JEE Main 2020 Exam Live Updates: JEE Main 2020 Exam for the January Session has begun at 9:30 A.M. The students who had opted for Paper 1 of JEE Main 2020 has entered their Examination centre and are currently taking the Joint Entrance Examination Main 2020.
The JEE Main 2021 is being conducted in multiple Sessions (February/March/April/May 2021). Check JEE Main 2021 Detailed Information Here.
Ongoing Application Forms - 2020

JEE Main 09 January 2020 Exam Live
- The session 2 exam has been started and finished at 5:30 P.M. The overall analysis of the exam is Mathematics and Physics sections were so hard. And Chemistry section was moderate.
- JEE Main 2020 exam for 09 January 2020 has been started and finished at 12:30 P.M.
JEE Main 08 January 2020 Exam Live
- The overall analysis of the exam is the Mathematics section in both exams is so difficult.
- The JEE Main 08 January exam of session 2 has been started and has been finished at 5:30 P.M.
- The JEE Main 08 January exam of session 1 has been finished. An analysis of the exam is the chemistry section is the moderate part of the exam.
- JEE Main 2020 exam for 08 January 2020 has been started.
JEE Main 07 January 2020 Exam Live
- The session 2 exam has been started at 2:30 P.M. and finished at 5:30 P.M. And Mathematics section whole the exam so hard.
- The JEE Main exam of session 1 has been finished. An analysis of the exam is the chemistry part is the easiest section in the exam.
- JEE Main 2020 exam for 07 January 2020 has been started.
JEE Main 06 January 2020 Exam Live
- The JEE Main shift 2 exam has been completed
- Shift 2 of the exam has been started from 2:30 P.M.
- JEE Main 06 January 2020 exam has been finished. The analysis of the exam is Maths and Drawing section was very hard, and Aptitude was normal.
- More than 11 Lakhs students will appear in the January session exam.
- JEE Main 2020 exam for January session has been started from 06 January 2020 at 9:30 A.M.
JEE Main 10 April 2019 Exam Live
- Afternoon paper is moderate, the Physics section is so tough and Mathematics in moderate.
- According to students paper is quite easy as compared to the last session and previous 2 days exam.
JEE Main 09 April 2019 Exam Live
- According to students exam based on NCERT Syllabus.
- Mathematics section is easy but so lengthy.
- ‘Tough Maths, Physics time consuming,” say students and Application based questions asked in Physics.
- NTA released only 42,968 candidates availed the newly introduced (economically weaker section) EWS reservation for the April session of the JEE Main exam.
- More than 11 Lakh students applied for the April session exam.
JEE Main 08 April 2019 Exam Live
- According to experts, Physics paper is so much tough and Mathematic is moderate.
- Shift two begins 2:30 pm, important instructions before appearing for JEE Main 2019
- Mode of examination: JEE Main will be available in three languages — English, Hindi and Gujarati.
- As compared to last year, this year paper was of easy to moderate level as per students. More focus was however given to NCERT.
- JEE Main 07 April 2019 Exam analysis and reviews presented by experts. According to experts, the Calculus section was tough and time-consuming.
JEE Main Paper 1 Exam 11 January 2019 (Session 1)
9:30 A.M, 11 January 2019: JEE Main 2019 exam for (Paper 1) has just started. Applicants have entered the exam hall and currently taking the examination.
JEE Main Paper 1 Exam 10 January 2019 (Session 2)
12:10 P.M: Students are arriving slowly for the second shift of JEE Main 2019.
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2:00 P.M: The JEE Main Aspirants have entered the Examination Hall.
2:30 P.M: JEE Main Examination for the second shift has begun.
5:30 P.M: JEE Main 2019 second shift paper is over.
5:44 P.M: Technical Glitches faced by Applicants. The screen shut down between the paper and another system was given to him. His system was changed 6 times during the examination. However, the extra time was given to him. But his time, energy and exam concentration was disturbed. The same problem has been faced by many candidates where around 15 minutes were wasted in restarting the system.
JEE Main Paper 1 Exam 10 January 2019 (Session 1)
7:20 A.M, 10 January 2019: Candidates who have arrived at the Examination centres are checking their roll number.
8:50 A.M: The gate is about to close.
9:30 A.M: JEE Main 2019 exam for (Paper 1) has just begun. Candidates have entered the examination hall and currently taking the exam.
12:30 P.M: Paper 1 has ended peacefully.
12:34 P.M: Parents are waiting outside the examination centre to receive their children.
JEE Main Paper 1 Exam 09 January 2019 (Session 1)
9:30 A.M, 09 January 2019: JEE Main 2019 exam for (Paper 1) has just begun. Students have entered the examination hall and currently taking the exam.
9:34 A.M: The today examination is being held for Engineering applicants. The paper would be held in 467 centres across 258 cities. As many as 9,29,198 students have registered for JEE Main 2019 First Attempt or January Exam.
10:30 A.M: No wallet, watch, mobile phone etc. is allowed inside the exam hall.
11:43 A.M: JEE Main is providing facilities to make easy movement inside the examination hall and even scribes for the applicants from PWD category. Applicants need to bring original PwD certificate to avail the facility, however, aspirants will be allowed to appear for the examination even without it.
12:30 P.M: Paper 1 concludes peacefully.
JEE Main Paper 1 Exam 09 January 2019 (Session 2)
12:15 P.M, 09 January 2019: Candidates arriving at the exam centre for the noon session.
12:40 P.M: Students entry has begun.
2:30 P.M: JEE Main Paper 2 commences.
5:30 P.M: JEE Main Paper 2 has ended. Applicants seem to be happy and alike Paper 1, Paper 2 is expected to be easy by the look of applicants.
JEE Main 2019 -Noon Session (Paper 1)
12: 20 P.M: Candidates arriving at the exam centre for the noon session.
12: 23 P.M: Guard has come near the gate to open it.
12: 30 P.M: JEE Main 2019 -Paper 1 concludes.
12: 35 P.M: Students are coming out of the exam centre.
12: 45 P.M: Entry for the second shift of the exam has commenced.
1:00 P.M: Students arriving for the entrance exam for the second shift.
1:10 P.M: Candidates entering the exam hall.
2.30 P.M: JEE Main 2019 second shift paper has started.
5.30 P.M: JEE Main 2019 Second Shift Paper 2 concludes.
JEE Main 2019 Exam Live Updates
1.10 PM, 08 January 2019: Applicants entering the examination hall.
1.00 PM, 08 January 2019: The most common mistakes committed by students was to carry photocopied identity card for verification. No textual material including photocopies of identity cards is not allowed. Applicants need to carry the identity cards in original form only, as per advisory issued by the National Testing Agency (NTA).
12.50 PM, 08 January 2019: Many students had to face delay because of the two-day strike by trade unions. Many students took help of Twitter to express their concern.
12.38 PM, 08 January 2019: The no. of registration of students has gone down because the examination will be conducted twice a year. The no. of students who have registered for the NTA’s JEE Main 2019 is approx 9.8 lakhs. Whereas in 2018, the number of students registered for the examination was 11 lakh.
12.35 PM, 08 January 2019: Students are coming out of the examination centre
12.30 PM, 08 January 2019: JEE Main 2019 Paper 1 concludes
12.23 PM, 08 January 2019: Students arriving at the examination centre for noon session
12.20 PM, 08 January 2019: For JEE Main 2019, there are 11,09,250 registered applicants (9,29,198 for Pape 1 and 1,80,052 for Paper 2). 21,791 applicants are registered for the exam at 17 centres in 15 cities in the North Eastern States. 7551 Applicants at 09 centres in 04 cities in Jammu & Kashmir.
10.15 AM, 08 January 2019: Also, the problem regarding the General Strike by trade unions causing issues for JEE Main candidates in many states has now been resolved. Moreover, In Kolkata, special transport provision has been given to the applicants to reach the exam centre.
NTA (National Testing Agency) has for the first time ever conducted the JEE Main 2019 which now will be held twice in a year. The NTA has been set up as an exam conducting body to organize various National Level Examination.
JEE Main 2019 for January session is scheduled from 08- 12 January 2019. There are two papers in each JEE Main 2019 session – Paper 1 (Engineering) and Paper 2 (Architecture).
JEE Main 2019 Student Reactions
Finally, the day has come where timeless hard work of the applicants has to be put into use. JEE Main 2019 January session Day 1, applicants from various backgrounds have stepped out their homes with hopes. Day 1 of JEE Main 2019 January session will contain both the JEE Main Papers, i.e, Paper 1 and Paper 2. Applicants were asked to reach to their respective JEE Main Exam Centers before 08.30 AM for the morning session of the exam which is scheduled from 09.30 AM- 12.30 PM. For the second session, applicants need to reach the examination venue on or before 01.30 PM to their examination centres.
Also, there is a strict order that applicants are not allowed to carry any bags, belts, mobile phones, calculators, food items, etc. with them inside the exam hall.
JEE Main 2019 Exam Reactions (08 January 2019)
- Shreyansh says that his exam was okay; he made lesser attempts than expected; Shreyansh rates his JEE Main attempt as difficult; he found Maths section more difficult. He rated his Exam to be 4 out of 5 in terms of difficulty.
- Tarun and Shaina say that the exam difficulty was moderate and mention that Mathematics had few questions from topics like figures, functions, and relations, and so on. Tarun feels that questions from 11th standard were more like 65% and 12th class portion was 35%.
- Divya made a comment on hospitality as there was no provision of drinking water during the exam.
JEE Main 2019 Exam Reactions (09 January 2019)
- As opposed to yesterday when most students found the examination to be too easy. Many of the students found the exam to be moderately difficult today. According to students, the Chemistry paper was found to be lengthy for the engineering exam in the first shift.
- Applicants were asked to write the full form of NASA and ISRO each for 4 marks each in the first-ever examination of JEE Main exam. While experts considered it to be very irrelevant.
- Many students said that the mathematics section was the toughest. Many also felt that the questions were tricky. Out of the total 30 questions, 10 questions were asked from Algebra, 8 from Calculus, 6 from Trigonometry and 6 from Coordinate Geometry.
JEE Main 2019 Exam Reactions (10 January 2019)
- Technical Glitches faced by Applicants.
- The candidate’s screen shut down during the test and another system was given to him. His system was changed 6 times between the exam. However, the extra time was given to him. But his time, energy and exam concentration was hampered.
- The same problem has been faced by many candidates where 15 minutes were wasted in restarting the system.
JEE Main 2020 Answer Key
All answer keys are below defined of 2019 session.
Applicants can get JEE Main 2019 Answer Key for Paper 1 and 2 on 08, 09, 10, 11, and 12 January. The Answer Key of JEE Main will be uploaded after a few hours after the examination. Only unofficial Answer Key will be released on the day of Examination. The Unofficial Answer Key will be published by the private Coaching Institutes like Aakash, Allen Kota, Resonance etc. The official Answer Key will be published by the National Testing Agency (NTA) on the official website i.e,
JEE Main Rank Predictor 2020
The rank predictor is based on previous year data. Entrancezone rank predictor helps students in predicting JEE Main Probable Rank in Joint Entrance Examination (Main). The rank predictor predicts the probable rank before the result announcement by the exam conducting authority i.e National testing agency (NTA).
Stay live with us for the Live Updates of JEE Main 2020 January Examination.
What would someone do during a couple of dys before jee main 2019 that he/she know formulas and an unclear and not in concise way?
If Formulas which is utmost required in JEE was not very well known and concepts is well understandable, how in this case one will score 120?