WBJEE 2021 Exam Pattern: Subject wise Marks Distribution

WBJEE 2020 Exam Pattern
WBJEE 2020 Exam Pattern

WBJEE 2021 Exam Pattern has been released. WBJEE is an entrance examination that takes place every year for Engineering as well as Medical aspirants. It is a means of getting admission in some of the prestigious private as well as government institutes of West Bengal. Also, it occurs in the offline mode and is usually a pen and paper mode exam. WBJEE exam pattern is comprised of 3 sections i.e. Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. There will be two slots in one day where Physics and Chemistry will be held in first slot and Mathematics will be held in the second slot. The exam is scheduled to be held on 11 July 2021.

WBJEE 2021 Exam Pattern

Every year, before the examination is conducted, a WBJEE 2021 Exam pattern is released by the examination board for the candidates taking the exam and all the candidates are advised to follow it as well as the pattern is bound to give an insight to the candidate as to how will the exam be conducted under what guidelines and which is the best way to score well on it.

WBJEE 2021 Exam Date 11 July 2021
Exam Slots Paper-1 (Mathematics) – (11:00 AM to 1.00 PM)

Paper-2 (Physics & Chemistry) – (2:00 PM to 4:00 PM)

Language of paper English & Bengali
Mode of examination Offline
Total Questions 155
Total marks 200 marks
Sections 3 (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics)
Duration 04 hours (2 hours for each shift)

There is negative marking for the incorrect answers as well.

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Subject wise Marks Distribution

There are three categories in the examination. Biology exam carries a weightage of 150 marks whereas mathematics and physics carry 100 marks each. The exam pattern is below for the candidates:

Biology 80X1 mark 25X2 marks 10X2 marks 115 150
Physics and Chemistry 30X1 mark

30X1 mark

5X2 marks

5X2 marks

5X2 marks

5X2 marls





Mathematics 50X1 mark 15X2 marks 10X2marks 75 100

The examination will take place for three hours and the mode of language will be English.

Further details regarding the categories are as follows

  • In Category-1:
    • Only one option will be the correct answer to a, particularly given the question.
    • For every correct answer, the candidate will get 1 mark and for every incorrect answer, the candidate will lose the ¼ mark.
  • In Category-2:
    • one of the options will be correct, the candidate will score 2 marks for every correct answer and every incorrect answer will result in the deduction of ½ mark.
  • In Category-3:
    • more than one option can be correct and the candidate will get 2 marks for every correct answer. But, in addition to this, in category 3, the marks are according to the (2X number of correct answers).

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