KEE 2020 Eligibility Criteria: Karunya University Entrance Exam Eligibility

KEE Eligibility Criteria
KEE Eligibility Criteria

KEE 2020 Eligibility Criteria will be decided by Karunya University. Before applying for the KEE 2020, the candidates should be aware of the conditions to be KEE 2020 Eligibility Criteria to appear for this exam. They must know the minimum qualification required, the age constraints and other conditions to appear for the same. If the candidates fulfil all the conditions prescribed by the University, only then they can proceed further for the application process of Karunya University Engineering Entrance Test.

KEE 2020 Eligibility Criteria

Whenever people apply for any examination, the first thing which they read is the “eligibility criteria”. Hence candidate should also go through the eligibility criteria at first step to know whether they are eligible for KEE 2020 or not. The eligibility criteria for KEE 2020 have been mentioned below.

S. No Particulars Details
1. Citizenship
  • The candidate must be an Indian national.
  • NRIs & foreign nationals can also apply.
2. Age Limit The student must have attained the age of 17 years.
3. Academic Qualification
  • For B.Tech Courses- the student must have cleared 12th standard examination from recognized Board scoring minimum 50% marks
  • For B.Tech (Lateral Entry)- the applicant must have completed a Diploma B.Sc course from a recognized University.
  • For M.Tech –  the candidates must hold Bachelor’s degree in engineering with minimum 50% marks.
Offered Course Eligibility Criteria
Aerospace 10 + 2 or equivalent from a recognized Board / University with a minimum aggregate of 45% in PCM
Biomedical 10 + 2 or equivalent from a recognized Board / University with a minimum aggregate of 45% in PCM
Biotechnology 10 + 2 or equivalent from a recognized Board / University with a minimum aggregate of 45% in PCM


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10 + 2 or equivalent from a recognized Board / University with a minimum aggregate of 45% in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology / Botany / Computer Science / Zoology (only if the candidate has not learned Mathematics in 10 + 2 or equivalent)

Civil 10 + 2 or equivalent from a recognized Board / University with a minimum aggregate of 45% in PCM
Computer Science 10 + 2 or equivalent from a recognized Board / University with a minimum aggregate of 45% in PCM
Electronics and Communication 10 + 2 or equivalent from a recognized Board / University with a minimum aggregate of 45% in PCM
Electrical and Electronics 10 + 2 or equivalent from a recognized Board / University with a minimum aggregate of 45% in PCM
Electronics and Instrumentation 10 + 2 or equivalent from a recognized Board / University with a minimum aggregate of 45% in PCM
Electronics and Media 10 + 2 or equivalent from a recognized Board / University with a minimum aggregate of 45% in PCM
Food Processing 10 + 2 or equivalent from a recognized Board / University with minimum aggregate of 45% in PCM


10 + 2 or equivalent from a recognized Board / University with a minimum aggregate of 45% in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology / Botany / Computer Science / Zoology (only if the candidate has not learned Mathematics in 10 + 2 or equivalent)

Mechanical 10 + 2 or equivalent from a recognized Board / University with a minimum aggregate of 45% in PCM

Karunya University Engineering Entrance Eligibility:

For Regular B. Tech. Programs

  1. Only the candidates who have passed 10 + 2 or equivalent from a recognized Board / University in the first attempt are eligible to apply for KEE 2020.
  2. The candidates need to secure at least 45% aggregate marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics to be eligible for application.
  3. The aspirants who are appearing in 10 + 2 or equivalent from a recognized Board / University in the year 2020 are also eligible to appear.

For B. Tech. Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, and Food Processing

  1. Only the candidates who have passed 10 + 2 or equivalent from a recognized Board / University in the first attempt are eligible to apply for KEE 2020.
  2. The candidates need to secure at least 45% aggregate marks in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology / Botany / Computer Science / Mathematics / Zoology to be eligible for application.
  3. The aspirants who are appearing in 10 + 2 or equivalent from a recognized Board / University in the year 2020 are also eligible to appear.

Important notes regarding KEE 2020 Eligibility Criteria:

  • The eligibility of the candidate is checked at any time during the entire admission process. If He/ She is ineligible for the examination, then His/ Her application will be invalid and will not proceed without any prior notice.
  • Candidates who are eligible to appear for KEE 2020 but fail to submit the necessary documents to prove the eligibility, then also their application will be cancelled.
  • If any kind of discrepancy is found in the documents and proofs submitted by the candidate, his application will not be considered for further admission process.
  • Furthermore, candidates who are doing or done with Diploma or B.Sc can check their eligibility criteria here.

The official website of KEE 2020 is

Karunya University Entrance Exam Paper Pattern
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