JEE Main is one of the most popular after engineering entrance examination in India. 1.3 million People wrote the examination in 2019. Some of the most prestigious colleges such as NIT’s, IIIT’s and IISc considers scores obtained in JEE Main for admission to B.Tech Courses. Also, the candidates have to qualify JEE Main to be eligible to appear in JEE Advanced. This article will help candidates to plan for JEE MAINS 2020 Preparation. The JEE Main 2023 is being conducted in multiple Sessions (February/March/April/May 2023). Check JEE Main 2023 Detailed Information Here.
JEE Main Examination is of 3 hours duration, with 90 questions each carrying 4 marks. Most of the questions in JEE Main are an implementation of the concepts in NCERTs’. To write the exam efficiently, the candidate has to practice all the concepts covered in class 11th and 12th comprehensively. With no weight-age of board examinations in JEE Main, Rank allotted will depend solely on performance in the Entrance Examination.

Latest Update: NTA has released the JEE Main 2020 Admit Card on 06 December 2019.
How to go for JEE MAINS 2020 Preparation?
Step to follow –
Subscribe to Get Updated Information about How one can prepare for JEE Mains 2023 from Last year papers?
- Make a Schedule
- Know Syllabus & Pattern Well
- Start from the start
- Make Books your best friends
- Revise until you become wise
- Sample papers are never ample
- Give Mock the test
- Take necessary breaks
- Be positive
Comprehensive Schedule:
Syllabus for JEE Main is highly extensive. Candidate should make a comprehensive schedule so that all the topics are covered within an appropriate time.
- Topic-Wise Preparation: Candidates should keep a check on the topic-wise division of the last year’s question paper and should prepare accordingly. For example, In Mathematics, Coordinate Geometry is one of the most important topics in accordance with JEE Main. Candidates should give more time to such topics.
- Bullet Points: Short Notes and Bullet Points are essential while covering such a huge syllabus. Candidates should frequently revise those notes so as to remain familiar with all the concepts.
- Mock Test Papers: Candidate will need Accuracy and Quick Thinking to solve 90 questions in 3 hours. They should thus solve many mock test papers with time constraint in order to adapt themselves to exam-like conditions.
- Practice Questions: Candidates should solve questions from H.C. Verma in Physics and R.D. Sharma in Mathematics. These books cover all the concepts required in preparation for JEE Main.
- It is not important to revise the syllabus only a month before the exam. As you complete a topic or unit, revise it. But don’t spend too much time on it. Revision at this point should be quick.
- With the revision, practising sample papers comes automatically. Practice as many sample papers as you can and find out your weak areas so that they can be worked upon before the final day.
Read More Relevant Information
Adjusting to Exam Conditions: To prepare better for JEE Main 2020
JEE Main 2020 Examination is generally exhaustive as the candidate will have to write the examination continuously for 3 hours. Thus, after some time the efficiency in solving questions decreases. Candidates should thus practise reading for a span of 3 hours without breaks.
- Coaching Centers: Guidance from Coaching Centers is advisable. Students generally face many doubts while reading a particular topic. Proper guidance can help the students understand the concepts better. Also, candidates can learn from the doubts asked by other students.
- Dream College: A really effective way to get motivated towards studies is to be aware of the colleges that the candidate can go to. It’s easier and efficient to read when a student has a set defined goal.
- Tricks: Apart from learning new concepts, the candidate should also learn the tricks to get correct answers. As the paper is of multiple choice objective type, sometimes answers can be obtained by eliminating wrong options.
- Health: It is equally important that the candidate should take care of his/her health during the preparation phase. To study regularly for 10-11 hours, the candidate needs a proper diet and sleep, which should not be ignored.
- Be positive
Important books for JEE MAIN 2020-
For Physics-
- Concepts of Physics Vol I and II by H.C. Verma
- Problems in General Physics by I.E. Irodov
- Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick & Walker
For chemistry-
- Numerical Chemistry by P. Bahadur
- Organic Chemistry by Paula Bruice Yurkanis
- Inorganic Chemistry by J.D. Lee
- Organic Chemistry by Morrison & Boyd
For mathematics-
- Maths XI & XII by NCERT
- Trigonometry by S. L. Loney
- Co-ordinate Geometry by S. L. Loney
- Higher Algebra by Hall & Knight
- Problems in Calculus of One Variable by I.A. Maron
JEE MAINS 2020 Preparation from Last year papers -Please click on papers
2017 Question Paper I and II JEE Main
2016 Question Paper I – JEE Main
2015 Question Paper I – JEE Main
2014 Question Paper I and II JEE Main
Extensive and Exhaustive practice and learning of concepts are required to get good results in JEE Main that can only be done through dedication and following the set routine. Candidates can know more about JEE Main 2020 Entrance Examination on EntranceZone.Com.
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