JEE Main Seats Reservation 2022-23: Category Wise Quota, State Wise

JEE Main Seats Reservation 2020
JEE Main Seats Reservation 2020

JEE Main Seats Reservation 2022-23: The NTA/JoSSA/CSAB follows the Indian Government’s policy on the reservation of seats, which is based on factors like candidate’s caste, gender and quota. Students from the OBC – Other Backward class (Non-Creamy Layer), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Scheduled Castes (SC), Person with Disability (PwD) with 40% or more disability are counted under JEE Main reservation of seats 2020. The female candidates also fall under the reservation category. The JEE Main 2022-23 reservation criteria also include criteria based on home state quota and other state quotas in each participating institutes. And participating institutes follow these criteria while offering admission.

Latest Update: JEE Main 2023 February Session Application Form has been released by the National Testing Agency (NTA).

Final List of Institutions admitting students (with intake in each discipline and category as per reservation) through JEE (Main)-2020 shall be available on the website of SEAT ALLOCATION BOARD in the month of May/June 2020.<span class="su-quote-cite">JEE Main Information Brochure</span>

Check your JEE Main Rank Here at JEE Main Rank Predictor.

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Total seats in JEE Mains 2022-23

 As per the JEE Main Brochure, The JEE (Main) secretariat/NTA is only an examination conducting body. The JEE (Main) secretariat does not collect the information regarding the total number of seats available in the institutions and reservation criteria followed by the institutions. For all admission related procedures/queries, the candidates are advised to refer the website of JoSAA, Central Seat Allocation Board (CSAB) or the concerned state government/institute after the declaration of ranks of JEE (Main)– 2020. 

The Number of Seats for Female Candidates Increased

The number of seats for female candidates is increased from 8% to 14% in 2022-23 by creating extra seats specifically for female candidates, without disturbing the number of seats available in the previous academic year (i.e. the academic year 2022-23).

Reservation of seats:

Reservation of Seats
Reservation of Seats

Important Points regarding JEE Main Reservation of seats

After the declaration of result, JEE (Main) secretariat/CBSE hand over the data to SEAT ALLOCATION BOARD. And also submit to state government/institute for Seat Allocation Process and admission procedure. The institution-level reservation criteria and information regarding the total number of seats are not collected by JEE (Main) Secretariat.

The final list of participating institutes (total number of seats with reserved quota seats) in JEE (Main) 2020  Counselling shall be available on the SEAT ALLOCATION BOARD website in the month of May/June 2020.

Seat Allocation Process and admission procedure

The process for seat allocation and admission is based on JEE Main All India Rank.

Seat Allocation Process
Seat Allocation Process

Category Wise JEE Main Seats Reservation 2020

Reservation of seats

Reservation of seats
Reservation of seats

The Category Wise JEE Main 2020 Reservation of seats is mention below.

S.No. Category JEE Main Seats Reservation 2020
1. OBC (Non-creamy layer) 27%
2. SC 15%
3. ST 7.5%
4. PwD (40% or more disability) 3%

JEE Main 2020 Seats Reservation in different institutes.

Aspirants can note down, the JEE Main 2020 reservation criteria for IITs, NITs, CFTIs (Centrally Funded Technical Institute), Government-funded Technical Institutes (GFTIs) state engineering colleges from the table given below:

JEE Main Seats Reservation 2020

S.No. Institutes JEE Main Reservation of seats
1. IITs, NITs, CFTIs JEE Main reservation of seats in the institutes like IITs, NITs and CFTIs will be given only to the classes/castes/tribes mentioned in the respective central list published by the Government of India.
2. State engineering colleges There are numerous state engineering colleges who fill their B.Tech/ B.E. seats based on JEE Main 2020 score/rank. In this case, the reservation criteria of the respective state will be applied.

JEE Main Seats Reservation 2020 – For female Candidates

As per AICTE, 5% seats are reserved for women in all the engineering colleges participating in JEE Main Counselling.

JEE Main Seats Reservation 2020 – Home state and other state quotas

In addition to JEE Main reservation of seats written above, seats for bachelors programmes offered by NITs, Birla Institute of Technology (BIT), Mesra and Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur under JEE Main Counselling are divided into two quotas:

Home State quota (HS) – The candidates who have passed class 12 or equivalent examination from the state in which the institute situated is considered under HS (Home State quota).

Other States quota (OS) – The other state quota is 15% every state considers the other state students for admission. It includes all the states and union territories except the home state/ home union territory.

S.No. Quota JEE Main Reservation of Seats
1. Home State (HS) Quota 50%
2. Other State (OS) Quota 50%

Defence quota in JEE Mains

  • According to iit jee reservation seats, there is no defence quota in jee mains. whereas reserved seats are filled on the basis of caste quota i.e. ST/SC/OBC and PWD.
  • Although Army engineering college Pune has a special preference for children belonging to defence backgrounds.

JEE Main Reservation of Seats 2020- For states/UT without NIT

In states and Union Territories where no NIT has been established, the home state quota for such states will be applicable to the NITs given below in the table:

JEE Main Reservation of Seats- HS quota in NITs

S.No. States NITs
1. Andaman and Nicobar Islands NIT Puducherry
2. Lakshadweep NIT Goa
3. Daman and Diu NIT Goa
4. Dadra and Nagar Haveli NIT Goa
5. Chandigarh NIT Delhi

JEE Main 2020 Eligibility Criteria for Reserve Seat Quotas

Jee Main Eligibility Criteria for Reservation
Jee Main Eligibility Criteria for Reservation

The CBSE/JoSSA/CSAB follows the Indian Government’s policy on the JEE Main Seats Reservation 2020, based on factors like candidate’s caste, gender and quota.

FAQs of jee main seat reservation

Is there any reservation in JEE mains?

According to IIT jee reservation seats, there is no defence quota in jee mains. whereas reserved seats are filled on the basis of caste quota i.e. ST/SC/OBC and PWD.

Is there any reservation in JEE Mains for girls?

Candidates who belong to EWS, OBC, SC, ST, female candidates and Person with Disability (PwD) categories will be eligible to claim reservation in JEE Main. ... Go through the complete article to know important information regarding JEE Main Reservation Criteria 2020.

What is state quota in JEE Main?

Home State Quota. Candidates of JEE Main who have passed class XII from a particular state and have cleared the examination will come under home state quota. These candidates will get preference in admission to the institutes of that state as compared to those who are from other states.

Is there sports quota in IIT?

Is there are military or sports quota in IITs or nits. Indian Institute of technology has no reservation for sports quota. The only people who get reservation are Scheduled casts and scheduled tribes and Other backward classes. The only way you can get into IIT Iis by sheer excellent academic performance.


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