JEE Main 2022 Syllabus consists of important topics covered in class 11th and 12th. Therefore, the knowledge of full jee syllabus is important for exam preparation. With the help of JEE Main syllabus, the student can make their study plan accordingly and follow it. Not only this, but syllabus will also help candidates to identify which topics are essential and which are not. So subscribe here to get JEE Mains Officially Prescribed Syllabus on time. Further, the main subjects are Maths, Physics, and Chemistry for Engineering. Also, Maths, Aptitude, and Drawing are important for Architecture Paper. The exam dates will be announced soon and will be updated here. Furthermore, applicants can download JEE Main Syllabus here.
JEE Main Syllabus 2022 PDF Download
The candidates need to follow these steps to download JEE Main Syllabus 2022:
- Firstly, applicants can go through especially relevant topics for JEE Main 2022 exam.
- Moreover, The JEE Main syllabus for Paper 1 consists of 3 Major subjects i.e. Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.
- Also, Paper 2 for Architecture students has three sections i.e Mathematics, Aptitude, and Drawing.
What is the exact syllabus for JEE Main 2022?
Here we have provided a list of the subjects given at jee main official syllabus. Go through them and prepare accordingly. No Changes in JEE Main 2022 Syllabus.
Jee main Physics syllabus:
Subscribe to Get Updated Information about JEE Main 2022 Syllabus: Most Important Topics for Preparation
- Kinetic Theory of Gases
- Physics And Measurement
- Current Electricity
- All Physics Chapters
Jee main maths syllabus:
- Mathematical Reasoning
- Circles
- Binomial Theorem
- All Mathematics Chapters
Jee main chemistry syllabus:
- Coordination Compounds
- Electrochemistry
- Atomic Structure
- All Chemistry Chapters
JEE Main 2022 Most Important Topics
Physics Syllabus

Mathematics Syllabus

Recommended Books for JEE Main 2022 by NTA
Firstly, candidates need to have the complete syllabus with them. Also, the most recommended books to clear IIT JEE Mains with a good score. NCERT books are especially relevant in the JEE Main Syllabus. As they help in a solid foundation of fundamentals and basics. So, it is helpful to practice question from these books. Also, a list of most popular books and authors for JEE Mains preparation are mention below:
Physics |
Chemistry: |
Mathematics |
NTA JEE Mains 2022 Syllabus
Then, after analyzing through previous year exam pattern & official syllabus. Finally, We have listed some of the most noteworthy topics of JEE Main Syllabus.
Physics |
Mathematics |
Chemistry |
Furthermore, We urge the applicants to go through the whole syllabus. Also, plan a strategy for the exam preparation. Hence, with proper time management, the syllabus for each subject can be covered well in time.
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Thanks for the update
What is the best study material for JEE main?
The study material link for JEE Main is available above in the web page
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