JEE Advanced 2021 Syllabus: Revised By IIT Roorkee

JEE Advanced 2019 Syllabus & Sample Papers
JEE Advanced 2019 Syllabus & Sample Papers

JEE Advanced 2021 Syllabus will be released by the IIT Kanpur, the organizing institute to the candidates. The Syllabus will consist of topics from Physics, Maths and Chemistry of XII level.

The JEE Advanced 2021 Syllabus with weightage PDF is linked here.

JEE Advanced 2021 Syllabus

The syllabus for JEE Advanced for Paper I will consist of topics as Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry:

  • Physics: Units & dimensions, optics, modern physics, thermal physics, etc.
  • Mathematics: Algebra, Trigonometry, Integral & differential Calculus, Probability, Geometry, Matrices, and much more.
  • Chemistry: Physical, Inorganic, and organic chemistry. The topics will be as electrochemistry, oxidation, reduction, ores & minerals, carbohydrates, amino acids 7 peptides and much more.

For Paper II:

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Comprises of a simple drawing containing lines, surface texture, common domestic, furniture, architecture awareness questions, angles, triangles, and much more.