KCET 2021 Important Dates: Karnataka CET Schedule(Released)

KCET 2018 Important Dates
KCET Important Dates

KCET 2021 Important Dates have been announced. KCET Exam Dates are Biology, Mathematics – 28 Aug 2021, Physics, Chemistry – 29 Aug 2021 and Kannada language test- 30 August 2021. Karnataka Examinations Authority (KEA) conducts KCET at the state-level every year for admission in UG engineering, architecture, veterinary, farm science, yoga & naturopathy, and B.Phama, etc. courses. Through the exam, admission is granted in Government / University / Private Aided / Unaided educational institutes of the states. Know more details on KCET 2021 from this page.

KCET 2021 Important Dates

Following are the KCET 2021 exam date:

Important events of KCET 2021 Dates
Start of registrations July 2021
Last date to register to be announced
Application Form Correction to be announced
Admit card release to be announced
KCET 2021 Exam Date Biology, Mathematics – 28 August 2021
Physics, Chemistry – 29 August 2021
Date of Kannada language test 30 August 2021
Verification of documents for Agriculturist
quota at Practical Test Centres
to be announced
Date of Practical exam for UG course applicants for Agriculture/Horticulture/Veterinary
Universities under “Agriculture Quota”
to be announced
Results to be announced

KCET 2021 Guidelines

General instructions and Guidelines:

  1. Once downloaded the candidates should check the admit card details.
  2. Candidates should make sure there is no error or mistake on their admit cards.
  3. Also candidates a request to get at least two print out of the admit card.
  4. Yet, the prints of admit card can be in colour or black and white.
  5. Candidates need to check if they require attaching any photograph or signature of candidates or their parents. And if essential the candidates must do so or they may not get permission to enter the examination hall.
  6. Admit card contains the address of the examination centre.
  7. While the candidates must visit their exam Center a day prior to the exam date as this would avoid any situation of getting lost. And for getting late for the exam also they must reach the exam Center 30 minutes prior to the exam timings
  8. And, Candidates must carry the admit card to the examinations Center.  as without admit card, the candidates would not be allowed to attend the KCET 2021 under any circumstances.
  9. While in a case of the candidates are not able to download the admit card they can collect the admit card from the examination centre. And if such a situation arises the candidate must reach the exam nation Center 45 minutes prior to the exam timings.
  10. Finally, the admit card will be checked by the invigilator for the legitimacy of the applicant.

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