NTA JEE Main App: For Practice Test Center Selection and Schedule

NTA JEE Main App
NTA JEE Main App

NTA Student App for JEE Main 2023 – The National Testing Agency (NTA) which is the exam conducting authority, has launched the NTA Student App for JEE Main on play store. The name of the application “NTA student “. All applicants who are wishing to take the JEE Main 2023 can practice the exam before appearing in the real test and through this app. they can easily get information regarding the available practice centres and the schedule. Applicants who wish to know more regarding the NTA Student App can read the entire article.

Latest Update: JEE Main January Application Form 2023 has been available to fill from 15 December 2023.

TPCs: The National Testing Agency has opened the applicant registration for practice centre on September 1 for all the applicant who wants to practice the mock test of the exam. NTA has set up the practice centres (TPCs) for JEE Main 2023 to assist the candidates with their preparation for the exam. Only students who register themselves can take benefit of this facility. But, candidates could download the mock test from October/November tentatively. The mock test of JEE Main 2023 which allow the candidates to know the exam pattern and process of answering the questions.

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What is the NTA Student App for JEE Main 2023?

The National Testing Agency has recently taken over the responsibility of CBSE of conducting JEE Main 2019 by CBSE and has brought few changes The NTA has opened conducting NTA JEE Main Mock test by the month of September. The JEE Main 2023 mock test is being conducted on Saturdays and Sundays at a number of Practice Test Centres which can be scheduled by NTA Student App.

The NTA student app has been built to facilitate those applicants who wish to take the NTA JEE Main Practice Test. Through this app, Applicant will be able to select 5 Test practice centres (TPCs) near your location and also select the time on which you would like to appear for the test practice in the scheduled date.

Check Updates for JEE Main April Exam 2023 Here.

How to Select a TPC through NTA Student App?

To know about the working of the NTA student app, the candidate has to follow steps which are mention below.

  • Firstly, Go to the Play Store and search for NTA student.
  • Then, click on the install button and after downloading, open the app.
  • when the app will open, Login with the Facebook account or Google+ account.
  • The next step is to make sure to turn on the location on your phone. Validate your location by clicking on the Confirm Location.
  • Now, list of test practice centres near your location will be displayed in pink colour.
  • Choose any 5 test practice centres according to your comfort.
  • After selection, the candidate will be shown all the 5 test practice centres that he/she has to choose and candidates have to then click on the select Schedule
  • A list of dates of Saturday and Sunday will be displayed, and candidates must select one among the entire list and click on confirm session.
  • The final screen will display the test practice Centres which candidate has selected with the selected Finally, the Test practice centre will be selected.

NTA JEE Main App

The National testing agency will assign the practice test centre on their own. The applicant will be given one centre out of the list of 5 preferred centre that they have chosen

The NTA student app is one of the two ways to select a practice test centre. The candidate can also select TPC from NTA official website directly. There are a lot of troubles with the app currently where students are facing technological errors. But, it is better to use NTA student app than to follow the long procedure of entering details and uploading images.

NTA Official App Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nationaltestingagency

Stay tuned for NTA JEE Main App at Entrancezone.