MH SET 2020 Admit Card will be released by the Savitribai Phule Pune University on 16 June 2020. The Maharashtra SET Application form is released by the Savitribai Phule Pune University every year. As per notification made earlier, the entrance exam of 36th State Eligibility Test (SET) for the post of Assistant Professorship in the Maharashtra & Goa will be conducted on 28 June 2020. The Savitribai Phule Pune University, State Agency will conduct the SET in 32 subjects at 15 selected cities of examination spread across the states. Candidates who want to participate in the Maharashtra SET Exam 2020 can fill their Application form Online mode only.
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[su_highlight]MH SET 2020 Application Form has been released by the Savitribai Phule Pune University on 01 January 2020.[/su_highlight]
MH SET 2020 Important Dates
Important Dates for Maharashtra SET Exam 2020 are given below.
Event | Dates (Announced) |
Commencement of Online Application Form | 01 January 2020 |
Last Date to Apply Online | 29 January 2020 |
Last date for payment of Online Fee through Internet Banking/ Debit Card/ Credit Card | 29 January 2020 |
Correction in particulars of Application Form on the website | 31 January – 06 February 2020 |
Availability of Admit Card on website | 18 June 2020 |
Date of Examination | 28 June 2020 |
Answer Key | July 2020 |
MH SET 2020 Result | To be Announced |
MHSET 2020 Admit Card
MHSET 2020 Exam admit card or Hall Ticket will be released on 18 June 2020. Candidates will be able to download through two methods. The one method is by application number and password and another method is by application number and date of birth.
MH SET 2020 Application Form
The Maharashtra State Eligibility Test 2020 Application form has been released on 01 January 2020. Earlier the notification was released regarding the same on 26 December 2019. As, per the official notification, the MH SET 2020 Application Form is available from 01 January 2020. Candidates can apply for the Maharashtra SET 2020 through Online mode only. Also, the last date to apply for MH SET 2020 is 21 January 2020.
Maharashtra SET 2020 Application Fee
Maharashtra SET 2020 Application fee is mentioned below respective to the category of the candidate.
Category | Amount |
Open | Rs. 800/- |
OBC/SBC/DT(A)/NT(B)/NT(C)/NT(D)(Non Creamy Layer Category only)/ SC/ST/PH/VH | Rs. 650/- |
Download MH SET 2020 Information Brochure here.
How to Apply for MH SET 2020?
List of steps involved while applying for Maharashtra SET 2020 are mentioned below:
Step -1: The candidate seeking admission to the Test scheduled on 28 June 2020 must apply online only on the official SET website i.e,

Step -2: You will require to enter “NUMBER” of any one of the following documents while
filling online application form:
- Aadhar Card
- Voter Id
- Passport
- Ration Card
- Bank Account or any other Government Identity.
Step -3: Before applying Online, the candidates must possess the scanned images as below:-
- Passport-sized photograph in JPG/ JPEG format of maximum 50Kb.
- Signature photograph in JPG/ JPEG format of maximum 30Kb.
Step -4: After filling all the details for applying online for SET, the candidates have to make payment by Credit/Debit card or through Internet Banking indicating your details.
Step -5: The candidates are required to bring a photo identity card along with their printout of online admit card on the day of examination.
Step -6: Before applying Online, candidates are advised to go through detailed notification available on the SET website ( Please note that the Fee submitted through any other mode i.e, Money Order, Demand Draft, IPO, Challan etc. will be promptly rejected.
Step -7: In order to avoid the last-minute rush, the aspirants are advised to apply early.
Step -8: SET State Agency will not be responsible for network problems or any other problem of this nature in submission of online application during last days.
Click here to fill the Maharashtra SET 2020 registration form.
Vacancy Details
- Age Limit: To apply for the SET there is no upper age limit.
- Educational Qualification: The candidates must have Master’s Degree recognized by U.G.C., in a subject of SET. The candidates having Post Graduate diploma/certificate awarded by Indian University/Institute or Foreign degree/diploma/certificate awarded by the Foreign University/Institute.
- Selection Process: Selection will be based on the merit list which will be prepared on the basis of marks obtained in the Paper I, Paper-II and Paper-III.
MH SET Exam 2020 Eligibility Criteria
- The candidates must have Master’s Degree recognized by U.G.C. Candidates having Post Graduate diploma/certificate awarded by Indian University/Institute or Foreign degree/diploma/certificate awarded by the Foreign University/Institute should in their own interest, ascertain the equivalence of their diploma/degree/certificate with Master’s degree of recognized Indian Universities from Association of Indian Universities (AIU), New Delhi (
- The candidates other than SC/ST/OBC/SBC/DT/NT category, who have secured at least 55% marks (without gracing or rounding off) in Master’s or equivalent examination, are eligible for this test. OBC/SBC/DT/NT [belonging to non-creamy layer] and SC/ST/PH/VH (PH-Physically Handicapped. VH-Visually Handicapped i.e. Blind) category candidates who have secured at least 50% marks (without gracing or rounding off) in Master’s or equivalent examination are eligible for this test.
- Candidates who have appeared OR will be appearing at the qualifying (final) master’s degree examination and whose result is still awaited OR candidates whose examinations have been delayed may also apply for this Test. However, such candidates will be admitted provisionally and shall be considered eligible to apply for the SET Examination. Such candidates who clear SET Examination will be issued the certificate after they have passed their Master’s Degree examination or equivalent examination with at least 55% marks (50% in case of SC/ST/PH/VH and OBC/SBC/DT/NT [belonging to non-creamy layer] category candidates) and submit their P.G. Mark sheet within two years from the date of declaration of result of the SET examination.
- Candidates can appear for SET in the subject of their Post Graduation only.
- Candidates should note that their candidature is provisional. Their candidature will be deemed final upon verification of eligibility condition with reference to the documents enclosed with their application or as may be called for from time to time.
- To apply for the SET there is no upper age limit.
- OBC/SBC/DT(A)/NT(B)/NT(C)/NT(D) (Non-Creamy Layer) candidates must enclose attested copy of the caste certificate and the latest valid non-creamy layer certificate (For a current financial year.) The certificate must be in the candidate’s own name only. Such candidates will be considered as GENERAL Category if they do not produce Caste Certificate and the latest non-creamy layer certificate along with the application form & will not be considered for the benefit of relaxation in marks and fees.
- The SET agency will not issue any mark sheet to the qualified/non-qualified candidate. The SET agency will issue a certificate to qualifying candidates only.
Exemption (Eligibility for Assistant Professor)
- Exemption from SET will be as per decisions are taken by the UGC and State Government from time to time.
Maharashtra SET 2020 Exam Pattern
The examination will consist of Paper – 1, Paper – 2 and Paper – 3. The examination for all three papers would be held on one day, in two separate sessions.
The SET will be conducted in Objective Mode. The test will consist of three papers. All the three papers will consist of only objective type questions and will be held on the day of Examination in two separate sessions as under.
Session | Paper | Number of Questions | Marks | Duration |
First | I | 60 out of which 50 questions are to be attempted | 50 x 2 = 100 | 1 1/4 hours (10:00 AM – 11:15 AM) |
First | II | 50 questions all of which are compulsory | 50 x 2 = 100 | 1 1/4 hours (11:15 AM – 12:30 PM) |
Second | III | 75 questions all of which are compulsory | 75 x 2 = 150 | 2 1/2 hours (02:00 PM – 04:30 PM) |
Paper Wise Exam Pattern
Paper-I: It will be of general nature, intended to assess the teaching/research aptitude of the candidate. It will primarily be designed to test reasoning ability, comprehension, divergent thinking and general awareness of the candidate. Sixty (60) multiple-choice questions of two marks each will be given, out of which the candidate would be required to answer any fifty (50). In the event of the candidate attempting more than fifty questions, the first fifty questions attempted by the candidate would be evaluated.
Paper-II: it will consist of fifty (50) objective type compulsory questions based on the subject selected by the candidate. Each question will carry two marks.
Paper-III: it will consist of 75 objective type compulsory questions from the subject selected by the candidate. Each question will carry two marks. All questions of Paper-II and Paper-III will be compulsory, covering entire syllabus (INCLUDING ALL ELECTIVES, WITHOUT OPTIONS).
Syllabus of Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III
The Syllabus of Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III for all subjects is available on website Please ignore the instruction given for Paper III under the syllabus of the respective subject. The SET State Agency will not send the syllabus to individual candidates.
- The Candidate will have to mark the responses for questions of Paper-I, Paper-II & Paper-III on the Optical Mark Reader (OMR) Sheet provided along with the Test Booklet. The candidate shall have to return the original OMR sheet of Paper-I and II together and Paper-III to the invigilator before leaving the examination hall/room. However, candidates are allowed to carry the Test Booklet of Paper-I, II and III along with a duplicate copy (carbonless copy) of OMR sheet on the conclusion of the examination.
- There will be no negative marking.
- Provisions for persons with disability (including visually challenged candidates).
- Thirty minutes compensatory time shall be provided for Paper – I and Paper – II separately. For paper – III, Forty-Five minutes compensatory time shall be provided. These candidates, on their request, will also be provided with the services of a scribe who would be a graduate in a subject other than that of the candidate.
- The Persons with Disability (Physically Challenged) candidates who are not in a position to write in their own hand-writing can also avail these services of a scribe by making a prior request (at least one week before the date of SET) in writing to the concerned Center Co-ordinator.
- Compensatory time and facility of scribe would not be provided to other Persons with Disability (Physically Challenged) candidates.
- The candidate has the discretion of opting for his/her own scribe or has to request the concerned Center Superintendent for the same in writing at least one week in advance of the test. In such instances, the candidate is allowed to meet the scribe a day before the examination so as to verify whether the scribe is suitable or not.
- Those candidates who opt for their own scribe have to produce the scribe before the concerned Center Co-Ordinator along with his/her certificates of educational qualifications at least one day before the test. Visually Handicapped (Blind)/Physically Handicapped candidates should produce Medical Certificate issued by Civil Surgeon whenever demanded.
Click here to fill the Bihar SET 2020 Application form.
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DOUBT REGARDING MH-SET 2020 for mathematical science:
If a candidate acquires 40% (PASSING MARKS) in MH-SET 2020 but is he/she could not achieve position in merit list then whether he/she will get another chance to get qualified in next MH-SET EXAM???