UPCMET Counselling
UPCMET Counselling

UPCMET Counselling,According to U.P unaided Medical Colleges Welfare Association Notification –Hon’ble Supreme Court had asked all the aspirants who have already applied and paid their application fees of 1000 Rs and submitted their form and filled their data along with the NEET 2016 score card and eligible for admission to first year of MBBS course for academic year 2016-17 in member colleges will also follow the reservation as per state government policy are advised to note and fill their choices on the important dates as per the given schedule announced today by Coordinator UPCMET 2016.

1 1st Round of Counselling 3rd to 5th  September 2016
2 Seat Allotment 6th September 2016 at 5:00 pm
3 Last date of reporting at allotted college 8th September 2016
4 2nd Round of Counselling 21st to 23rd September 2016
5 Seat Allotment 24th September,2016 at 5:00pm
6 Last date of reporting at allotted college 26th September 2016

Important Information

In compliance WRIT Petition no. 261 (civil) of 2016, the MBBS UG admission will only granted to candidates who qualify NEET and qualify the other eligibility criteria regulated by the Graduate Medical Regulations and other relevant rules and regulations.

All applicants of UPCMET are hereby informed that AIPMT of 1st May 2016 is being treated as NEET phase 1st. The Second examination is proposed to be held in July & the result is expected to be declaring on 17th august 2016.

Subscribe to Get Updated Information about UPCMET Counselling,NEET 2016 Score Cards Required

Only the candidates who applied for UPCMET 2016 will be considered for the admission in MBBS courses at UPUMCWA member institutes as per their Ranks in NEET,

The application is required to send/upload the scanned copy of NEET qualified result within 3 days of the declaration of result in order to prepare Merit List for admission in participating colleges of UPCMET 2016 for session 2016-17 .