JEE Main Marks vs Percentile 2020: Calculate Marks using Percentile


JEE Main Marks vs Percentile 2020 – As per NTA normalization notice for JEE Main, the most commonly searched term by JEE aspirants is JEE Main marks vs percentile. As NTA has announced the normalization procedure but has not shed any light on the specific data to calculate the JEE Main percentile versus marks. As ranks will be determined on the basis of the percentile, students are looking for the percentile they will obtain for the marks they expect in JEE Main. The article below is gives the  the expected range based on the past trends and the normalization formula used by National Testing Agency NTA.

Rank Calculator for JEE MAIN-2020 (January) Here.

Details of JEE Main Marks vs Percentile

JEE Main Marks Percentile
360 to 310 100 – 99.98724751
309 to 299 99.985572 – 99.9740296
298 to 288 99.97589128 – 99.96258028
287 to 278 99.96146328 – 99.94424276
277 to 268 99.94098483 – 99.91929629
267 to 258 99.91836545 – 99.89081262
257 to 248 99.88643768 – 99.84845946
247 to 238 99.84510844 – 99.79959043
237 to 228 99.79679791 – 99.73294238
227 to 218 99.73005678 – 99.65475193
217 to 208 99.64888765 – 99.55273201
207 to 198 99.54919482 – 99.43609792
197 to 188 99.4200875 – 99.28958392
187 to 178 99.26473052 – 99.07781811
177 to 168 99.06329703 – 98.85683701
167 to 158 98.82509541 – 98.55710695
157 to 148 98.53104347 – 98.20040957
147 to 138 98.14939961 – 97.75686494
137 to 128 97.69477799 – 97.17648701
127 to 118 97.13841571 – 96.41990133
117 to 108 96.35511496 – 95.49744019
107 to 98 95.42678954 – 94.40128456
97 to 88 94.19473145 – 92.74709113
87 to 78 92.61891464 – 90.64227869
77 to 68 90.42902355 – 87.34180397
67 to 58 87.34180397 – 82.68016383
57 to 48 81.92571907 – 75.39020758
47 to 38 74.13450619 – 64.11300382
37 to 28 62.88839244 – 49.28762915
27 to 18 49.01228707 – 33.08815042
17 to 1 31.32570046 – 9.077538863

JEE Main Normalization:

Download the Normalization procedure based on JEE PERCENTILE SCORE

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