JEE Advanced 2021 Paper Pattern: Paper 1 & Paper 2 Exam Pattern

JEE Advanced 2019 Paper Pattern
JEE Advanced 2019 Paper Pattern

JEE Advanced 2021 Paper Pattern consists of information about the total number & types of questions, exam duration, marking scheme, etc. Also, it is helpful for the students to make themselves well-acquainted with the exam scenario. The applicants must check the Exam Pattern of JEE Advanced 2021.

JEE Advanced 2021 Question Format

  • Mode: computer-based mode
  • No. of papers: There are 2 papers in the test. Both the papers have to be attempted
  • Duration: Both papers are of 03 hours(180 minutes)
  • Sections: Each paper has 3 separate sections; Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics
  • Language of question paper: English and Hindi languages

Question Paper Pattern of Paper 1 (As per last year’s information)

Section 1 Section 2 Section 3
There were 06 questions There were 06 questions 06 questions
MCQ type questions MCQ type questions The answer to each question is a numerical value
Maximum marks of this section were 18 Maximum marks of this section were 24 Maximum marks of this section were 24
+3 for each correct answer
0 if none of the option is chosen
-1 for all other cases
+4 if all the correct option / options are / is chosen
+3 if all the four options are correct but only 3 options are chosen
+2 if three or more options are correct but only 2 options are chosen; both of which are correct
+1 if two or more options are correct but only 1 option is chosen and it is correct
0 for questions left unanswered
-2 in all other cases
+4 for each correct answer
0 in all other cases

Question Paper Pattern of Paper 2 (As per last year’s information)

Section 1 Section 2 Section 3
There were 06 questions There were 06 questions There were 06 questions
The answer to each question was a single-digit integer ranging from
0-9, both inclusive
Each question has 04 options.
One or more than options can be the correct answer (s)
Answer to each question is a numerical value
This section was of 18 marks This section was of total 24 marks This section was of total 24 marks
+3 for the correct answer
0 if question left unanswered
-1 in all other cases
+4 if all the correct option (s) is/are chosen
+3 if all the four options are correct but only 3 options are chosen
+2 if three or more options are correct but only 2 options are chosen, both of which are correct
+1 if two or more options are correct but only 1 option is chosen and it is a correct option
0 for unanswered questions
-2 in all other cases
+4 for each correct answer
0 in all other cases

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