JEE Advanced Seats Distribution 2021: Reservation, Quota, Female, Foreign


JEE Advanced Seats Distribution 2021 is based on the Reservation of Seats for different categories based on the rules of the Government of India. Seats for Defence Service Candidates,  reservation for Foreign Nationals and recently the Supernumerary Seats for Female Candidates are announced by Organizing Chairman JEE (Advanced)-2021 IIT Delhi. The JEE Advanced 2021 counselling and seat allotment registration will be open in online mode.

JEE Advanced Seats Distribution 2021 Reservation of Seats

A certain number of seats are reserved according to the rules of the Government of India. And the categories and the extent of reservation of seats are as follows:

S.No. Categories Percentage of reserve seats in every course.
1. Other Backward Classes belonging to the Non-Creamy Layer (OBC-NCL) 27%
2. Scheduled Caste (SC) 15%
3. Scheduled Tribe (ST) 7.5%
4. Persons with Disability (PwD) 5% seats in each of OPEN, OBC-NCL, SC and ST category seats.

Important Points for Reservation Categories According to Central List

  • OBC Reservation: The Other Backward Classes should be listed in the current updated central list of OBCs ( OBCs present in the state list but not covered in the central list of OBCs (as per the list in are NOT eligible to claim the reservation.
  • ST / SC Reservation: The benefit of reservation will be given only to those castes and tribes that are mentioned in the respective central list of corresponding states published by the Government of India (websites: and

Persons with Disability (PwD)

Persons with Disability Jee Advanced
Persons with Disability Jee Advanced.

The category of a candidate will remain the same as filled in JEE Main Application Form 2021, which is recorded and made available by the JEE Apex Board [Examination conducting a body of JEE (Main) 2021. Furthermore,  no requests for change of category will be entertained.

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Defence Service Candidates

Eligibility for Wards of Defence Candidates: The Defence Service (DS) candidates are wards of defence/paramilitary personnel killed or permanently disabled in war or peacetime operations. And to avail the seats under DSC quota, a DS candidate must be in the Common Rank List of JEE (Advanced) 2020.

Number of Seats: Two seats are reserved for DS candidates in each Institute.

Seats for Foreign Nationals in IITs

Candidates who are NOT citizens of India (by birth or naturalized), do not belong to PIO/OCI category, and whose parents are not citizens of India and do not come under PIO/OCI category at the time of registering for JEE (Advanced) 2020 are treated as foreign nationals. Seats allotted to foreign nationals are supernumerary with a cap of 10% of the total number of seats in every course. However, the seats allotted to PIO/OCI cardholders will be under the OPEN category, but not supernumerary. Foreign nationals are outside the ambit of reservation of seats under the OBC-NCL, SC, ST and PwD categories as specified herein.

Extra Seats For Female Candidates

The seats for female candidates are increased from 8% to 14% from 2021 session. These seats are supernumerary (extra) and without any disturbance in the total number of seats that were available to non-female candidates in the previous academic year. According to the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, These extra seats will be offered (a) to only qualified female candidates of JEE (Advanced) – 2021, and, (b) strictly based on the performance in JEE (Advanced) – 2021.

The reservation policy as per Government of India norms as existing at present will be applicable to these supernumerary seats as well. The detailed procedure for implementation of the above shall be set out in the Business Rules of the Joint Seat Allocation Authority, 2021