineering in the Country. As Syllabus for JEE Main is vast thus the candidates should prepare extensively for the examination. An important factor that decides the score is that how efficient the candidate is on that day. Candidates can see some of the necessary Guidelines JEE Main 2020 Examination Day that can be helpful to perform efficiently. The  JEE Main 2021 exam dates for Pen and Paper-based test and online exam in January and April.

Guidelines JEE Main 2020 Examination Day

  • Aspirants should reach the examination centre at least hour n’ hour before the examination on the JEE Main 2020 Examination Day so that they can complete the registration formalities on time. The registration desk will go off five minutes prior to the examination.
  • Candidate should take their Admit Card with them and show it to the supervising officer on demand. Candidates, who will not present along with their JEE Main 2020 Admit Card will not be allowed to write the examination and their candidature will be rejected.
  • The candidates who need a scribe and have requested for the same while filling the application form should carry a copy of PwD certificate attested by a gazetted officer.
  • After entering the allotted centre, Candidates should sit according to their roll number in the examination hall.
  • Candidates should not enter the hall with any form of papers, calculators, log tables, electronic watches, mobile phone, etc.
  • Once the question paper is given, Candidate should ensure that the question paper has all the mentioned pages and is in the correct format.
  • The candidates should verify the serial number and other details mentioned in the test booklet with the serial number and details in ORM sheet. In the case of any discrepancy, the Candidate should contact the invigilator and ask for a replacement.
  • Candidates should mark the bubbles in ORM Sheet carefully with a black ballpoint pen. They should be very cautious while filling their Roll Number, and other details. The student should not make any mistake in filling OMR sheet or else may have to face rejection.
  • Candidates should not leave their seat during the course of examination without taking permission from the invigilator.
  • Smoking and eating are strictly prohibited in the examination room.

 Dates of Online Examination

Paper-I (B.E./B.Tech.)

Paper-I (B.E./B.Tech.)

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First Shift 

Second Shift 

a) Entry in the Examination Hall

7.00 am onwards

12.45 pm onwards

b) Last entry in the Examination Hall

9.30 am

2.30 pm

c) Test commences

9.30 am

2.30 pm

d) Test concludes

12.30 pm

5.30 pm

Some more relevant Guidelines JEE Main 2020 Examination day

  • When the invigilator asks for the signature on JEE Main 2020 Examination Day, Candidates should provide the admit card for verification and sign clearly. Students will have to sign at two places generally if the rules don’t change. All the official paperwork important as that is used to check the creditability of the candidate. Candidates should be careful while doing the same.
  • Students should start the subject they are most confident with, then do the toughest one and end with the relatively average subject. They should not give too much time on one questions and should maintain their speed and efficiency throughout.

It is very important to be efficient and active on the exam date. Candidates should recollect all that they have studied, and calm their mind before sitting for the examination. Solving various mock papers in exam like environment will be very effective on the JEE Main 2020 Examination Day.

The official website of JEE Main 2020 is

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Jee Admit Card Jee Advanced
Jee Syllabus Joint Entrance Exam Dates