JEE Advanced 2021 Notification(Released): Exam Date(Postponed)

JEE Advanced 2020 Notification
JEE Advanced 2020 Notification

JEE Advanced 2021 Notification will be released by the Joint Admission Board (JAB). Considering the prevailing pandemic situation due to COVID-19, JEE (Advanced) 2021 which was scheduled to be held on 03 July 2021 is postponed. The revised date will be announced at an appropriate time. And JAB is constituted of all 7 IITs Members. Whereas, JEE Advanced Notification will be released by JAB and updated by IIT Delhi. Furthermore, the organizing body for this year advanced exam is decided by the Board and IIT Delhi will be organizing JEE Advanced 2021. The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Advanced 2021 Notification will be released along with the information brochure contains all the important information related to JEE (Advanced). And the admissions to the UG Programmes at IITs for all Indian and Foreign nationals are made through the JEE Advanced.

JEE Advanced 2021 Notification

The Notification contains three parts: Part 1 is about Institutes, Part 2 is about the examination, Part 3 is about admissions.

  • 1st Part: The detailed report about Indian Institutes of Technology, Academic Programs, Reservation of Seats,  Defence Service Candidates, Foreign Nationals Eligibility and Other Institutes are given.
  • 2nd Part: This Part contains about Examination, Schedule of JEE (Advanced) 2021, JEE (Main) 2021, 10 Eligibility Criteria for Appearing in JEE (Advanced) 2021, Registration for JEE (Advanced) 2021, Registration Fee for JEE (Advanced) 2021, Services of a Scribe, Documents Required for Registration and Admit Card, QuestionPapers, Optical Response Sheet (ORS), Exam centres, Important Instructions for Candidates, Online Display of ORS and Answer Keys, Rank Lists, Declaration of Results and Architecture Aptitude Test for B. Arch. Program.
  • 3rd Part: This part contains about Examinations Considered as Equivalent to Class XII, Performance in Class XII (or Equivalent) Board Examination, Joint Seat Allocation, Preparatory Courses, Additional Requirements for Certain Courses, Gender Restriction for Mining Courses, List of Courses Offered by IITs in the Academic Year 2020-21 and Grievances submission.

JEE Advanced 2021 Exam Dates

This table is based on tentative dates as per JEE Advanced 2021 notification.

Important Event Expected Date
JEE Main 2021 exam date Please refer to JEE Main 2021 page for details
Declaration of results (AIR and qualifying status for JEE ADV) of JEE Main 2021 Please refer to JEE Main 2021 result page for details
Start of online application for JEE Advanced 2021 June 2021
End of online application June 2021
Date of exam 03 Jul 2021 Postponed
Availability of answer keys July 2021
Representations against answer keys July 2021
Declaration of result July 2021

Note: Both papers 1 and 2  are compulsory.

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Finally, All the candidates, including foreign nationals, must fulfil each and every eligibility criterion to appear in JEE Advanced 2020.

Performance in JEE Main 2021

Candidates must be among the top 2,20,000 rank holders in Paper-1 of JEE Main 2021 (including all categories). Only those candidates who fulfil the above-mentioned condition can apply for JEE Advanced.

The percentages of various categories are: OBC-NCL 27%, SC 15%, ST 7.5% and OPEN 50.5%. Whereas within each of these 4 categories, 3% horizontal reserved for PWD candidates (including Dyslexic).

Age limit

Candidates born on or after October 1, 1995, can write the examination. However, the SC, ST and PwD candidates can avail 5 years relaxation in age criteria.

Total Number of Attempts: A candidate can appear for Maximum of two times in consecutive years. Hence, 2018 passed & 2020 appearing candidates are eligible for this year exam. Since the bar is set a very high and limited number of attempts, candidates are asked to give their best during preparations.

Previous admission to IITs

A candidate who is NOT in an IIT previously (irrespective of he/she remains in the program or not) OR a candidate who accepted the IIT seat by reporting at a reporting centre in the past. Moreover, the candidates whose admission at IITs was cancelled for some reasons are also NOT eligible to appear in 2021 JEE Advanced.

Furthermore, candidates who have been admitted to any of the IITs for a preparatory course for the first time in 2018 can appear in 2021 JEE Advanced. Also, the candidates who have paid fees for seat acceptance but not accepted the seat in any manner are eligible to appear in Advanced JEE 2020. The last year jee advanced information brochure is attached here.

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