Crack JEE Main 2018: Focus on JEE Main Important Topics

JEE Main Important Topics
JEE Main Important Topics
JEE Main Important Topics – IIT-JEE is an entrance exam which an aspirant must clear to get an admission in India’s premium institutes like IITs and NITs. There are 2 exams that a student must clear for admission, IIT-JEE Mains, and IIT JEE Advanced. IIT JEE Mains Question paper is structured in a way that tests students aptitude, analytical, logical and reasoning skills. To excel in this exam students must focus on IIT JEE Main Important Topics and plan in the right direction.
As we all know, all topics are not equally weighted in exams so focusing on important topics is always recommended.
According to Experts, revise important notes of Chemistry subject on daily basis. For Physics and Mathematics, it should be a routine practice of solving physics numerical and mathematical questions. Aspirants must solve last years’ papers and refer to NCERT Exemplar. Important derivations and formulas should be on their tips. They must prepare notes, diagrams, etc for revision of IIT Jee important topics. As a result, It will help aspirants to gain confidence and score well in JEE Mains.

Why focus more on JEE Main Important Topics?

According to Both Toppers and Experts, devoting extra time on important topics is a must. Below are a few reasons that show us benefits of focusing on important topics.
Reason 1: Important Topics carry more weight age.
JEE Main Aspirants should know that not all topics carry equal weightage of marks. It is recommended that you should devote more time on important topics. Some topics carry more marks, while others don’t. You just need to identify such topics and practice them more. According to experts “Some topics can be applied in all other chapters, and therefore, having a thorough understanding of these is very important”.
Reason 2: Important Topics From the core of the subject:
Each bit of the JEE Main Syllabus is critical, however, there are sure points in each subject that shape the premise of the whole subject and can work well for the reason for scoring.
Reason 3: Important score leads to Overall good score:
One must practice important topics more on understanding these topics well, you will be able to solve a major part of the JEE Main Question Paper correctly, which will consequently increase the JEE main score.
Reason 4: Important topics develop deeper understanding
Knowledge of these subjects will develop a deeper understanding that will be beneficial for future careers or studies. Knowledge is not limited to scoring well in exams but also implementing it to the real world is what matters.
Reason 5: Important topics will help in JEE Advanced Preparation simultaneously.
Studying important subjects are useful for JEE Advanced as well. In this way, concentrating more on Important points will fill as a double benefit for you.


Some Important topics in JEE Main and Advanced are shown. Also look into official website

JEE Main Important Topics: Mathematics 

Vectors & 3D Geometry Application of Derivatives Functions, Limits, Continuity & Differentiability
Differential Equation Permutation & Combination Circle, Parabola, Hyperbola in Coordinate Geometry
Sequences Complex Number Matrices in Algebra
Determinants Quadratic Equations & Expressions Definite Integral in Calculus
Quadratic Equation DefiniteIntegration Probability


JEE Main Important Topics: Physics 

Mechanics. Conservation Laws Magnetics
Heat and Thermodynamics Radioactivity Work, Power, Energy
Rotational Motion EMI Nuclear Physics
Semiconductor Electrostatics Dynamics
Theory of Fields Waves and Sound Fluids
Optics Modern Physics Capacitors

JEE Main Important Topics: Chemistry 

Redox Reactions Electrochemistry Chemical Kinetics
GOC P-Block Elements Qualitative Analysis
Thermodynamics Chemical Equilibrium in Physical Chemistry Coordination Chemistry & Chemical Bonding in Inorganic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
To know more about IIT Jee Main 2018 click here.

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