Statistics can be difficult to understand, whether you are doing homework or studying for exams. For many students, mathematics is even easier to understand than statistics. Challenging though it may be, studying for a statistics exam can be as simple as ABC if you know the right strategies to use.
If you have ever heard that you should not leave studying to the last minute, know that it is even more accurate with statistics. Even if it seems you thrive well with last-minute cramming, it’s a risky business with statistics. With that said, let us look at practical ways to study for a statistics exam with high chances of success.
Use of distributive practice
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When studying statistics, make use of distributive rather than mass practice. That means rather than cramming the study for four to five hours in one sitting weekly, spread your studying time. Instead, set aside at least one hour at the same time every day for six days to study; leave one day off.
Study concepts
Cramming formulas may work when you have done homework for an unnecessary exam and forget. But no one good instructor will ever tell you to cram formulas; instead, they will tell you the importance of studying concepts. Rather than study long, boring, and complicated formulas, focus on the concepts behind those formulas. In case of misunderstanding or difficulties, you can turn to professionals for coursework help. This way, you not only know the formula, you know how to arrive at it.
Look for recurring themes
When studying for a statistics exam, watch out for recurring themes; ask your instructor for help if need be. The essential skills that keep popping up every time are probably a few; your instructor can help emphasize them when they do.
Study with others
Study with three or four other students at least once weekly; you can collaborate and teach one another. When you share your understanding of concepts, formulas, and skills, they are easier to remember during exams. Verbal interchanging and interpreting concepts with other students helps cement your understanding of those concepts.
Work problems often
Statistics, like mathematics, is not something you can learn by just reading; you must practice problems – and often, too. Therefore, before your exam date, work on as many problems as possible. If your textbook is accompanied by a workbook, even better, you can work out the problems in there. To pass your statistics exam and be good in the subject overall, you need to practice your skills repeatedly.
Understand the problem before you start working
Every word and symbol in statistics is essential, meaning you must read and understand the problem to get the information you need. You need to note what you are solving for and what each part of the equation represents.
Begin with basic concepts
When studying for a statistics exam, begin with the basic skills and concepts. These include mean and median, two of the most basic concepts in statistics and the foundation of more complicated concepts. Once you know those, learn the connection between mean and variance; knowledge of variance helps you understand how spread out your data is. After learning variance, you can move on to standard deviation and how it connects to variance, and then the normal distribution calculation.
Take a break when necessary
If there is any part of the problem or concept you do not understand, take a break from it. Do some chores or go for a walk – anything to clear your head; being so focused sometimes makes it hard to see the answer. When you return, your brain will have disengaged; then, you can revisit the problem with a clearer head and focus.
Studying for a statistics exam doesn’t have to be difficult if you know the right studying techniques. When studying, start with the basic statistical concepts like mean and median and move on to the more advanced ones. Also, inculcate some general study habits into your study time that will help you when the exam comes.