JEE Main Last Minute Preparation Tips – 2018

JEE Main Last Minute Preparation Tips
JEE Main Last Minute Preparation Tips

To be conducted in April 2018, aspirants of IIT JEE are left with 3 months time for IIT JEE. IIT JEE is the most important exam that is conducted for the candidates that seek admission in India’s Prestigious Engineering Institutes like IITs and NITs. Now, As there are only a few months left for IIT JEE main that is Phase 1 exam, therefore, students need to utilise this time in the best way possible. Below is the JEE Main Last Minute Preparation Tips.

How to prepare for JEE MAIN 2018 in 3 months know from Expert?

Jee main is a test for aspirants on 2 very vital aspects that is speed and accuracy.

JEE Main Last Minute Preparation Tips

What preparation strategy and plan should one use to balance class 12th board preparation with Jee preparations?
Expert: The last few months are very crucial and must be utilised efficiently for revision and mock tests. Each test must be followed by an in-depth test analysis to know weaker areas and rectification of the same. One should have completed his/her syllabus by now.
According to you, studying only NCERT syllabus would be sufficient for a student to clear JEE Main and JEE Advanced?
Expert: According to me, Only solving NCERT books will not be sufficient to crack conceptual problems asked in entrance exams. Questions in board exams are basically based on NCERT books. For JEE, practice as much as you can from different sources. This will help in strengthening all important concepts. Candidates must cover additional topics from CBSE syllabus as well

What books would you suggest to Aspirants for JEE Main last minute preparation in this final phase of preparation?

Expert: It is advisable to seek guidance from subject experts. However, At this stage should be utilised more for problem-solving, developing shortcuts, and memorising formulas and understanding one’s strengths and weaknesses. Candidates must take up mock tests. Proper time management is crucial to get a good score in JEE (Main). Learning one’s strength and weaknesses and improving upon them help secure a better rank in JEE. One must not start any new book at this stage.

What are the important topics in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics in JEE main last minute preparations?

Expert: Well, according to me the syllabus for 11th and 12th syllabus contributes in more or less equally. The best way for one is to manage his time and accuracy of exams. And, one should go with.
Mathematics: Quadratic Equations & Expressions, Complex Numbers, Probability, Vectors, Matrices in Algebra; Circle, Parabola, Hyperbola in Coordinate Geometry; Functions, Limits, Continuity and Differentiability, Application of Derivatives, Definite Integral in Calculus Tip: Solve as many as problems possible to develop a sound confidence level.
Physics: Kinematics, Gravitation, Fluids, Heat & Thermodynamics, Waves & Sound, Capacitors & Electrostatics, Magnetics, Electromagnetic Induction, Optics & Modern Physics. Tip: Practising quality problems is the key to success in this subject. If concepts are clear, then this subject becomes all the more interesting. Chemistry: Coordination Chemistry & Chemical Bonding in Inorganic Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Chemical & Ionic Equilibrium, Mole Concept in Physical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry.
Tip: Just go through Periodic in general and read NCERT for Inorganic Chemistry. For the Organic part, first, build up your all basic concepts and then start doing a lot of practice. For the Physical part, practice as much numerical as you can.

What changes in strategy should a student need to bring in JEE last minute preparation that is the last three months?

The last three months must be utilised wisely for strengthening the understanding of concept involved, improving the time needed to solve a given problem, identifying weaknesses and correcting them.
  • Solve JEE level problems fast with time management in mind.
  • Sample papers give a fair idea about the pattern of question paper and help one improve time management.
  • Remain focused and maintain a positive attitude while studying.
  • Remember, it is the quality of time spent and not the quantity alone. Hence, take short breaks of five to ten minutes after every one or two hours of serious study. Relax completely when you take a break.
  • Practice meditation to develop inner calm, poise, confidence and power of concentration. These matter a lot and will help you on the day of examination.
  • Don’t over stress yourself.
  • JEE (Main) is not difficult, but tricky. However, its questions do have a need of being tackled with different tactics and perspectives.
  • Focus on solving the problems on your own while preparing for the exam. Start with conventional methods of problems solving but improvise constantly, and build your own shortcuts and ways for problem-solving.
  • Both speed and strike rate matter. High speed with less accuracy can ruin your results.
  • Don’t use Calculators.

Time is a criterion in answering the JEE Main exam. Any suggestions on how a candidate should go about answering since negative marking exists?


One must be quick enough to adapt to the level of paper and act promptly. One essential technique in JEE Main Last Minute Preparation is not to give full time in one go to a specific subject. Rather, dispense some time with the goal that one could survey this subject once more. For example, for a three hour paper with three subjects, by and large, understudies tend to give one hour each. It is prudent that they dispense 40-45 minutes in any one subject that they feel certain, and proceed onward to the second subject and afterwards to the third. In the rest of the time, the unsolved addressed might be surveyed. This will help in increasing the attempting rate.

What would you advise for JEE Main Last Minute Preparations to students to ensure they feel confident and give their best shot during the exam?

  • Say to yourself “I am excited about JEE Main and I will crack this”.
  • Think positively and Don’t talk anything about JEE Main with others.
  • One day before the exam, do not study anything new.
  • Brush up important formulas in all three subjects.
  • Relax or indulge in meditation a day before the actual exam in order to give your best shot.
  • Don’t ask your friends how much they have studied. It will create unnecessary pressure.
  • Have a sound sleep for at least 6-7 hours.
  • Ensure to carry your JEE Main 2018 Hall Ticket, one ID proof and a pencil box containing eraser/sharpener/blue & black ball pens, etc. Avoid borrowing anything inside the examination hall.

Any other message you would like to share with the JEE Main 2018 aspirants?

Speed and accuracy are the keys for JEE Main Last Minute Preparation and to your success in JEE Main 2018.
Time Management:
  • Proper planning is important for timely preparation and dealing with the study pressure.
  • Divide these crucial remaining months aptly in the three subjects.
  • Prepare a chapter-wise and topic-wise revision schedule.
  • Create short notes and list all formula & points to remember. This will help in quick revision before the examination.

Correct Methodology: 

The right approach for JEE main last minute preparation for those showing up first or second time is to stick to one source and not allude to many different numbers of books/study material accessible in the market. Students should remain focused all the time and try not to lose their concentration. Focus on your Goal: The way to right readiness is appropriate and opportune arranging. Toppers gain from their weak regions and practice seriously to enhance by every single mean. Attitude and concentration are the way to be a topper. Toppers separate their planning time in like manner. They adhere to a single technique of preparation and have confidence in themselves. Hence, they bit by bit develop their certainty level and are equipped to crack any troublesome question. They guarantee to solve every single earlier year’s papers keeping their ideas perfectly clear.
Check JEE MAIN 2018 Syllabus at
Finally, it is the relative performance that will matter on the exam day. So, put in your best performance and you will ace.

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