JEE Advanced 2021(Postponed): Application Form, Eligibility

JEE Advanced 2020
JEE Advanced 2020

JEE Advanced 2021 Exam date has been postponed. The exam will be organised by IIT Delhi this year. JEE Advanced is organised by one of seven Zonal Coordinating IIT’s guided by the Joint Admission Board (JAB). It is a National Level Engineering Entrance Exam for admission in the Bachelors, Integrated Masters and Dual Degree programs. The exam will be conducted in online mode. The candidate needs to clear the JEE Main exam to be eligible for the examination.

Check JEE Advanced 2021 here.

Latest Updates

JEE Advanced 2021 has been postponed. The revised date will be announced in due course of time.

JEE Advanced 2021 Exam Dates

The JEE advanced exam dates are mentioned below in the given table.

Subscribe to Get Updated Information about JEE Advanced 2021(Postponed): Application Form, Eligibility

Event Date
Start of online application for JEE Advanced 2021 Jun 2021
End of online application Jun 2021
Date of exam 03 Jul 2021 Postponed
Availability of answer keys Jul 2021
Representations against answer keys Jul 2021
Declaration of result Jul 2021

The above-mentioned dates are as per the notification released by the authority.

JEE Advanced 2021 Application Form

The vital information regarding the application form is given below:

  • The application form will be released in August 2021(tentative).
  • Candidates can fill the form in online mode only.
  • Candidates are advised to fill the details as per the guidelines in the documents.

How to fill JEE Advanced 2021 Application Form?

Candidates can follow the steps to fill the JEE application form that is given below:

  1. Visit the official website of the authority.
  2. Then, candidates have to log in and register themselves using their JEE Main 2021 Login ID.
  3. Candidates are required to upload the required scanned documents with proper size file and format.
  4. Candidates are supposed to pay the registration fee. The fee is different for each different category the student belongs to.
  5. Hence he/she must check the amount for his/her category and pay the fee either online through credit/debit card/internet banking or offline mode as cash using SBI option.
  6. After the fee, payment submits the page and take at least two printouts of the confirmation page.

JEE Advanced 2021 Registration Fee

The details regarding the registration fee are given below:

JEE Advanced Registration Fee

Registration Fee for Exam Centres in India

Indian Nationals (including PIO/OCI)

Female Candidates (all categories)

Rs. 1400

SC/ST/PwD Candidates

Rs. 1400

All other Candidates

Rs. 2800

Foreign Nationals

Candidates from SAARC countries

USD 75

Candidates from Non-SAARC countries

USD 150

Registration Fee for Exam Centres in Foreign Countries

Indian Nationals (including PIO/OCI)

All Indian Nationals

USD 75

Foreign Nationals

Candidates from SAARC countries

USD 75

Candidates from Non-SAARC countries

USD 150

JEE Advanced 2021 Exam Pattern

The details regarding the JEE Advanced Exam pattern is given below:

  • Online Mode: the exam is conducted via online mode only.
  • Number of Papers: JEE Advanced consists of two compulsory papers (Paper 1 and Paper 2).
  • Duration of Exam: 3 hours/each paper. Some extra time will be given to the PwD candidates.
  • Type of Questions: Objective type (MCQs).
  • Language of Question Paper: English and Hindi.
  • Subjects: Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics subjects will be asked in the exam.
  • Negative Marking: Yes, there is a provision of negative marking and different for paper 1 & 2.

The Joint Entrance Examination (Advanced) forms the basis for admission to the following programs in Engineering, Science and Architecture in all the IITs.

  • 4-year Bachelors B.Tech., B.S.
  • 5-year B.Arch.
  • 5-year Dual Degree: B.Tech. M.Tech, B.S., M.S.
  • 5-year Integrated Masters: M.Tech., Degree.

JEE Advanced 2021 Admit Card

The vital information regarding the JEE Admit card is given below:

  • Candidates can download the admit card from the official website only.
  • Candidates will need their login id and password to view or download the admit card.
  • The admit card contains all the details of a candidate i.e. photograph, signature, venue address, papers etc.
  • In case of any discrepancy, candidates are advised to contact the Chairman and request the correction.
  • Candidates must carry one original Government photo Id proof while attending the examination along with the admit card.

JEE Advanced 2021 Syllabus

The vital information regarding the JEE Advanced syllabus is given below:

  • The syllabus for JEE Advanced Exam consists of physics, chemistry and mathematics subjects of 11th & 12th Class.

The detailed syllabus of the JEE Advanced exam for each subject is given below:

  • Physics: General, Mechanics, Thermal Physics, Electricity and Magnetism, Optics and Modern Physics.
  • Mathematics: Algebra, Trigonometry, Analytical Geometry, Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus and Vectors.e
  • Chemistry: Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Organic Chemistry.
  • Architecture Aptitude Test (AAT) Exam: Freehand drawing, Geometrical Drawing, Three-dimensional perception, Imagination and aesthetic sensitivity and Architectural awareness.

Architecture Aptitude Test (AAT) 2021 for B.Arch. Courses

The details regarding the exam for B.Arch courses are given below:

  • B. Architecture course is available at IIT Kharagpur and IIT Roorkee only. Candidates who will pass the JEE Advanced examination can appear in AAT later.
  • Registration: Students willing to take B.Arch must register online at the official JEE Advanced portal to appear in AAT.
  • Duration of Exam: The AAT test is of 3 hours.
  • Question Paper Medium: The question is in the English language.
  • AAT Admit Card: No separate admit card will be issued for AAT examination.
  • Cut-off marks: The Joint Implementation committee uses to decide the cut-off marks for AAT.
  • AAT Ranking (Merit List): Applicants scoring marks above the cut-off marks will be eligible for admission in the B.Architecture course. As such, there is no ranking in the AAT.

Minimum percentage of marks prescribed for inclusion in the rank list

Rank List Minimum percentage of
marks in each subject
percentage of
aggregate marks
Common rank list (CRL) 10.0% 35.0%
OBC-NCL rank list 9.0% 31.5%
SC rank list 5.0% 17.5%
ST rank list 5.0% 17.5%
Common-PwD rank list (CRL- PwD) 5.0% 17.5%
OBC-NCL-PwD rank list 5.0% 17.5%
SC-PwD rank list 5.0% 17.5%
ST-PwD rank list 5.0% 17.5%
Preparatory course rank lists 2.5% 8.75%

NOTE: CRL is the rank list in which all candidates (across all categories) will be given ranks.

JEE Advanced 2019 Marks of First and Last Ranked Candidates in Each Category

Rank List Rank Physics Marks Chemistry Marks Mathematics Marks Total Marks
CRL (First Rank) 1 113  105 102 320
CRL (Last Rank) 25939 16 46 13 75
OBC-NCL (First Rank) 1 108 89 103  300
OBC-NCL (Last Rank) 7764 19 36  12  67
SC (First Rank)  1 91 93 79 263
SC (Last  Rank) 3844  7 24 7 38
ST (First Rank)  1 74 72 70 216
ST (Last  Rank) 1134  8 23   7  38

Source: JEE 2016 Reports by IIT Guwahati. 

JEE Advanced 2021 Result

The vital information regarding the JEE result is given below:

  • Candidates can check the result through online mode only.
  • Candidates can check their result by entering their login Id and password.
  • The notification will be sent by the authority on the candidate’s registered mobile number or email id.
  • The AIR(All India Rank) of qualified candidates will be released after the declaration of result.

JEE Advanced 2021 Counselling

The vital information regarding the counselling is given below:

  • The Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) is the body to manage centralized counselling for admission into IITs, NITs, ISM & other Government FITs.
  • The complete schedule will be updated as soon as JoSSA declares it on the official website.
  • Students who will be considered qualified can participate in JoSAA seat allocation process and fill their choices of courses.
  • Allotment of the seat will be entirely based on the category-wise All India Rank in the JEE (Advanced) 2020.

Foreign Nationals Eligibility for Joint Entrance Examination (Advanced)

  • Candidates who don’t have the citizenship of India and have studied abroad till class 12 or equivalent are considered as Foreign nationals.
  • Foreign nationals are outside the criteria of reservation of seats under the GEN-EWS,
    OBC-NCL, SC, ST and PwD (Persons with Disability) categories.
  • Foreign Nationals are not required to take JEE Main examination and may apply for the JEE advanced exam directly.

I appeared in Class XII examination for the first time in 2019. Am I eligible for JEE (Advanced) 2020?

Yes. You are eligible for appearing in JEE (Advanced) 2020 if you fulfil all other eligibility criteria.

During JEE (Main) 2020 registration I have declared my category wrongly. Can I correct it during JEE (Advanced) 2020 registration?

No. Category declared during the JEE (Main) 2020 registration cannot be changed during JEE (Advanced) 2020 registration.

What is the non-creamy layer (NCL) criteria for availing benefits of reservation under OBC-NCL category?

The criteria for Non-Creamy Layer (OBC-NCL) will be as per the current notification of Government of India.

I have taken admission in one of the IITs for the preparatory course in 2019. Am I eligible for JEE (Advanced) 2020?

Yes. You are eligible for JEE (Advanced) 2020, provided you satisfy all other eligibility criteria.

jee advanced 2020 registration date, jee advanced 2020 aat syllabus, jee advanced 2020 paper 1 & 2 syllabus, jee advanced 2020 information brochure.


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