IOCL GATE Recruitment 2020: Indian Oil Corporation Limited

IOCL GATE Recruitment 2020
IOCL GATE Recruitment 2020

IOCL GATE Recruitment 2020 for Recruitment of Engineers/ Officers/ Research Officers and Assistant Officer (Quality Control) through GATE-2020 is announced. Firstly, candidates will have to carry their IOCL recruitment through GATE interview call letter along with other required documents without which they will be not be allowed to appear and their candidature will be cancelled. And, all the candidates who will qualify the GATE 2020 exam and had applied for the IOCL GATE Recruitment 2020 and those who secured marks as per the cutoff will be shortlisted for the further selection process. The call letter of IOCL GATE Recruitment 2020 will also be issued by the company, And only shortlisted candidates will be able to download the admit card. Also, the interview call letter of Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) Recruitment will also have important instructions for the candidates and everyone will have to follow them. So, read the complete article for more details on IOCL GATE Recruitment 2020.

IOCL GATE Recruitment 2020 Latest Update

  • Selection Status of Officer/Engineer through GATE 2020 (Computer Science & Information Technology Engineering) is announced. Shortlisted candidate must read instructions on their Call Letter and abide by the same.
  • Shortlisting Officer / Engineer / GAE / Assistant Quality Control Officers through GATE 2020 is announced.
  • Recruitment of Officers/ Engineers/ Asst Officers / GAEs through GATE-2020: Candidates to Check/ Modify their GATE-2020 Registration No/ Category Information is also announced.
  • Recruitment of Officers/ Engineers/ Asst Officers / GAEs through GATE-2020: Candidates to Check/ Modify their GATE-2020 Registration No/ Category Information is closed now.

Features of IOCL GATE Recruitment

  • Organization Name: Indian Oil Corporation Limited
  • Vacancies: To be notified
  • For the Post: Engineers/ Officers
  • Pay Scale: CTC of Rs 12 Lakhs per Annum

Recruitment to the above-mentioned positions will be through Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE)-2020

  • Short-listing of candidates for the further selection process (comprising of Group Discussion (GD)/Group Task (GT) and Personal Interviews (PI)) will be based on GATE-2020 score. The GATE score of 2020 or any other previous examination is not valid.
  • Candidates have to essentially qualify in the GATE-2020 examination for getting shortlisted for further selection process comprising of GD/GT and Personal Interview.
  • However, short-listing will be based on the merit of the candidates from different categories in line with the reservation policy of Government of India.
  • Hence, merely qualifying in GATE-2020 examination does not guarantee short-listing for calling for GD/GT and Personal Interview.

Posts Details and Age Limit:

1. Graduate Engineers for recruitment as Engineers/Officers and Engagement as GAE Maximum 26 years as on 30th June 2019
2. Post Graduate Engineers for recruitment as Research Officers in R&D Centre. Maximum 28 years as on 30th June 2019
3. Post Graduate in Chemistry for recruitment as Assistant Officers in Quality Control function in the Marketing Division. Maximum 30 years as on 30th June 2019

Selection Procedure of IOCL GATE Recruitment 2020

  • Candidates who have appeared for the GATE 2020 examination in the given Subjects and qualified the same as per the cut off will be only eligible to apply.
  • Shortlisted Students will now apply for the further selection process and the call letter for interview will be issued.
  • IOCL will consider only GATE 2020 score for the recruitment. And, GATE scores from the previous GATE examination will not be valid.
  • Shortlisted candidates have to participate in Group Discussion and Group Task and Personal Interview.
  • Candidates will be recruited based on the scores secured in GATE 2020, GD/GT and PI.
  • The final merit will be prepared Subject wise.
  • Candidates will need a minimum 40% marks in GD/ GT and PI for being considered in the merit list.

IOCL GATE Recruitment 2020 Eligibility Criteria

  • Nationality: Indian
  • Age(as on 30 June 2020): 
    • Upper age limit should be 26 years.
    • For PWD candidates, relaxation in upper age limit is 10 years.
    • Candidates belonging to OBC- NCL category will get a relaxation of 3 years in upper age limit.
    • Candidates belonging to SC/ST category, there will be a relaxation of 5 years in upper age limit.
  • Qualification:
    • Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD category must secure a minimum 55% marks in qualifying degree examination.
    • Candidates currently in final year can also apply provided they submit their final mark sheet by 31st August 2020.
    • Integrated ME/ M.Tech and BE/B. Tech candidates who have already completed/ completing the course by August 2020 are also eligible to apply.
    • Candidates belonging to General and OBC- NCL category must secure minimum 65% marks in qualifying degree examinations.
  • Reservations:
Category Relaxation in Upper Age Limit
OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) 3 Years
SC/ST 5 Years
PwBD 10 Years
Candidates domiciled in Jammu & Kashmir between 1.1.1980 & 31.12.1989 5 Years
Ex-servicemen & Commissioned Officers (including ECOs/SSCOs) subject to rendering minimum 5 years’ military service and fulfilment of other conditions prescribed by Government of India 5 Years

Important Dates of IOCL Recruitment GATE 2020

S. No. Events Dates
1. Release of GATE Application Form 2020 31 August 2019
2. Last Date to Register for GATE 2020 28 September 2019(05 October 2019) Extended
3. Release of GATE 2020 Admit Cards 03 January 2020
4. GATE 2020 Exam 1, 2, 8 and 9 February 2020
5. Last Date to submit IOCL GATE application form 10 February 2020
6. IOCL Recruitment 2020 Personal Interview (PI) To Be Notified

Procedure to Apply for IOCL GATE Recruitment 2020

To apply for IOCL GATE Recruitment 2020, The candidates will have to follow the following steps:

Registration: Candidate needs to follow the instructions to register for IOCl GATE Recruitment 2020:

  • Firstly, Go to the Official Website.
  • Then, Click on the “Apply Online” link.
  • Further, Enter and Select your Discipline, GATE Registration Number, and the Date of Birth.
  • Finally, Click on the ‘Save and Next’ button.

Form Filling: The application form is displayed after the candidate registers. And, the candidates will have to submit the following details:

Subscribe to Get Updated Information about IOCL GATE Recruitment 2020: Indian Oil Corporation Limited

  • Primary Details: Name, Applicant Name, Father’s Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Religion, Aadhaar Number, and Category, etc
  • Engineering Degree: Name of the College, Degree and Branch/Name of the Course etc.
  • Education Details: Name of School/College, Percentage and Year of Passing
  • Communication Details: Permanent Address and Address for Correspondence
  • Upload Photograph and Signature: The size of the scanned photograph should be between 165×125 pixels, whereas, the same for the signature should be between 80×125 pixels. And, both should be in JPG or JPEG format. The photo size should also not exceed 50 KB and signature size must also not exceed 20 KB.
  • Additional Information: Choice for Interview Centre and Nearest Railway Station.

Download  Detailed Advertisement IOCL Open Recruitment through GATE 2020 here.

GATE 2020 Paper Details for IOCL GATE Recruitment 2020

Discipline and paper details for IOCL GATE Recruitment
Discipline and paper details for IOCL GATE Recruitment 2019
Discipline paper details for IOCL GATE Recruitment
Discipline paper details for IOCL GATE Recruitment 2019

Important Points Regarding Application Form of IOCL GATE Recruitment 2020

  • Firstly, candidates should keep the application form safely.
  • Also, candidates need not pay any fee for the application form.
  • Further, the passport size photograph attached by the candidates must be same as in GATE 2019 Application Form.
  • Moreover, the system will generate a unique application ID along with the completed application form after the successful submission of the Form.
  • Finally, candidates will require taking a print out of completed application, affix their recent passport size photograph and put their signature on the space provided on the form.

Contact Details

Phone Number: 1800-2333-555

IOCL Career Webpage:

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