5 Tips To Help You Get Your Dream Job: When you were a kid, you probably dreamt about the future, including your dream job. Your dream job is usually inspired by the people who you looked up to while growing up, or you may have experienced a certain situation in life that drove you to pursue a certain career. Regardless of how you found out what your dream job is, getting it would certainly be a dream come true.
Most people would define their dream job as doing something they’re passionate about. For instance, if you’re passionate about taking and developing pictures, then it’s understandable if you want to pursue a career in photography. Your passion and dream job might’ve also inspired you to pursue a certain course in college.
However, despite being able to identify your dream job, it can be an overwhelming idea to pursue it, especially if that job is way different from the current role you’re working in now. As unreachable as your dream job may sound, with the right amount of planning and preparation, your chances of getting there are still possible. To get you started, here are five tips to help you get your dream job and be the best version of employee you can be.
- Be Specific With Your Resume
It all starts with how solid you make your resume. Avoid creating resumes that are too generalized as that will appear that you’re available to work for any positions open. Make sure your resume is specified to your dream job. Make sure you highlight all your skills and experiences that are relevant to this job. Otherwise, they may hire you for a different position if they found out you’re capable of another job position other than the one you’re applying for.
Additionally, study the description that your targeted companies have described the job position. You can use specific keywords and incorporate them into your list of skills. Don’t sell yourself short in your resume because you’re not the only one gunning for that dream job, so make sure you stand out from the rest. Once you’re called for an interview, study your resume as part of your job interview preparation. The last thing you’d want to happen is to provide answers in the interview that clash with what you’ve written in your resume.
- Prepare Yourself To Network
To lead you closer to your dream job, you need to be an active networker. If you don’t know how to network your way to your dream job, you’re not alone. Even the most outgoing people are also worried about how to network appropriately and efficiently. But the thing is, you network every day. Whether you send an email, a text message, or call a friend, that’s already considered networking. But to make your networking skills productive for your career, you have to redirect your networking skills to the right people who can help you with your job search.
First thing, you need to practice the habit of meeting people. You only have to be friendly, be likeable, and be thoughtful for others. If you’re already a natural, then you’ll have no problem in this department. Next, make sure you’re networking with the right people. If your goal is to get a job in law, connect to people already working there. Put yourself in environments where they usually go for gatherings. In no time, you’ll be able to befriend and connect with those people there. Ensure you stay associated with them by participating in their open organizations, lunchtime events, local clubs and other group activities. Soon when job openings are available, you’ll be the first on their list for referrals.
- Start Your Company Hunting
Aside from networking, don’t hesitate to contact a career counselor to help narrow your job search. Create a list of employers and companies which houses the dream job you’re targeting. Avoid randomly submitting your applications to companies that are not closely in line with your dream job, or you might end up wasting both yours and the employer’s time.
Make sure your list only consists of companies that have the job position you’re looking for. That is why this is called company hunting because it’s the employer you’re looking for, not the job position. You already know which job position you want. Now it’s time to look for an employer who will hire you with that specific job position.
- Look For Job Listings
Keep your options and resources open by keeping yourself updated with job listings. You can do this online or by other means like job fairs, newsletters or job postings in newspapers. When looking for job listings online, subscribe yourself to professional networking websites such as LinkedIn. That way, you’ll receive email updates every day regarding companies who are hiring for the job position you’re mainly looking for.
- Do The Necessary Job Preparations
After going through all the tips above, your chances of landing job interviews will be higher. Once you’ve landed yourself several job interviews, don’t forget to do the necessary preparations. Remember to maintain your enthusiasm and determination in getting this dream job, even during the interview. Moreover, be prepared for questions which they’ll ask you why you dreamt of having this job. For example, if your dream job is to save the planet by being an environmental lawyer, tell them. When the employer can see how much interest and passion you have for this job, the higher the chances they’ll hire you for the position.
Start Reaching For Your Dream Job Now
Keep these tips in mind, and they just might help you get started in reaching your dream job. If things don’t go precisely as planned or as expected, don’t take this as a no and remember that setbacks are normal. It happens to everyone. Don’t use a few rejections as a sign of giving up your dream job. A yes could be just around the corner.
Your childhood dreams deserved to be realized and your passions and aspirations are valid. It may take some time, but through hard work and dedication you never know where it might lead you.