LNMIIT 2020 Syllabus: Laxmi Niwas Mittal Institute of Information Technology

LNMIIT 2018 Syllabus
LNMIIT Syllabus 2018

Firstly, LNMIIT 2020 Syllabus for admission is decided by LNMIIT or Laxmi Niwas Mittal Institute of Information Technology. Also, for admission under graduation in Engineering Joint Entrance Examination results will be considered. Further, it is a deemed university, located in Jaipur. Moreover, candidates seeking Admission in B.Tech will have to qualify in JEE Mains.

Also, aspirants seeking admission through JEE Main 2020 should have a thorough knowledge of concepts covered in NCERT. JEE Main exams are generally lengthy and technique based. Aspirants should have practised many questions and should solve many sample test papers before appearing for the exam. So, detailed syllabus about the same can be seen below.

LNMIIT 2020 Syllabus:

PHYSICS Chap1-  Physics And Measurement

Chap2-  Kinematics

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Chap3-  Laws Of Motion

Chap4-  Work, Energy, and Power

Chap5-  Rotational Motion

Chap6-  Gravitation

Chap7-  Properties of Solid And Liquids

Chap8-  Thermodynamics

Chap9- Kinetic Theory of Gases

Chap10- Oscillation and Waves

Chap11- Electrostatics

Chap12- Current Electricity

Chap13- Magnetic Effect of Current and Magnetism

Chap14- Electromagnetic Waves

Chap15- Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation

Chap16- Atoms and Nuclei

Chap17- Electronic Devices

Chap18- Communication Systems 

CHEMISTRY Chap1- Some Basic Concepts in Chemistry

Chap2- States of Matter

Chap3- Atomic Structure

Chap4- Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

Chap5- Chemical Thermodynamics

Chap6- Solutions

Chap7- Equilibrium

Chap8- Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry

Chap9- Chemical Kinetics

Chap10- Surface Chemistry

Chap11- Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

Chap12- General Principles and Process of Isolation of Metals

Chap13- Hydrogen

Chap14- S- Block Elements

Chap15- P- Block Elements

Chap16- F-Block Elements

Chap17- D and F-Block Elements

Chap18- Environmental Chemistry

Chap19- Purification and Characterization of Organic Compounds

Chap20- Some Basic Principle of Organic Compounds

Chap21- Hydrocarbons

Chap22- Organic Compounds Containing Oxygen

Chap23- Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen

Chap24- Biomolecules

Chap25- Chemistry in Everyday Life

MATHEMATICS Chap1- Sets, Relations and Functions

Chap2- Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equation

Chap3- Matrix, and Determinants

Chap4- Permutations and Combinations

Chap5- Binomial Theorem and its simple application

Chap6- Sequence and series

Chap7- Limit, Continuity, and Differentiability

Chap8- Integral Calculus

Chap9- Differential Equation

Chap10- Coordinate Geometry

Chap11- Three Dimensional Geometry

Chap12- Vector Algebra

Chap13- Statistics and Probability

Chap14- Trigonometry

Chap15- Mathematical Reasoning

Laxmi Niwas Mittal Institute of Information Technology

Moreover, candidates can visit this website frequently or they can also see JEE Main 2020 Syllabus page for more details on LNMIIT 2020 Syllabus.

Finally, the official website of LNMIIT: http://www.lnmiit.ac.in/

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