PTU CET 2020 Application Form: For B.Tech, B.Arch and Foreign Languages

PTU CET 2020 Application Form
PTU CET 2020 Application Form

PTU CET 2020 Application Form will be available from the 4th week of April 2020. PTU CET stands for Punjab Technical University Combined Entrance Test. Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar conducts this entrance test for granting admission to numerous courses under the university. This is a facility offered by PTU and to the affiliated colleges. It is a mandatory test that aspirants have to go through to take admission in the various courses. Lateral admission to B. Arch and B. Tech can be provided on the basis of JEE Main score and valid NATA score. Candidates opting for this way need not sit for the exam. However, they will have to fill the application form.

Punjab Technical University has extremely illustrious colleges for providing the students with updated and advance knowledge of the course and having well-built collaboration with the corporate sectors which acts as the feather in the cap for the Punjab State. Colleges such as Guru Nanak Dev University, Ludhiana University, Punjabi University, Amritsar, Punjab Agricultural University and Patiala University are the participating colleges under PTUCET 2020 norms.

PTU CET 2020 Application Form Dates

Events Dates (Tentative)
Availability of PTU CET 2020 online application from 4th week of April 2020
Last date for filling PTU CET 2020 application form Last week of May 2020

PTU CET 2020 Application Form: For B.Tech and B.Arch

First of all the students have to register themselves on the official website via using their email id and registration number also. Also after furnishing all the details cautiously. Then the student has to make payment of Rs. 2000/- as counselling fee. Also, this remitted fee is non-refundable. Moreover, there are two modes of making the payment, one is, via generating e-Challan and by the online secure gateway.  Further, in the application form, the student has to mention details regarding JEE Main 2020 or NATA 2020.

A login ID and password will be created. Using these details candidates have to fill the application form. Also after furnishing all the details cautiously, the candidates have to submit the application form.

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How To Apply For PTU CET 2020 Application Form:

  1. Firstly, navigate to the official website.
  2. Open the application form and fill the required details.
  3. Upload the requires documents and submit the form after filling it.
  4. Pay fee and take a print out of the application form.

Punjab Technical University: PTU CET 2020 Application Form For Foreign Language

The student aspiring to study foreign languages such as French, German and Chinese (Mandarin) can fill the form as early as possible. As the basic criteria to take admissions of students is entirely on the basis of first come first serve basis. The students have to submit a fee of Rs. 6000/- as the basic fee and the classes for the same will take place on Sundays only from 11:00 am to 01:00 pm (for Mohali campus only) and for rest of the campus Jalandhar-Kapurthala Highway, Kapurthala timing will be 10:00 am to 02:00 pm (Sundays only).

Aspirants have to fill the PTU application form 2020 via taking the print out of the form and fill it properly. One should fill the details in his/her own handwriting. And have to paste on photograph also.

Some details that need to be filled in the PTU CET FOREIGN language are as follows:

  • Name of the Candidate
  • Father’s Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Email Id
  • Highest Qualifying degree
  • Name of the Institution
  • Address
  • Select the language as per the desire

Punjab Technical University – PTU CET 2020 Application Form

After furnishing all these details carefully the candidates have to submit the form along with the recently qualifying degree, remittance fee on the address mention below:

IKG PTU Centre for Language Innovation,

C-102/B, Industrial Area – Phase VII,


Admission Open on Weekdays from 9 AM to 5 PM & Weekend 9 AM to 1 PM.

Students can click here to get the application form.

Read more details about PTU CET 2020 Complete Information Here. Stay tuned to Entrancezone for any further updates.

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