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KEE 2020 Result: Karunya University Entrance Exam Result

KEE ResultKEE Result

KEE Result

KEE 2020 Result of the examination will be released on 08 May 2020. And, Karunya University Entrance Exam Results will be available online. Also, Candidates need to log in and fill in the details to get the result.

KEE 2020 Result

Results can be viewed only when the candidate logs in into the created account. Candidates need to fill in their login details.

And, candidates are required to fill in their KEE 2020 roll number and their Date of Birth for this purpose. If there is any problem regarding the accounts and Login ID generated, they must immediately inform the authority. Further notice of their ranks will be available to them through E-mail/ SMS after the declaration of result and Rank Cards will be available.

Steps for Getting Result of KEE 2020

  • Karunya University will conduct KEE 2020 to evaluate the merit of the candidates for the courses offered at the university.
  • The result of KEE 2020 will be available online on the official website after the evaluation of all the answer sheets of the candidates.
  • The candidates can check KEE 2020 results online on the official website of Karunya University.
  • The aspirants will be able to check their results by logging in to the website using their application number and date of birth.
  • Only the results of those candidates who will appear in the examination will be available.

Details Available on KEE 2020 Result

  • Full Name of Candidate
  • KEE 2020 Application Number of Candidate
  • Marks Obtained by Candidate in KEE 2020 Examination
  • Rank Obtained by Candidate in KEE 2020 Examination
  • Category of the Candidate

Details Regarding KEE 2020 Result Declaration

  1. KEE 2020 Result will be available online on the official website tentatively in the month of April 2020 and the candidates will receive a message containing the rank obtained by them in the examination.
  2. The counselling schedule will be available in the rank order by the Karunya University.
  3. A candidate must carry a hard copy of the KEE 2020 Result (self – attested) at the time of counselling.
  4. No re-grading or re-totalling will be permissible by the exam conducting body as the evaluation of all the answer scripts is by the system with extreme care.
  5. Also, there is no provision for providing any photocopy of the answer sheet for the candidate.

Karunya University Entrance Exam Result Dates

The actual date of Karunya University KEE 2020 Result is not yet available. However, candidates must visit the University’s official website to see any notification regarding the same. And, a link will be available here also.

Subscribe to Get Updated Information about KEE 2020 Result: Karunya University Entrance Exam Result

Karunya University Entrance exam 27 April 2020
The announcement of results of KEE 2018. 08 May 2020
Counselling & Seat allotment First to the second week of May 2020

On the basis of the ranks, qualified candidates will get the call for the counselling process. The Result Card / Rank card is a very important document and it is mandatory to be presented during the counselling session.

Note: Request for re-evaluation and re-checking will not be considered by the authority.

Karunya University multi-disciplinary streams

Karunya University offers 12 Undergraduate programs.

And Admitted students are free to choose the subjects they want to study in every semester.

This choice of subjects helps them follow their dreams without any limits by a restricted curriculum. Students also get the offers for free electives which help them to understand multi-disciplinary streams.

And the students also get the offers for free electives which help them to understand multi-disciplinary streams.

Unofficial Results

Candidates eager to check their marks can simply go check answers published by many coaching centres. Many coaching centres publish their own answer keys which can be used by candidates to grade themselves tentatively. The answers published by coaching centres can differ from the original answers, so the final marks can differ. Also, such candidates can use rank predictors to check their tentative ranks which can also differ from the final rank published by the university. Even though these are not final but these methods can be used to predict the rank and marks which are almost the same.

KEE 2020 Counseling

Eligibility Criteria to be Met by the Candidates for Getting Admitted

The aspirants should first read all the eligibility criteria for KEE 2020. Karunya University will decide the eligibility criteria. Only those candidates who will meet the KEE 2020 Eligibility Criteria will be eligible for admission.

Step by Step Procedure of KEE 2020 Counseling (Applicable for Only B. Tech. / M. Sc. Integrated Courses)

  1. Firstly, all the details related to the counselling schedule (counselling date, time slot, and venue) will be available in the message by Karunya University to the qualified candidates. The same details will also be available online on the official website also.
  2. But, no change in the counselling schedule is permissible.
  3. Also, the candidate must attend the counselling in person on the allotted schedule.
  4. Then, in the absence of any candidate, the next candidate with the successive rank will get the seat.
  5. Further, the candidate must be present in the venue at the time his / her rank is called. But, no late coming is permissible.
  6. Also, the candidates who will get the seats will have to pay the admission fees prescribed by the University through Demand Draft (DD) in favour of “The Registrar, Karunya University” payable at Coimbatore.
  7. Finally, the candidates must carry the documents mentioned above for the counselling, failing which they will not get permission to attend the counselling. Also, one set of photocopy of the documents is also necessary.

“Stay informed about EntranceZone Latest updates and feature articles regarding Karunya University Entrance Result

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Shilpa: Shilpa is a passionate writer. She likes to write about education updates. She is M.Tech from Banastahli University and CSE graduate from ABIT Cuttack. She had written around 1000 articles in past.
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