The Top B.Tech/Engineering Colleges in Assam is listed here. There are 45 colleges in Assam as per List of AICTE approved institutions (A.Y. 2015-16) as on 30th April 2015. The Dispur is Capital of Assam. Assam is connected & surrounded by six states such as Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Nagaland, Manipur, Tripura, and Meghalaya. And connects with international boundaries with Bhutan and Bangladesh. Also, it attracts students from all around for pursuing higher education.
The IIT, Guwahati was established in Assam in 1994 and NIT, Silchar in 2002. Whereas the College of Engineering in Gauhati University was established in 1948.
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Top B.Tech/Engineering Colleges in Assam – NIRF Ranking
As per latest ranking by National Institutional Ranking Framework, The IIT, Guwahati at 7th Rank and NIT, Silchar at Rank 53rd engineering colleges in India
College Name | Ownership Type | Admission Process |
Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati | Government | Jee-Main |
National Institute of Technology, Silchar | Government | Jee-Main |
source – NIRF.
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Top B.Tech/Engineering Colleges in Assam
These ranking may differ from other rankings as it is based on user experience, placement, infrastructure etc.
Established |
Affiliated to |
IIT, Guwahati |
1994 |
Autonomous |
NIT, Silchar |
2002 |
Autonomous |
Assam University, Silchar |
1994 |
Govt. University |
Tezpur University, Tezpur |
1994 |
Govt. University |
Dibrugarh University of Engineering and Technology, Dibrugarh |
1965 |
Govt. University |
Central Institute of Technology, Kokrajhar |
2006 |
Autonomous |
Assam Don Bosco Univeristy, Guwahati |
2008 |
Private University |
Assam Engineering College, Kamrup |
1955 |
Guwahati university |
Assam Down Town University, Guwahati |
2010 |
Private University |
Binewar Brahma Engineering College, Kokrajhar |
2006 |
Guwahati University |
Guahati University, College of Engineering, Guahati |
1948 |
Guahati University |
Girijananda Chowdhury Institute of Management and Technology, Guwahati |
2006 |
Guwahati University |
Jorhat Institute of Science and Technology, Jorhat |
2008 |
Dibrugarh University |
Jorhat Engineering College, Jorhat |
1960 |
Dibrugarh University |
Kaziranga University, Jorhat |
2012 |
Private University |
NETES Institute of Technology & Science, Mirza |
2009 |
Guwahati University |
Royal School of Engineering and Technology, Guwahati |
2009 |
Guwahati University |
Scholar Institute of Technology & Management, Kamrup |
2011 |
Guwahati University |
Admission Process for Top B.Tech/Engineering Colleges in Assam
The most of these engineering colleges follow JEE MAIN Score and ASSAM CEE Counselling process for the intake in UG courses of Engineering.
Assam CEE is conducted by Dibrugarh University.