JEE Main, Advanced, NEET 2021 Latest News: Things that Ramesh Pokhriyal Said on Exam Date, Postponement, Syllabus Reduction, Online, Exam Cancel. Education Minister Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank conducted the live webinar under #EducationMinisterGoesLive today, on 10 December 2020. In his live meet, he addressed some queries of students and other stakeholders of the education space regarding board exams, JEE Main 2021, and NEET 2021. The JEE Main 2021 is being conducted in multiple Sessions (February/March/April/May 2021).
Check JEE Main 2021 Detailed Information Here.
Ongoing Application Forms - 2020
Check details of JEE Advanced 2021 here
Latest News
- JEE Mains 2021 would be conducted from 23 to 26 February 2021 across the country and in some cities abroad. JEE Mains 2021 Paper 2 (for B. Arch and B. Planning) is scheduled for 23 February while the B. Tech or Paper 1 is scheduled for multiple slots on24, 25 and 26 February 2021.
- After February, NTA would also conduct the exam in March, April and May.
Public Notice for inviting online applications for JEE (Main)-2021 16 December 2020
New Scheme of Examination:
Subscribe to Get Updated Information about JEE Main, Advanced, NEET 2021 Latest News: JEE Main 4 Times

Download NTA JEE Main 2021 Information Bulletin Version 1
JEE Main 2021: 4 lakh questions in 12 languages, exam to be held in 4 cycles

As per TOI, JEE (Main) 2021 will be conducted once each month, from February to May. Sixteen days of tests, 384 questions papers in 12 languages and 4.14 lakh questions will define the scale of the Joint Entrance Examination (Main), to be held in four cycles starting February 2021, for admission to engineering courses. Registration of candidates for the February cycle is likely to start this week. Click here to check JEE Main 2021 updates here.
Note: National Testing Agency(NTA – exam conducting body) is yet to confirm these news or released any official notification.
#JEE exam will be conducted in regional #languages so that students are not at a disadvantage because of language. Read my interview with @HindustanTimes.
— Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank (@DrRPNishank) December 14, 2020
Interacting with teachers, parents and students on upcoming competitive/board exams. #EducationMinisterGoesLive @EduMinOfIndia @SanjayDhotreMP @PIB_India @MIB_India @DDNewslive
— Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank (@DrRPNishank) December 10, 2020
Check CBSE Updates – Alert Against Frivolous Information 10 December 2020 Here.
JEE Main will be held 4 times in 2021?
JEE Mains to be conducted four times from February 2021. Education Minister stated that the exam will be held once in every month, beginning end of February. The candidate will have option to appear in one/ all months.
@EduMinOfIndia faux pas: within few hours after announcing that #jeemain will be held 4 times in 2021, ministry withdraws its statement. In a revised statement, ministry says its a proposal under consideration, no decision taken @DG_NTA
— Prakash Kumar (@kumarprakash) December 10, 2020
Within hours of the above statement, @EduMinOfIndia retracts it stating “that the suggestion of JEE (Main) 2021 to be held four times in a year will be examined positively.”
Recent Changes:
- JEE Main 2021 Exam Dates are yet to be released by National Testing Agency.
- The central government “Union Cabinet” has recently formed the National Testing Agency (NTA) which is authorized to conduct competitive entrance examinations like NEET, JEE Main, UGT NET, CMAT and GPAT.
- Public Notice for DASA: The Ministry of Human Resource & Development, Govt. of India vide it’s O.M. F.No.35-9/2016-TS.III MHRD dated 21 December 2018 has approved that the selection for Admission of students under Direct Admission of Students ABROAD (DASA-2020) will be through JEE (Main). This may be applicable from the academic year 2021-22 onwards.
What is the latest update on the JEE Main April attempt 2020?
The latest notification regarding JEE Main New Dates:

Postponement of Joint Entrance Examination (Main) April-2020.
In pursuance of MHRD letter no. Secy (HE)/ MHRD)/ 2020 dated 18th March 2020, the competent authority of the National Testing Agency has postponed the ensuing JEE (Main) April 2020 examinations scheduled on the 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th April 2020. The New dates of JEE (Main) examinations will be announced on the 31st March 2020. Accordingly, the admit cards for the examinations which were to be issued on 20th March 2020 will now be issued after 31st March 2020 only. The candidates and their parents are advised to keep visiting and for latest updates. They are also being informed individually through their registered mobile number/ email-id. The candidates can also contact at 0120-6895200 for any further clarification.
Public Notice Regarding Compensatory time for PwD Candidates of JEE (Main)- April 2020
The JEE Main exam conducting body published a notification Regarding Compensatory time for PwD Candidates of JEE (Main)- April 2020. Notification have been received by National Testing Agency for giving compensatory/extra time to the candidates with benchmark disabilities who are not availing scribe and appearing in JEE Main April -2020.
JEE Main 2020 Announcement by National Testing Agency
Like last year, Joint Entrance Examination (Main) is going to be conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA). The NTA announced the basic dates for JEE Main 2020 examination. The application form for JEE Mains 2020 has been started from 07 February 2020.
Kalpeet Veerwal 2017 Topper on “Is NTA fraud?” Explained the Ranking Fluctuation Also
How to calculate JEE Main 2020 rank based on NTA Percentile score? Check Here> JEE Main Rank Calculator.
JEE (Main) 2020 Notification For Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) Category Candidates.
As per National Testing Agency Public Notice, MHRD Department of Higher Education regarding the implementation of reservation for Economically Weaker Sections (EWSs) for admission in Central Educational Institutions, it is necessary to identify the candidates belonging to EWS category from amongst the candidates of JEE(Main) January and JEE(Main) April 2020.
The Candidates of JEE (Main) January 2020 as well as April 2020 Examination(s), who come under EWS category as per the Certificate issued by the Competent Authority, may mention such category in the Online Application Form available at between March 11-15, 2020. The EWS Category Certificate is not to be uploaded in the JEE (Main) Portal. However, the same will be required at the time of filling up of the application for JEE (Advanced).
JEE Main 2020 Result Announcement (January Session)
The NTA published the JEE Mains Result for January session. The result has been announced on 17 January 2020. But National Testing Agency announced the JEE Mains Result early. Check JEE Main Result Here.
Display of JEE Main January & April Answer Key and Question Paper

Joint Entrance Examination JEE (Main)-2020 PUBLIC NOTICE Challenge of Answer Key

National Testing Agency Released JEE Main Statics & Provision

JEE Main Rank Predictor
EntranceZone JEE Main Rank Predictor will help the students in predicting the probable ranks in Joint Entrance Examination (Main) 2020 exam. However, this time predicting the rank is tough as National Testing Agency (NTA) is going to announce the merit list after two exams (January & April 2020). Check your JEE Main Rank Here.
JEE Main 2020 April Session Application Form
As per recent changes, Joint Entrance Examination (Main) will be conducted twice in a year i.e. January & April 2020. The student who missed or wants to appear in both the examination must apply for JEE Main April 2020 Examination Here.
Admit card of JEE(Main) – January 2020 has been published. (E-Admit Card of JEE (Main) – 2020)
The e-Admit Card of JEE (Main) – 2020 of candidates ( who submitted their fees and form successfully) have been uploaded on the JEE Official Website Furthermore, candidates are advised to download their e-admit card of jee main 2020 on time.
Click Here to Download JEE Main January 2020 Admit Card Here.
Aadhar is Not Mandatory for JEE Main Registration
The National Testing Agency (NTA) has published a notification about Aadhaar number, that Aadhaar is not mandatory for registration of JEE Main 2020. NTA is an agency under the Department of Higher Education, India.
Reformation of JEE Advanced Exam
HRM Minister Prakash Javadekar Chaired the 52nd Meeting of Council of IITs at IIT Delhi.
Prakash Javadekar Twitted: “Various important decisions were taken including, to popularize IIT- Pal for the benefit of #IIT aspirants to crack entrance examination. It would be further extended, & would be made available along with handholding support through SWAYAM MHRD portal.”
20 July 2018: The MHRD has proposed to set up a panel of five members to suggest changes to the JEE (Advanced) examination.
- The above decision about the reformation of JEE Advanced Exam comes after an insufficient number of applicants had qualified the JEE Advanced test this year.
- According to The Indian Express, Director of IIT-Kanpur, Vineet Joshi, Director General of National Testing Agency, and Professor Kannan Moudgalya of IIT-Bombay are likely to join as a member of the committee.
- The proposal to suggest changes in the JEE Advanced syllabus will be decided by the IIT Council, The IIT Council meeting is scheduled for 21 August 2018.
- Apart from the above agenda, the IIT-Council may discuss on the recommendation made by one of the 23 premier engineering schools (IITs) that the students who qualify JEE (Advanced) examination should be offered an institute instead of an engineering college in the first year. So that students joining the IITs should focus on study and in the second-year branch would be allotted to the successful candidates.
National Testing Agency to conduct JEE Main 2020
The Union Cabinet headed by PM Modi approved the proposal for establishing a National testing agency (NAT). The agency will replace the CBSE entrance examination unit, which conducts 5-6 entrance exam.
JEE Main 2018: As per new changes, only science stream students of class 11th having mathematics as one of the subjects can join as scribe/writer for the students with various forms of disabilities appearing in the examination.
585 seats vacant after round 1 of IIT admissions.
Read about important information about Joint Entrance Examination Main & Advanced Here. Admit card for JEE Main will be released soon. And JEE Main Admit card Downloading will be available from 12th of March.
The government reserved 800 seats for female candidates in IITs and only 14 girls made in the top 500.
Rank | Number of Girl |
>1,000 | 46 |
>5,000 | 410 |
>10,000 | 935 |
>12,000 | 1,202 |
IITs to issue supplementary merit list for JEE-Advanced
As per directions by HRD Ministry, The JEE Advanced conducting body IIT Kanpur is releasing supplementary merit list for JEE Advanced Seats in IITs. Looking at the Advanced result, the number of passing students in JEE Advanced 2018 is lower this year and as MHRD policy says “no vacant seats” should be left after counselling for admission into IITs, Joint Admission Board has been directed to conduct special counselling. So IIT Kanpur will release a fresh list containing twice the number of total seats on offer in each discipline and each category (general and reserved categories).
JEE Main Results 2020
The NTA has released the JEE Main 2020 Paper 1 (Engineering) on 17 January 2020 and Paper 2 (B.Architecture) Results on 23 January 2020. Although in JEE Main information brochure the result dates for paper 2 is 30 April 2020. This announcement was the most awaited result for students appeared in Joint Entrance Examination (Main) for Engineering and Bachelor of Architecture admissions.
JEE Main Results 2020 will be released after the exam. NTA will release JEE Main 2020 e-Admit Card on 16 March 2020. To get updated Jee Main & Advanced 2020 News, announcement, revisions and new changes. Follow this page or subscribe to get first news. Jee Advanced 2020 Official Website Launched, The Main Exam is on 06 – 09 January 2020 And Advanced exam on 20 May 2020. The entire Exam will be in CBT online mode. The JEE Main notification along with information brochure is published on the website. Correction in JEE Main forms is closed now. There is a slight drop in the number of applicants for the Joint Entrance Examination (Main). JEE Advanced 2020 extended merit list released, 31980 candidates, qualify in total.
JEE Advanced Notification
The JEE (Advanced) 2020 will be held on 17 May 2020. The entire JEE (Advanced) 2020 Examination will be conducted in fully computer-based test mode.
Online Registration for JEE (Advanced) 2020 for FOREIGN NATIONALS ONLY is open now and will close on 07 May 2020 at 17.00 hrs IST. Click here for Registration: (Please see very carefully to note who is considered as a “Foreign National” for JEE (Advanced) 2020 registration).
Tough Chemistry Paper
As per News Paper, Chemistry Paper was tough. Students expected hard question paper but interviews say that the question paper was normal and only chemistry paper was tricky. Around 10.4 Lakhs students appeared today for JEE Main Paper 1.
JEE Main Answer Key 2020 Released Soon
The answer key with solution pdf is released now. The unofficial answer keys will be released after the exam. Check JEE Main Answer keys here. And various coaching classes answer keys here.
JEE Advanced Information Brochure Released
The JEE Advanced Examination Conducting Body released the JEE Advanced Information Brochure with all details and dates related to JEE Advanced 2018. important dates for JEE Main and Advanced is given here.

JEE Main Mock Test
The Mock Test for Joint Entrance Examination is already released by CBSE. The students appearing for JEE Main this Sunday must try these mock test available on CBSE JEE website.
Click Here for official Jee Main Mock Test.
JEE Advanced Help Video for Mock Test and CBT
The IIT Kanpur released Mock Test for CBT, Computer Based Test Help Video English and Hindi. The mock test will help the students in preparing for the examination. And Computer Based Test Help Videos will help in understanding the online test scenario. Many students may be giving Computer Based Test for the first time, so they are advised to practice the test online as this year JEE Advanced will be conducted online only.
Mock Test 4, Mock Test 5 and Mock Test 6 for JEE (Advanced) 2020 will be released.
JEE Main Admit Card Release Date
The NTA already announced the important dates of the exam. The Hall Ticket/Admit Card will be released 16 March 2020. The candidates can download the admit card from the official website and link will be available here also. Whereas, Admit card is the important document for the students, which carry all the details to appear in the exam.
Slight Drop in JEE Main Aspirants
The number of students applying for the Joint Entrance Examination (Main) is decreasing every year. This year only 11 Lakh 50 thousand candidates applied for the exam, which used to be 13 lakhs in 2015.
Update in Person with Disabilities (JEE Main Information Bulletin)

JEE Main 2020 Important Points

Mock Test for JEE (Advanced) 2020 launched
The mock test for JEE Advanced exam is available now. Also, JEE (Advanced) 2020 Computer Based Test CBT Help Video available in Hindi & English. The Candidates who are appearing for the first time in CBT mode, which is the only mode for JEE Advanced this time should take this mock test and also watch the official video.
Latest Update on National Testing Agency
As per the latest information by Minister of State for Human Resource Development (HRD) Upendra Kushwaha about NTA, that JEE Main and NEET entrance examinations will be conducted twice a year. this move may benefit the student in preparation.
JEE Main Image Correction
The NTA is providing the JEE Main Image correction from 11 October 2019. The correction in other areas of the form will be open from 02 January or after completion of JEE Main application form.
JEE Main Application Form
The NTA will release the JEE Main online application form 07 February 2020. And the procedure to fill the form is slightly changed from last year. Aadhar Number and state code of eligibility are required to fill the online application form. No offline/Paper form will be available. Check the eligibility criteria before filling the form.
JEE Main 2020 Information Brochure & Notification
The NTA released a notification about Joint Entrance Examination (Main). The Information Brochure is available on the website. The JEE Main website updated now. The online form is available from 07 February 2020. And exam will be conducted on 05 – 11 January 2020.

Date of Examination
The dates of main and advanced examination are announced by NTA, JOSAA and IITs. The JEE Main 2020 is conducted by NTA and JEE Advanced 2020 is by IIT Kanpur.
Pen & Paper Based Examination (Main) | 06 January 2020 |
Computer-Based Examination (Main) | 06 – 09 January 2020 |
Online JEE Advanced 2020 | May 2020 |
JEE Advanced 2020 English & Hindi Poster
The Joint Entrance Examination (Advanced) 2020 posters are released by IIT Kanpur.
English Poster and Hindi Poster. These posters contain details like examination, eligibility criteria, reservation, admission, examination cities, registration, registration fees for CBT, registration fees for foreign countries.
JEE Main Notification Release:
The NTA has released release JEE Main 2020 Notification. The notification contains all the important details regarding the exam along with important dates. The Application form will be available from the first week of December.
Admission to CFTI, NIT, IIIT and IIT
The JEE Main 2018 is the only gateway to get admission in these premium institutes. The Main exam is an eligibility test for the advanced exam. Admission to IITs is based on Advanced exam merit list.
JEE Advanced Syllabus is announced
The Syllabus for the Advanced exam is announced by IIT Kanpur on JEE advanced official website. Please download the official syllabus pdf here. Syllabus of JEE Advanced 2018
Eligibility Criteria for JEE Advanced is announced:
Each candidate must fulfil the following five criteria to appear in JEE Advanced 2020 led down by the advanced exam conducting authority.
Eligibility Criteria for Indian Nationals (JEE Advanced 2018)

JEE Advanced 2018 News: 4000 Seats Increased
How many students appeared for JEE Advanced 2018?
Now, engineering aspirants, have rejoicing moment as the Joint Admission Board (JAB) has recently increased 4000 number of eligible candidates from 2.20 lakh to 2.24 lakh for JEE 2018.

Jee Main & Advanced 2018 News:
05 September 2017: As per Bhaskar News Paper Kota edition, JEE Main exam date for the offline exam is 08 April 2018 and date for an online exam are yet to be declared by CBSE. The news says that Paper 1 and Paper 2 will be conducted on the same day. Paper 2 for B.Arch admission will start at noon and Paper 1 for Engineering admission will be from 9 to 12.30 noon. The confusion of Nationwide single engineering entrance exam also got clear after this announcement from Central Board of Secondary Education. Soon CBSE JEE Main News will be published on the official website.
JEE Main 2018 News in Hindi

JEE Main 2018 Updates:
29 September 2016: The government of India, Ministry of Human resource development department of higher education, Technical Section -1 notified about new reconstituted JEE Apex Board (JAB).The details of committee members are given here.

28 September 2017: Jee Advanced 2018 Official Website Launched, The Examination Date is 20 May 2018. The entire Examination will be conducted in fully CBT online mode. And this year JEE (Advanced) 2018 will be organised by IIT Kanpur.

jee main 2018 official website:
The schedule will remain the same even if the day of examination is declared a public holiday.

JEE Main and Advanced syllabus 2020
The Jee Main and Advanced Syllabus are given in the links below.
jee main full form is the Joint Entrance Examination (Main).
Keep Watching JEE MAIN 2020 and JEE Advanced 2020 pages for detailed information.