Strengths and Weaknesses for JEE Main 2023 Preparation


JEE Main preparation is not a very easy task for the candidates. So by knowing the strength and weakness candidates can analyze themselves for the better preparation and good preparation strategy. Candidate needs to identify their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats according to their current situation for JEE Main 2023.

  • Strengths
    Topics or chapters which candidate finds the easiest and are confident of answering all the questions correctly.
  • Weaknesses
    The topics of which candidates are not very confident about and think that candidate can not answer most of the questions from this topic.
  • Opportunities
    The topics in which candidates have an average preparation at the moment and the preparation can be improved.
  • Threats
    Topics in which candidate always find difficulty during their JEE preparation. The topics which are hard for the candidate are threats for the candidate.

Refer Study Time Table of Toppers for JEE Main and Advanced 2020-2021.

JEE Main Preparation – How to do Analysis?

The details regarding how a candidate should analyze the preparation of the JEE Main 2020 are given below:

  1. Candidates can analyze their preparation with the help of JEE Main Mock Test.
  • Strengths: After attempting a mock test candidate can easily get an idea that from which topics candidates were able to answer the questions easily are the strengths of the candidate.
  • Weakness: The topics from which candidates could not answer the questions are the weakness and also threats for the candidates.
  • Threats: The JEE Main exam consists of negative marking. So your weakness can turn into threats and can decrease the score.
  • Opportunities: Questions that candidate did not answer but could answer are counted as opportunities. Little more hard work can turn them into strength.

2. Candidates can also use a notebook and write down the preparation in three categories- Good preparation, Average preparation and Bad preparation.

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  • On the first page with title good preparation, write down the topics you are completely confident about.
  • In the second page with title bad preparation, write down the topics which are least scoring for the candidate.
  • Then in the third page with title average preparation, write down the topics which you can improve with the preparation.

How to prepare for JEE Main exam after understanding strengths and weaknesses?

The details regarding how to prepare for the exam are mentioned below:

  • After the complete analysis of the preparation status, the candidate is completely aware of where they stand.
  • With the complete awareness of topics and questions where there is a need to devote some time, the candidate can easily make their strategy and work on the progress.
  • Make a study plan and divide the time for all the three subjects-physics, chemistry and mathematics.
  • Candidates should set at least one day in a week for mock tests and sample papers.
  • Every week candidate should update their analysis report.

JEE Main 2020

The details regarding the JEE main 2020 are mentioned below:

  • NTA conduct the JEE Main exam.
  • It is a national level exam which is conducted twice a year in the month of January and April.
  • JEE Main offers admission in B.E, B.Tech, B.Plan, B.Arch courses in prestigious colleges of India.
  • The last date for form submission is 06 March 2020.
  • The exam for April session is on 05, 07, 08, 09, 11 April 2020.


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