Normalization Procedure of NTA JEE Main 2023 for Multi-Session Papers on Based of Percentile Score: National Testing Agency is going to conduct JEE Main 2023 examinations on multiple dates. It gives the opportunity to get admission in BE/B. Tech and B.Arch/B.Plan courses. For getting admission in IITs & ISM Dhanbad, students have to clear JEE Main and JEE Advanced both. It will be conducted two times a year by the NTA. In this article, it is informed to all candidates regarding the normalization procedure of NTA JEE Main 2023. Interested candidates can go through the article to get the complete details.
Check JEE Main 2023 Notification here.
NTA JEE Main 2023 Marks Normalisation Procedure
Normalization procedure based on PERCENTILE SCORE: As you know, applicants will be given different sets of questions per session and it is quite possible that in spite of all efforts pale of keep equivalence among various question papers. But, the difficulty level of these question papers in different sessions may not be exactly the same. Some of the candidates may end up attempting a relatively tougher set of questions when compared to other sets of the question paper. The candidates who attempt the relatively tougher examination are likely to get lower marks as compared to those who attempt the easier one. In order to remove such a scenario Normalization procedure of NTA JEE Main 2023 will be used for ensuring that candidates are neither benefitted nor disadvantaged due to the difficulty level of the exam. With the aim of ensuring that a candidate’s true merit is identified and that a level playing field is created in the above context, the Normalization Procedure, set out below shall be adopted, for composing the NTA scores for multi-session papers.
The process of Normalization is a practice for comparing candidate marks across multi-session papers. For normalization across sections, NTA will use the percentile equivalence.
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Percentile Scores: Percentile scores are scores based on the comparative performance of all those who appear for the examination. Basically, the scores obtained are transformed into a scale ranging from 100 to 0 for each session of examinees.
The Percentile Score exhibit the percentage of applicants that have scored EQUAL TO OR BELOW (same or lower raw scores) that particular Percentile in that examination. The candidate who will get the highest score in each session will get the 100 Percentile. The marks obtained in between the highest and lowest marks are also converted to appropriate Percentiles.
Percentile score will be the Normalized Score for the Examination
100 X Number of candidates appeared in the Session‟ with raw score EQUAL TO OR LESS than the candidate Total number of the candidates appeared in the ‟Session‟.
Note: The Percentile of the Total candidates shall NOT be an aggregate or average of the Percentile of the individual subject. The percentile score is not the same as the percentage of marks scored.
Example: Let a test was held in 4 sessions of examiners as per details are given below:- (Allocation of Days and shifts were done randomly)
(a) Distribution of candidates was as follows:

By this method, the scoring of the HIGHEST RAW SCORE in each paper will be the 100 Percentile exhibiting that 100% of candidates have scored equal to or lesser than the topper for that session.
Highest Raw Score and Percentile Score: All the highest raw scorers will get normalized 100 Percentile for their respective session.
Lowest Raw Score and Percentile Score: The Percentile Score of lowest raw scorers will depend on the total number of applicants who have appeared in the examination for their respective session.

The following is a deep explanation of the interpretation of the raw scores into Percentile Score in Session-3 (Day-2 and Shift-1) with 41326 candidates who have appeared in the exam of NTA JEE Main 2023.
The overall merit/ranking shall be compiled on the Percentile scores of the Total Raw Scores. In case of two or more candidates obtaining equal Percentile Scores in the Test, the inter-se merit of such candidates shall be determined in order of preference as follows:
(a) Applicants obtaining higher Percentile Score in Mathematics in the Test.
(b) Applicants obtaining higher Percentile Score in Physics in the Test.
(c) Applicants obtaining higher Percentile Score in Chemistry in the Test.
(d) Applicants older in age to be preferred.
Step-1: Distribution of Examinees in two days and in two shifts per day
Applicants would be alloted into four sessions randomly so that each session has an approximately equal number of candidates. These four sessions would be as follows:
Session-1: Day-1 Shift-1
Session-2: Day-1 Shift-2
Session-3: Day-2 Shift-1
Session-4: Day-2 Shift-2
In the event of more number of days or more shifts, the candidates will be segmented accordingly. The normalization procedure of NTA JEE Main 2023 will give surety of no bias in the distribution of candidates who shall take the examination. Further, with a large population of examinees spread across the country the possibility of such bias becomes remote.
Step-2: Preparation of Results for each Session:
The examination results for each session would be compiled in the form of
- Raw Scores
- Percentiles Scores separately for each of the three subjects (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry) and the Total.
The 4 Percentiles would be calculated for each applicant in the Session NTA JEE Main 2023 are mentioned below:
Let T1, M1, P1, C1 be the raw scores in Total, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry of applicants and T1P, M1P, P1P, C1P be the Percentile Scores of Total, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry of that applicants.

Step-3: Compilation of NTA score and Preparation of Overall Merit/Rank List:
The Percentile scores for the Total Raw Score for all the four sessions (Session-1: Day-1 Shift-1, Session2: Day-1 Shift-2, Session-3: Day-2 Shift-1 and Session-4: Day-2 Shift-2) as calculated in Step-2 above would be merged and will be called the NTA scores which will then be used for composition of result and preparation of overall Merit List / Ranking. The Percentile of all four sessions will be calculated individually for the Total raw score and the raw scores in three subjects (Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry) as follows:
The Percentile of all four sessions will be calculated individually for the Total raw score and the raw scores in three subjects (Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry) as follows:

In Normalization procedure of NTA JEE Main 2023, combine the Percentile Scores of candidates calculated above of all four sessions for the Total Percentile, Mathematics Percentile, Physics Percentile and Chemistry Percentile for preparation of NTA scores and overall Merit/ Ranking.
There are some candidates who score the same Total Percentile scores (i.e. tie). To resolve the tie, the candidates have been arranged in the following order:
- Higher Percentile score in Mathematics subject
- Higher Percentile score in Physics subject
- Higher Percentile score in Chemistry subject
- Applicants are older in age.
The above sequence would be adopted until the tie is solved. The Final Ranking/ Merit list will be composed after resolving ties.
Normalization procedure of NTA JEE Main 2023 and Display of Result for Multi-Session Papers of JEE(Main)
- Preparation of Result for First attempt: Since the first attempt will be organized in multi-session by NTA, NTA scores will be calculated corresponding to the raw marks obtained by a candidate in each session as per the Normalization procedure of NTA JEE Main 2023. The calculated NTA scores for all the sessions will be combined for a declaration of NTA JEE Main 2023 result. The result shall consist of four NTA scores for each of the three subjects (Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry) and the total for the first attempt.
- Preparation of Result for Second attempt: The second attempt will also be conducted in multi-session, NTA scores will be calculated corresponding to the raw marks obtained by the applicant in each session as per the Normalization procedure of NTA JEE Main 2023. The calculated NTA scores for all the sessions will be merged for a declaration of result. The result shall comprise the four NTA scores for each of the three subjects (Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry) and the total for the second attempt.
- Preparation of Result and Preparation of Merit List / Ranking: The four NTA scores for each of the applicant for the first attempt as well as for the second attempt will be merged for preparation of result and preparation of overall Merit List / Ranking. Those appeared in both the attempts; their best of the two NTA marks will be considered further for preparation of Merit List /Ranking as explained in the following example.
FAQs for NTA JEE Main 2023
Is it necessary to give all subjects in JEE 2023?
Improvement for all subjects - If an aspirant appears for improvement in all subjects in 2023, then the better of both the years will be considered. Improvement in one or more subject - If the candidate appears for improvement in 2023, then the top 20 percentile of 2019 will be taken into account.
Is it compulsory to give JEE Mains twice?
As per new rule, the NTA JEE Mains is going to be conducted twice a year. Is it compulsory to qualify for both exams? NO, it is not necessary to qualify both exams! According to the press release, you can appear for both the exams and best out of both scores will be considered for admission.
Is log table allowed in JEE?
No. Log tables are not allowed in jee.... although the questions don't need typical calculation still U need to know the basic log values like log 2,3 ,4,5,6,7..
Does JEE Mains accept improvement marks?
No, it is not mandatory for you to give an improvement in all the five subjects if you are planning to appear in JEE Main 2018. ... If you want to score just 75% marks so that you can appear for the JEE Main 2018 entrance exam, then you may just write improvement in those papers where you have scored less.
For instance take two students A n B.
A has 98 nta percentile and 20k rank and B has 97.5 nta percentile but 19k rank. Both are from different shifts. Is it possible that one having higher percentile gets less rank?