Three Internships Compulsory for Engineering Students

Three Internships Compulsory

It has been seen for a long time that more than half the number of students completing their Undergraduate Course in a specific year remain unemployed. The major reason for such a cause is the lack of experience of the candidates due to which they are unable to meet the demands of the hiring companies. So, to bring a rise in the number of employments, the Ministry of Human Resource Development has made Three Internships Compulsory for Engineering Students. The students enrolled in the Engineering Courses must read the below article for complete information related to the same.

Need of Three Internships Compulsory for Engineering Students

In the academic year 2015-2016, 56% of engineering students completing their Graduation Degree remained unemployed. Human Resource Development (HRD) Minister, Prakash Javadekar said that as per the data collected by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) from 10,328 technical institutions, out of 15.87 Lakhs students, only 6.96 Lakhs got jobs through campus placements in the academic year 2015-16. However, the minister added that the number may have got a hike if the candidates have not opted for Higher Studies or Start-Ups. Therefore, claiming that more than half of the engineering students graduating remained unemployed will be wrong.

However, the minister added that the number may have got a hike if the candidates have not opted for Higher Studies or Start-Ups. Therefore, claiming that more than half of the engineering students graduating remained unemployed will be wrong.

The low employability levels are attributed as much to the lack of requisite skills as the falling demand in the industry.

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Important Points in Three Internships Compulsory for Engineering Students Rule

Human Resource Development (HRD) Minister, Prakash Javadekar, told the Lok Sabha on Monday that, “Every student in the technical institute should undergo three internships each spanning four to eight weeks before completion of his / her Under-Graduation course. The responsibility will be at the institute to help students find a suitable industry for the internship”.

Not only this, the teachers of these institutes need to undergo compulsory refresher course every year, failing which the Institution’s approval may be denied. Till now, only the reputed engineering colleges were following the system of summer internships.

At the same time, the teachers of engineering institutes need to take up online courses offered at SWAYAM Portal of Government. Javadekar proposed that “Every teacher in each of the technical discipline shall mandatorily undergo an annual refresher course through SWAYAM Portal (Massive Open Online Course), encapsulating all advances in their field of study.”

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