UPESEAT 2021 Registration Process: Last Date (12 June)

UPESEAT 2020 Registration Process
UPESEAT 2020 Registration Process

UPESEAT 2021 Registration Process has been started and the last date to apply is 12 June 2021. University of Petroleum & Energy Studies University will conduct the exam from 17 to 19 June 2021. Candidates should check their eligibility criteria before applying. First and foremost every candidate has to register for getting the UPES Dehradun Application form 2021. Details regarding the UPESEAT 2021 Registration Process are available in the article below.

UPESEAT 2021 Registration Dates

Applicants can check hereunder; UPESEAT 2021 Online Registration Dates:

Events Dates (Announced)
Application Form Starts
Last date of submission of application form 19 June 2021
Commencement of application process for JEE Main qualified candidates
UPESEAT 2021 (Computer-based test only) 17 to 19 June 2021

UPESEAT 2021 Registration Process

Step-1: Registration

  1. Candidates can start the UPESEAT 2021 Registration Process by visiting the official website of UPES University.
  2. Visit the official website and enter all the required details i.e, Email, Contact no. and click on ‘Submit’.
  3. After pressing the submit button, Candidates will get a ONE TIME PASSWORD (OTP) on their Mobile Number.

Once password verification is complete, Candidates can proceed by filling the Application Form.

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Step 2: Fill the Form

  1. Candidates will then move to the Online Application Page, where they will have to register using an ID or can sign in with their Facebook profile.
  2. After Signing in, Candidates will move to the Application Form Page, where they will have to enter the following details.
  • Applicant Details:
    1. Name
    2. Date of Birth
    3. Email ID
    4. Nationality
    5. Category (Exam or Non-Exam)
    6. Desired Course

After selecting all the details, candidates have to select submit. They will get an email on their Email ID. Candidates will have to activate their account and set a password which will be used for future reference.

  • Step-3: UPES Dehradun Fee Structure
  1. Candidates have to pay the fee using Offline or Online Mode.
  2. Candidates can pay the fee online by Net Banking and Credit Cards.
  3. They can pay the fee offline by Demand Draft. Demand Draft (DD) has to be drawn in favour of the “UPES Fee Account”, payable at Dehradun/ Delhi.

UPESEAT 2021 Application form fee

S. No. Mode of availability of Application form Application Fee
1. Candidates can collect UPESEAT 2021 prospectus and application form from UPES Enrolment Offices at Dehradun/ Delhi by paying Rs. 1850/-
2. Candidates can collect UPESEAT 2021 through post/ courier/ Demand Draft*/Online/ Cash by paying Rs. 1350/-

Step-4: Academic Details

Candidates will then have to enter the academic details which include:

  1. Year of Passing the Qualifying Examination
  2. Board of Qualifying Examination
  3. Marks Scored
  4. Marks Scored in Class 10th

Then, once all the details have been entered, the Candidate can finally download the UPESEAT 2021 Application Form. Candidates will have to then send the Application Form along with the Demand Draft to the UPES University, Dehradun.

Offline Application Form

Candidates applying in offline mode can get the UPESEAT 2021 Application form from admission counters located in cities of Delhi, Dehradun, Vishakhapatnam, Kolkata, Mumbai, Dhanbad, Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Cochin, Coimbatore and Patna by paying the application fee of Rs 1850/-. Fill the application form and post it at UPES Enrolment Offices at Dehradun/Delhi.

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