JEE Main Concept Wise Preparation can Bring the Fundamental Clarity

JEE Main Concept Wise Preparation
JEE Main Concept Wise Preparation

As Students are now gearing up for JEE Main- The Biggest National Engineering Entrance Examination, which is scheduled in April 2018, studying anything and everything will not do any good to you. Candidates should also have to devise a plan that is appropriate as every month passes. It is also crucial that you know how preparation strategy has to be different this time because, from the Year 2017, Class XII marks weightage for the JEE Main All India Ranks has been discarded this time. You also need to know the Topics and the Important Books which will help a lot and can increase the probability of cracking the exam. An Expert of one of the Best Coaching Institute of India – FIITJEE talks to on different factors that are very imperative for cracking JEE Main Concept Wise Preparation.

JEE Main Concept Wise Preparation can Bring the Fundamental Clarity – Says, Expert.

Q1. As the 40% weightage given to the normalised score of class 12th marks have been discarded from  2017, do you suggest some change in strategy for JEE Main preparation after looking 2017 Results?

Ans. Certainly, there is a change in orientation is required in the current scenario. Few strategies that can be expected this year onwards are:

  • Students can now focus on their Class XI syllabus in January/February itself as earlier. Their entire focus was on Class XII board syllabus during those months. Also, It will give an upper hand to brilliant students.
  • There are Many State Boards where Scoring good marks in boards is relatively easy as compared to other Boards. This created difference in the students as the Hardworking and the Best Students would miss out on getting good Rank in JEE Mains. With the change in the System, now these students will do well as their performance in JEE Main Concept Wise Preparation will only be considered.
  • Earlier Practice of Diagrams and Presentation of Answers was essential as there was a scope of losing marks in these areas which could have impacted their overall percentage. Still, the pursuit for good marks in Board Exams must be tried and should not give up.

Q2. What books would you suggest to JEE candidates for preparation in this last year of preparation? Would only NCERT books or CBSE books do?

Ans. NCERT books should be treated as  “The Ramayana”. Students must cover NCERT books thoroughly. These books give complete conceptual understanding. Also, the questions in the books are sometimes asked from the “Highlighted Important” sections. So, one must not overlook these sections.

Also, a student is ultimately targeting JEE Advanced, they tend to ignore few topics which are not part of the JEE Advanced syllabus but questions are asked in JEE Main and also part of Class 12 Boards, for example, “Principal Of Mathematical Induction”. Such topics should be covered from JEE Main Concept Wise Preparation point of view.

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Q3. How would the Discarding of weightage given to Class 12th normalised score impact JEE Main All India Ranks?

Ans. Intelligent students will stand to gain as they are aware of their priorities and also those who have better IQ and are fundamentally very strong. In other words, students who have been seriously preparing for JEE Main Concept Wise Preparation and JEE Advanced, their chances of doing well will be higher. They will be benefited as they now have to focus on areas of their strength.

Q4. What are the factors that determine success in JEE Mains?

Ans. JEE candidates must keep the following elements in mind:

  • Develop a proper strategy for time management between the different sections i.e. Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.
  • Avoid questions that you feel are quite challenging for you and Do not waste time in them. If required, you can flag them so that when at the end you complete up your remaining questions in time, then you can revisit those questions.
  • Students must also darken the appropriate answer bubble on the OMR sheet just after solving a question. Since Lot of times candidates first solve the paper and then darken the bubble later. This is an incorrect practice since there are chances of marking the wrong bubbles.
  • Students must also refer to their lab manuals or practical notebook because Sometimes, in JEE Mains, questions are asked which are related to practicals. So students who have done practicals in schools will be able to comfortably answer such questions.
  • Concept-wise revision – Sometimes questions are asked wherein multiple concepts are interlinked. So Revision for JEE Main Concept Wise Preparation should not be chapter-wise, rather it should be concept-wise. If students revise concept-wise, then chances of missing out on any topic are minimal. hence automatically their quality of attempts will improve.
  • During practice and while solving test papers, one should also keep a tab on the accuracy. To score well one has to be quick and accurate. High speed with high accuracy would prove to be beneficial for scoring good in Joint Entrance Examination.
  • Questions should be solved by applying reasoning and analytical ability and also candidate must subscribe good Mock Test Series. This will help to build confidence to solve specific types of problems. Refer to archive i.e. previous years’ JEE Main question paper bank.

Q5. What approach should students use while preparing different type of questions in different sections of JEE Advanced?

Ans. Questions in JEE Advanced are more analytical with higher difficulty level. Every year the pattern of paper and marking scheme remains a surprise element. Unlike JEE Main, JEE Advanced is lot more “concept of Application” based paper with the objective to judge a student’s thinking ability. It plays a big role which ultimately impacts a student’s performance. Hence the preparatory approach has to b a lot more directed towards conceptual aspect with a blend of logical and analytical thinking.

Q6. JEE Main 2018 is a year away. What preparation plan and strategy do you suggest to the students to balance their Class XII board preparation along with JEE preparations?

Ans. As a way forward, students should complete their Class XII syllabus by end of November 2017. After syllabus completion, students have to improve their skills, monitor strengths and weaknesses, increase their capabilities, plug loopholes, assess their national level standing and engage in maximising their output.

Key Points for JEE Main Concept Wise Preparation and Class XII Board Studies

  • From November to February, one must simultaneously solve Class XII board exam test paper and also refer to previous year papers.
  • Allocate some time in the daily schedule to practice Model Question Papers for Board.
  • Students studying in IITJEE coaching must also attend the review classes. So that they can go through the systematic pattern for revision.
  • Make a note of all doubts that might arise over the next couple of months and try to solve them on your own. But if you are not able to, then consult your subject teacher.
  • Have Group Studies and seek help from Group. Best Way to Revise is to Explain a Topic which He/She doesn’t understand and you know about that particular topic.
  • Focus on NCERT books. Important points under each concept need to be remembered.

Q7. In brief, any expert suggestion for JEE aspirants which is vital for cracking JEE Main 2018 and JEE Advanced?

Ans. Students should stick to fundamental approach. Every question will have some unique keyword. Students should underline these keywords while reading the question. Once a student is able to interpret those keywords, he/she would be able to have absolute concept clarity on how to solve them. Thus, it becomes easy to solve instantly.